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The state assembly K. of L. convenea in Jackson on the 7th inst with about one hundred delégate present, Master Workman C. E. Barnes of Lansing, in the chair. A committee on credentiais was nppointed consisting of Charles Hasso of Lansing: Joseph B. Allen of Holland; A. E. Lawrence of Coleman. Recess then taken until afternoon. Upon calling to order of the afternoon scssion the report of the committee on credentiais was received, after which the master workman delivered an able address in which ho recommends that the state assembly be given sole Jurisdiction over the order in the state; that a legislativ committee be appointed to go to Lansing and work in the interest of labor bilis; that a state lecturer be placed in the field to give open lectures on the aims and objects of the association. He advocated strongly the educational features of the order as being of the greatest value in attaining the objects sought by the organization, and he spoke in the highest terms of the way the organization has been conducted in ttiis state. Conimittees on nnance, resolutions and deceased members were appointed. The report of Mr. Urennell. statistican, complained of the lack of interest shown for collecting Btatistics, and declared that strikes and the uso oí dynamite with their attendant horrors might be avoided if people wero only better informed. The report was divided into the consideration of nine phases of the labor question - transportation, money, taxation, machinery, child-labor, tariff reform, lien laws and fewer hours of labor. Forty assemblies replied, their answers showing a diversity of opinión. The tariff was given considerable attention. The statistician declared that what labor gains in one way (in wages) it loses in another. The report was adopted. An open meeting was held in the evening at which speeches on the labor question were made by T. B. Barry, Joseph Labadie, Charles Hasse and a number of other. The forenoon of the secoud day was occupied with routine work. Resolutions were adopted recommending the calling of a labor congres at an early date in the interest of the toilers; advocating strongly the Henry George thoory of a single land tax ; demanding of the legislature the enactment of a law for a secret ballot similar to the Australian system ; insisting that workingmen should be paid in cash weekly; favoring uniformity intextbooks, and demanding that books be provided by the state; demanding the repeal of the Baker conspiracy law ; urging local statisticians to greater efficiency in the discharge .of their duties ; ad vising all true Knights to usía their political influence to further the principies of (the organization with all political parties ; ad vocatiug the fostering of education ag the foundation of true progress ; instructing the delegatas to the general assembly to favor the repeal of section 50 of the constitution, aleo to favor district assemblies coming undor the jurisdiction of the state assemblies. The Wyaudotte local assembly was given the privilege of withdrawing for the purpose of attachiug itself to district assembly 50. The delegates visited the prison in a body in the afternoon. At the evening session ofnccrs were elected for the cnsuiug year as follows : Master Workman, Chas. Hasse, Lansing; foremam, Ed, Van Winkle, Battle Creek ; secretary, T. M. Sheriff, Kalamazoo; treasurer, H. I. Allen, Schoolcraft; statistician, Henry L. Schulte, Lansing; exeoutive boapd - S. E. Kirkby, Springyille; Jainos O'Grady, Saginaw; James P. Allen, Holland; Vvesley Emery, Lansing; Louis P. Granger, Jackson. Delegates to general assembly: H. T. Allen, Óchoolcraft; J. H. Morrow, Adrián; alternates: Mrs. Marión Todd, Albion; A. F. Shafer, Grand Kapids. Resolutions were introduced protesting against the election of millionaires to the United States senate. Adjourned to meet in Detroit the first Tuesday in August. 1889. Will Interest G. A. R. Men. The following order is of interest to all Grand Army men : HeadquaktkusDkiaiítmf.xtofMk:iiiqan, ) Grand Akmy of the Kepubmc, Jackson, Mich., August 6. 