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MARY 0. WHITING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ral Ertat. UMa, Coliection and Inmiranc offio. Prirat oonsultatlon of ladies sacredly refurded. OfBa II Kut Huron rtreet, Ann Arbor, Wchlcaa. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Office and residence No 87 Thompson treet. Offlco noura from 9 a. m., till 12 rn., and irom 6 tül lp. m. P. M'KERÑAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collectlpni "■ promptly atended to. Money to loan. House and Iota or tale. Office ia Courl Bmpw DR. JAMKS J. WOOD. OFFICE and Retltdence, No 66 South Fourth Street. Office luuirs f rum 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 . m. Telephoue No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MASÖNIC TEMPLE BLOOT, Ann Arbor. Office hours f rom 3 to 4 and 7 to I p, m. Rrsidonco 48 Thompson itreet. Telephoue No. 128. DR. H. R. ARNDT, OFFICE over the First Xatlonl Bnk. Houre: 10. a.m. to 12 m.: 2.SJ t ■. 3.9) p. m. CuM rfachod at resldeiice. Welt Huron Streep (tlie "l'rof. Nlchola' place") by tclcphone No. W, nd wlll reply to calis In the evenuiK. DEANM. TYLER, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND SUOEON. Office and rddence orer postofllce, flret floor. A. C. NICHOLS. " T E3STTIST, LATE of Nichols Bros. Over Andrew'a Eo-ik Store. No. 1H Soutti Maiu strect. THE GERMAWIA HOTE pORKER WASHINGTON AND 8ECO1TO j treett. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprletor. San pie rooms for traveling men. Every rooa ti ated by team. EÜGENE OESTERL1N, INSUKd.NUE AOENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC Moneya collected in any part of Europa Drafts issued and paid. Office, No. 8, W. Llbertj etreet, Ann Arbor, Slich JOSKPH CLINTON, lfERCHANT TAILOR. 8hop orer WlnM A ill Worden'. All work iraarantcad er ■ abarg. JOHN F. LAWRENC1, ATTORNTY AT LAW. Office, nos. 8 and 4, ürand Optra Hotua, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. M. MARTIN. TTNDEKTAKKR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR U Cloth, Metalic and loinmon Coffins. Storeroom, No. 12 K. Wanhlngton btreet. ResidDc cor. iberty and Ftftb. Telephor.e No. 2. C. W. VOGEL. WLW MAKKET. 0. W. VOOEL, Proprletor. Lat of Chelsea, at Thoinr Matthewi' old itand on Ann itreet Fresh and Balt meato kept oi land. FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official eomapoa A dent of tbe Oerman Coniulate, Real K tata, Coliection, Iniurance, Steanuhip and Loa rencr. Office No. 40 South llain (tmM. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Re 'tanrant. Confectlonery and Lunrh Rcoma. in-ht-cLisx meals at all houre. Oysters In eve-y style Bread. Cakes, Fles and 'old Lunches constantly on hand. All klndl of ejgarn sDd tobáceo. Restaurant oor., Ann and Kourth Btreets W. W. NICHOLS. DE1TTIST. Kopins Over Ann Arbor Suvings liauk, Opp. Court House Squnre. ■V"ija;lzecL .A-ix fcdiniulstered. It is apreuable and easy to taka and no protratíngefTect folio', whtfd tth are eztracted without pain. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orfcaiized 1869. un Ier tbfl lit-ncrul Banking La of tltis si j Uj hoja now, including capital Stock, etc.. etc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Business men, Guardlans, Trustees, Ladlea and other persons will flnd tilia Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT I lace at which to mate Deposita and do businon. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposite Of $1.00 and upuard, accordiiiK to the rulo of the bank, and interest compounded semi-aunually. Money to Loan in Sumsof $20 to L5,000. Secured by Unincumbered Real Kst.ite and other KOOd SBCUiitif. DIRECTOKS-Chriscaln Mack, W. W. Wlnei, W. W. Harrmian Willlam Denble, l)ald Rlniiey, Daniel Hlscoclc aud W. B. Smlth. OKF1CERS- Christian Mack, President; W. W.Winea, Vico-President: 0. E. HUcocli flwlnr, JOI1N_MUEHLIG, ÜNDÈRTAKER. ROOM.8 No. 35 South Main Street over A. L. Noble's store. RESIDENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ÍS. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. No, 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest aeticy in the city. Estabhshed a quarter of a century. Kepresentingthe following lirst-ekmg companiea. Homeins. Co. of N. Y.,. .ff.OOO.OOO Continental Ins, Co, of N Y., 4,207,208 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,735,5?3 Qlrard Ins. Oo. of Phila., 1,132,484 Orieut Ins. Co. of Hartford 1, 4:9. 523 Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 lirerpool, London and Globe 33,000,000 Ralet low. Loiises liberaUg adjusted ana fiomuttu paiii. C. II. MILLEN. WERNER& BRENNER No. 16 South Main St. A FULL UNE OF FRESH GÍ0CH1I11S Just Opened, ot TEAS, COFFEE8 BUQAKS and SPICES . We alao carry a full iine of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIQABS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER Tikb Table, July 15, 1888. Standard Time. ooixe urn. "-" i frlíl Á II ft _ ?5_ LL fd_ ífi_ A. K A. K. P. A. H. r. V. P. X. hlcago... -Lt. 5.00 9.00 3.10 10.10 9.10 Kalamaroo... 10.20 l.SS 6.58 7.10 8 85 2.27 Btttle Creek... 11.15 J.15 7.33 755 4.Ï7 8.15 I'. U lnckson.....Ar. 1.20 4.15 8 ! Peluca S.04 10 18 7.10 6.27 Dexter 2 17 10.24 7 27 5.41 Inn Arbor 2.41 5.80 9.41 10.40 7.50 8.00 Detroit .Ar. 4.10 .45 10.45 11.5) 9.20 7.S0 St. Thomas Ar 1010 11.05 2.00 li.10 12.45 3.25 FallgTlew. ' ' 4.59 3.441 6.46 Búllalo Ar 4.85 7.16 5.55 9.05 OIKG WMT. S S á lis 2! TATIOHi. g i L So g2 "g 33 O O" L H,H LL A.H. P. H. P. Jf. A. V. A.X. P.M. Buffalo L. 11-80 5.35! 9 00 1.00 A. u. airara Falla 12.15 6.20 p. n. 1.47 it. Thomas... 4.25 10.00 1 10 5.50 Detroit Lv. 7.80 9.10 4.00 1.2Ó 8.00 10.15 Urn Arbor..... 8.60 :0 40 5.80 2.24 .15 11 85 Dexter 9.0S 5.50 9.44 tïhelsea 9.22 6.05 10.00 p. x. racfcaon... _Ar. 10.13 11.45 7.10 3.27 10 55 12.64 attleCreek_ 12.09 1.Ï8 8.52 4.38 12.87 2.15 Ulamiroo...... 12.60 2.01 9.4S 6.15 1.40 3.0T 3hicagi.,_.Ar 6.10 6.40 9 80 t.00 7.45 Sandujrexcepted. Jiaturday ASunday ezcepted tDaily. n.w. hayks, A ut. Ann Arlmr. foledo, Ann A rltor & Jiorlüern M icülKn Kallnay. Time table golng into effect Sunday July Stb UW Tralns run by Standard Tim. Qtfiug SortU. 1 " GoingiBoutnT I STATIONS. 21-3. B Pass Ex. Standard Time. Pass Ez. Mail r. v. p. if. a. . L're.l Arr.; a. u. p. k. p. m. 1100 8 25 9 15 TOLEDO. 110 4 35 10 45 2 20 4 OT 9 f.8 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 8 35 10 06 12 35 4 18 10 07 Dtindee 12 18 8 47 9 57 1 05 4 3110 2" Mllau 12 00 8 27 9 40 1 40 4 52 10 45 Vitlsttcld 11 40 3 06 9 18 2 00 5 07 10 55 ANN ARBOR 112? 