1888. ) Genehai. Okdeks, No. Ö. The twenty-second annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held in Columbus, Ohio, Sept 12-14. The grand review will oceur on Tuesday, the llth. Every preparation is being made b.y the comrades and citizens of Ohio's capital to give the veterans a royal welcome, and to make this national encampment one long to be remembered by all who particípate in it. Gen. Sherman and others of the few surviving leaders will be there. The very low rate of one cent per mile each way has been secured on all lines in the Central Traöic association. Special trains will be run for the accommodation of soldiers and their friends. The cost of living while at Columbus, whether in the camp, at private houses or the hotels, will be reusonable. The memberg of the Woman's Relief Corps will go upon the same trains as the Grand Army, and will be accorded the same general privileges. Department headquarters will leave Jackson Monday morning, September 10, at 9 :30 on special train over the Jackson branch of the Lake Shore fc Michigan Southern railway. Headquarters Woman s Relief Corps will join department headquarters at Lonawee Junction. Morning trains, ou roads entering Jackson, arrive in time to connact with headquarters train. At Columbus headquarters will be in the state capítol building, attorney-general's office. Field headquarters will be at Camp Hayden. Department offlcers and delégalos havo engaged accommodations at the American house, opposite the capitel building. On the review the Michigan veterans will march in three battalions. Comjjade F. D. Newberry is appointed special aioand commander of the armed battalion ; Conmute Loren Roberts, Junior vice-commander of the second battalion. Commander of the third battalion willbe appointed in the next general order. Comrade E, R, Davidson, Detroit, is hereby appoiuted special aid-decamp, and requested to correspond with the A. A. G. The tender of Corbin Post No. 88, of Union City, M. A. Merrifield commander, as spocial escort to department headquarters is accepted. The Chicago fe West Michigan railroad company will run a special train into Grand Kapids on Sunday, September 9, from Baldwin, White Cloud, Newaygo, Pentwater, Hart, Shelby, Montague, White Hall, Muskegou. Grand Haven and Holland. Leave Grand Rapids at 6:55 Monday, September 10, by Detroit, Lansing & Northern railroad to Howell, thence by Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad to Toledo, arriving there in time to make connoction with headquarters train from Jackson. Special train on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern irom the west will connect with headquarters train at Lenawee Junction. The Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad will run a special train from all points on its line to Columbus, via. Dayton, O., giving comrades a chance to visit the soldiers' home at that place. By command of Washington Gakdneh, Department Commander. G. M. L. Devlis, Asst. AdjutantGenoral. The Crop Report. The Michigan monthly crop report was issued from the office of secretary of state on the 9th inst., and is made up from reIKirts of 8ñ correspondents. The yield of wheat promises to be much in excess of the earlier estímate and will probably exceed 18,000,000 bushels as a total yield. The quality of the berry is fully up to the average. Oats promiso & yield of thirty-six bushels per acre in the southern counties, twentynlne in the central and twenty-one in the northern. The condition of corn is about 93 per cent. ; potatoes, 92; meadows and pastures, 75; clover sowed this year, 82. Since August 1 the heavy rains havo improved the crops, bringing them fully up to the average. Hay has yielded about 75 per cent. of an average crop. Apples promise 70 per cent. of an average crop in southern and bO per cent. in the central counties. The total amount of wheat reported marketed for the yoar ending July 31, is 18,811,Ü93 bushels. Estimates show the amount of the old crop in farmers' hands not to exceed 70U uu ..,.! v The A. O. U. W. The fourth annual meeting of the Grand Legión, Select Knights A. O. U. W. was held in Kalamazoo August 14. The following offleers wero elected for the ensuing yoar: Grand commander, C. J. Byrns, Ishpemingr; vice-grand commander, Millurd ShoddocK, Sast Saginaw; lieutenant, Win. F. Parrish, Grand Kapids; recorder, Alfred F. Gibbs, Ishpeming; treasurer, Wm. Cochrane, St. Johns; standard bearer, Robert D. Teele, Grand Hapids; senior workman, Harrison B. Fenn, Battlo Creek; junior workman, Wm. G. Marcellus, Bay City; guard, Orange S. Mason, Oscoda; trustee, Wm. A. Woodford, Niles ; medical examiner, John D. Greenmyer, Niles; delegatos to Supreme Legión- W. Warne Wilson, Detroit; James W. Wood, Battle Creek ; David B. Purinton, Coldwater. The commander appointed the following standing committoes: Jurisprudence - W. Warno Wilson, Detroit; Jas. A. Wood, Battlo Creek ; Ira A. Clark, Negaunee. Finance - Jno. B. Tibor, Ishpemlog; Edward E. Osbovn, East Saginaw; Jas. A. Kirkwood, Kepublir. The next session of the Grand Legión will be held in Ishpeming. A Ghastly Find. The body of George Campbeii, aged 24 years, was found at the bottom of a well on the farm of Charles Chiddister, in Convis township, Calhoun county, the othor morning, by a party of ueighbors who dug out the well, which was a shallow and unused aftair. It had beeu filled up unknown to Mr. Chiddister. Campbell disappeared in August of last year and was reported to have gone West. Frank House, aged 30 years, who then worked for Mr. Chiddister, claimed he had bought a team and other cffects from Campbell. A few mouths after hc took Compbell's position in working the farm, and Campboll's mother, who is a widow, has lived thero sinoe. The neighbors, who hud suspected something was wrong, dug up the well, with the result as staled. Coroner Briggs and Deputy Sheriff Powoll of Battle Creek were notifled. Suspicion points strongly to House, and he has been arrested and held forexamlnation. The body lay head downward, aud was ciad in light pants and a navy blue coat. It is said that House once served a term at Jackson for robbery. Michigan Monuments at Gettysbuiir. Col. George G. Briggs of (rand Ilapids, chairman of the Michigan board of oom missioners on the Gettysburg battlefield monuments, writes to O. B. Curtis, aecretary of the eastern Miohigan nssoclation of soldiers and sailors, as follows: "According to tho contracta, all Michigan monuments were to be in place ready for dedication September 10, ISbS. One of tho parties having the largest amouut of work will not be on time, and will require an additional thirty days at least to cúmplete his work. This will take us to October 10 or 15, as the earlicst dates wlum our monuments can be dedicated. So soon as it can be postively known that the monuments will be ready ata given date, the fact will be published to the world and arrangements made for their dedication. Assurance have been given by railroad officials for a very low rate of fare, and special trains from aay Detroit and Grand Kapids. WOLVEKINE W1USPERINGS. The eighth annual reunión of Lamphero"s battery was held at Coldwater, August 8. Thirty veterans answered at roll cali and had a solid good time without any formal programme. The offleers for the ensuing year wero ulected as follows: President, T. F. Garvin, Elkhart; vice-presidents, S. H. Frank, Toledo; Uavid Douglass, Fremont, ind.j Wm. Palmer, Kansom, Mioh. j seeretary, E. E. Lewis, Coldwftter; treasurer, Wm. Hurst, Coldwater; asslstant treasurer, Somers Í, eland, Quincy ; executive committeo, Aaron Van Antwerp, Coldwater; Monroe Barney, Kalamazoo; Sc.vmour Clawson, Logansport, Ind. ; Kiehanl Hart, Kansom. An elegant banquet at the Southern Miceigan hotel in tho evening closed the reunión. Next year the reuuion will be held at Kansom, Hillsdale county, August 14. Mrs. Addison Carmichael of Wright, Hillsdale county, under arrest on a charge of murdering her husband, has been ie leased on $2,000 bail. Gov. Luce