2 58 9 08 2 25 5 27 11101 Lelands'ii 1110 2 43 8 90 2 47 5 45 1 1 24 Wliitmore Ike 10 56 2 31 8 36 58 5 54 1130' llamhurg 10 50 2 26 8 30 3 5ï i 12 0) H(idl 10 15 155 7 52 6 IS 7 15 100 Duraiid 2' 100 7 05 5 47 7 45 121 (Virunlift 9 08 12 37 6 37 6 00 7 B." 1 80 Owiao 9 ft 12 30 6 85 7 521 9 IS 3 55 IUiaca 7 52 1120 6 33 8 10 9 35 4 15 St I.011U 7 84 1106 516 8 16 9 41 4 27 Alma 7 ïi 11 00 512 8 58 10 30 6 1 Mt. fleasunt 6 40 10 83 4 35 Ju M.!p. m. p. m a. tl. A. II. P. U All panenger traiuu run daily icfjtt Sunday Trains run ou the South Lyon Dranch leave Ann Ariior at 7:00 a. m., Icland's t 7:30, orden's at 7:45, and arriveat South Lyon at 8:00 p. m.: leare South Lyon at 9..f ■ a. in., Worden'g at 9:45, Ufland'8 at 10:00 wd arrlve at Anu Arbor at 10:30 a. ni. Oonnectlens at Toledo with rallroads diTerKing. At Manhattan .lunction with Wheeling & ■jjiceKrit. H. H At Alexis Juuotion with M 0. R R. L. S. R'y, and F. ft P. M. R. R. At Monrot lunction with {.. 8. & M. S. K'y. At Dundee, vith L. i. M. S. and M. &. O. R'y. At Milan iv. ih W., SU T.. & P. K. At ritMfleld with L. ■i. A M. 8. R'r., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central H. K.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, 'Jinlng Northern R. R.. and O. T. R'y. At Hambur? with SI. A. Line División Grand Trunlc K'y. At Ilowrll with Detroit, Inulng & North "rii R'y. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trunlc R'y and Detroit. Grand Haven &. MlllwiuKee K'y. At owoxo Junction with Detroit, Grand Haven L Millwnu]ee K'y and Michigan Central R. R. At St. mú with Detroit, Laning Sc Northern R. R. and Ssginaw Valley & St. '..nis R'y. At Alrna with Detroit, I.anslng A Northern H'y. At Ht. Vleasaut with Flint it Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. A. J. PA1SLKY, Aeert Ann Arbor. W. U. BENNETT. Ge.. Pasg. Agt HENRY MATTHEWS Ksip a Flnt-cUai MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kindt of Freth, Salt tnd Smoked Meatt, On Ooor East of Pranklln House. Prtoea Beaaonable. Thanklng those who har o liberall y patronced me In the patt. I alao cordially loucit trad ron new patrón. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street. Ana Arbor, Mioh, EBERBACH & SON. DBÜGOI STS AND PHABMAOISTS, No. 13 South Main Street - DZAIiXM 1H- SXedioin es, Chemloala, Arttat'i and Waz Flowar Material, Toilet ArttalM, TroMM. Etc Pare Wines anfl Limors ! Speolal atUnUon pald to Uw fumUhlnc of thyaiclana. Chamlata, Schoola, oto., with phllolophlcal and ""'w1 Apparatu, Bohemias Chemloal ilmMvara, PoroaUla War. Pur iMftDU, eta Phyriolana' PraaorlptlMU Oarafiüly Preparad Mali hoon. CBERBACH A SOM, THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. Prlro Aap nn THR most VÏUW DURABLE And KAFID ltsMMWiagMailiii5 a0'00 okthE In Daily Use. OFAF!ÍSEi-ÍíiBi.B For pnnted matter, etc, address The Ambkicak Wkitiko Macuinb 3o., hartfobd, conv. New York Branch, : 237 Broadwat. W chmllrnee all Wrltlne Machio! to a CompatltlTe conteit ror Seo. Address for circulara and testimoniáis otato Agent GEO. E. PADDOOK & CO U Confcre St West, Detroit, Mich.


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