ordered the flags BI} all public buildings of the state at half-mast ünlll the lSth inst., in respect to the memory of Gen. Sheridan. The saw mili and lumber yard of Charles Lee, in East Sagiuaw, and several residences were destroyed by fire on the 8th inst., at a loss of $105,000. The president has signed the bill to pension Hiram K. Ellis of Grand Ilapids. Mrs. Libbie H. Miller of Michigan has been appointod to a $900 clerkship in the pension office. Porter D. Haskell of Michigan has been promoted from a third to a second assistant in the pension bureau. The secretary of war has ordered Private William Browne of Company G, Twentythird infantry, at Fort Wayne, to be discharged from the service without travel pay. Henry H. Winsor, bookkeeper for the Grand River transportation company of Grand Kapids, is missing, and so, it is charged, is $30U of the company's inoney. Ilobert Watson, Jr., of West Bay City, conductor of a log train on the Michigan Central railroad, was instantly killed near Alger the other morning by the cars passing over his body. The naval appointment for the Seventh district to Annapolis was secured by Chas. S. Shelden of Marlette. Thero were sevcn candidatos for admission, the successful one passing on a standing of 8S per cent. Two commissions were issued from the adiutant-general's office atLansing the oth%r day. One to Ma). Chas. K. Hawley of Bay City, to be lieutenant colonel of the Third regiment, vice Lieut.-Col. Donnelly, resigned, and the socond to Lieut, F. B. Lyon, of Company H, Third regiment, Calumet, to be major. Miss Jennie Morsp of St. Louis, white exercising hor running team on the track in that village, was thrown from her skeleton wagon and seriously injurod. A sneak thief entered the Saginaw postofflee the other day and utole stamps amounting to $1,SS1. Over $5,000 worth of mason work in Negauneo was blown down during a severe gale the ot hor day, A Three Kivers genius has inventeil a clock which will strike Standard time, while the hands indicate local time. Mr. Trumbull of Kalamazoo, h;is invont. ed an apparatus which will control the current of Niágara river without the use of race, dam, etc. G. W. Fenton of Hudson, is the owner of a silver rupee, tho words upou which are engraved io Sansorit. A feature of the state fair this year will bo a special speed trial for $2,500. The following are the newly-elected oftlcers of the Grand Council of tho Cat'iolic Mutual Benefit Association : Grand spiritual advisor, Kt. Kev. H. J. Ilichter, Grand Kapids; president, Andrew W. Kelly, Detroit; flrst vice president, John McGoff, Kalamazoo; second vice-president. Prank McGraw, Grand Kapids : treasurer, Edward A. Doylo, Detroit; secretary, John II. Breen, Detroit; marshal, Owèn Sullivan, Sault Ste Marie; guard, Morgan J. O'Brlen, Ann Arbor. Trustees -Alex. ChapotOD, jr., Detroit, and John CUaoy (to lili vacauey caused by the rosignation of A. W. Ko'.ly and John T. Foxen). Representativos to supreme council- [,. J. McHugh, Rov. P. 1. Haart, John 1'. Jaminct; alternates - M J. MHugh, J. J. McHugh, A. E. Doyle, At the annual meeting of the Michigan Business Men'H Association held inCheljoygan the following ofttcers were elected for tho coming year: President, frank Wells, Lansing; ttrst vice president, H. Chambors, Cheboygan; second vice president, C. Strong, Kalamazoo; secretary, K.A.Stowe, Grand Kapids; treasurer, L. W. Sprairao, Greenville. Executive board- C. 1. Wliitncv, Muskegon ; Frank Hamilton. Traverse City; N. H. Blair, Lowell; C. T. HridRCman, Plint; Hiram Delano, Allegan. Local secretary, P. J. Connell, MuskegOD, It is Ilegal to allow a traction ciigino to go along a highway without si-mJinjr a man ahead to warn drivers of horses. The Duluth, South Shoro & Atlantic railroad has bought 'JiKl box cars of 50,000 pounds capacity, with safety couplers, and 000 more of them have been ordered, it is said. Marshall had an $18,000 fire Aug. 1 1. E. P. Groff, secreiary of the Columbus, Lima & Northwestern railroad, which has eoncluded to make Saugatnck the western terminus of the road, whieh will pass through Allegan, met tho Kalamazoo business men the other day with a propnsition to pass through that city and county for tho richt of way and $3,000 a mile. A eommittco of business men has been appointed to look into the matter. The walls of a building on Iiandolph street, Detroit, in process of demolition, feil tho other afteruoon, burying several workmen under them, one of whom was taken out] dead, and another very seriously injured. Miss May Kansom, a well-known young lady of Jonesvillc, dropped dead the other morning, whlle dressing. Her dcath resulted from heart disease. (ov. Luce has appointod Wm. E. Grove of Grand Rápida, circuit judge for that district, to fill the vacaney caused by the resignation of Judge Montgomery. The farmers of Eaton, Clinton, Ionia and Inghain countics, wiühold a picnic at (irand Ledge on Wednesday, AugU9t2'. President Willetts of the Michigan agricultural college wil] deliver the annual address. The muslc for the occasion will be furnished by the cornet bands of Eagle and Delta and the Grand Ledge ladies' band. Kon. H. C. Sherwood of WatcrvHet is dead. The state has lost one of her brightest lights, and particularly Berrien county, wtioso ppople are all in deepest grief, the Imndreds of poor whom Mr. Sherwood's geiierous heart and liberal hand have al way s Bearchea out and lifted up. Hon. John W. Turner, a resident of Coldwater since 1848, is dead. Bachelor & Whltney have commenced construeüng a raüroad and dam at Five Lakes, fiveinilesnortb ofFarwell, in which vicinity they own pine lumber e9timated at 100,000,000 f eet. The dam is bcingconstructed on the lino of the Gladwin and Clare state road. From U.0(H),(KK) to 15,000,000 f eet a year will be put into the lakes and run down the outlet into the Tobacco river. Niles is try ing to induce the American Fire Prooi Sleel Ciar company, with a capital of $1,500,000, to lócate its work iu that city. L. Mon-ey of Miuneipolis and S. W. Bell of North Adama went out in a yacht on Buit lake, near ('heboygan. Tho jacht capsized and both young men were drotmed. Mild H. Dakin of Saginaw has been expelled front the chuirmansliip of the county committce of the Union Labor party Dakin is the man wlio was expelled from the last legialature for bribery. Rodney Mason of Detroit has begun suit. against the :'. F. Smitb Putlfler Ooi of Jackson for $12,0:0, whloh Mason claims as unpaid salary for legal services. Prof. Fred T. Wrlght, principal of the Coldwater public schjols, nas peeured his release in order to accept the principalship of the Jackson schools at a salary of $1,350 - $350 more ihan he received in Coldwaier. His suecessor is Prof. Soier, a Michigan univeisity irradua;e, late principal of the schools in Michigan City, Iud. Aun Arbpr is to have a street railway. Five milos will be built, covering the city during the year. Gov. Luce, nftev a careful cxamination of the evidence in the cuso of Prosecuting Attorney Miils of Koscommoii county, nst whom charges vrereflled, concludes the.v wore not guslained and continúes Mr. Miüs iu o.rtce, Charles H. Russull. who was sent to state's prison in Is81 from Chesaning for 16 years tor manslaughter, and pardoned out last September, wal nrrested the other day for bieakicg imo Sharpstein'B grocery in.lackson and stcalintr ir0 pemiles, some stampa and cigarg. He confua.-ed his guilt and told where the plunder was hid. He was bound over to the circuit court for sentence. Fred Watson was run over by theears near (rand Ledge and instantiy killed, Robert Hubbard, living near Ithaca, has been sent. to state house of correction for 00 days forwhlpping his tnother, aged 89 years. Myrop IX Dake of Fremont, is anxions to teoiv the whereabouta of his 12-year old sii'i. who has been missing for some time. Wiien he left home lie was barefoot.wore a brown shirt, gray cotton pauta, and a black luit. lli'iiry T. l'hilput, who lived near Carleton, left home the other evening to attend a meeting of the A. O. U. W., in Carleton. He did not return home, and several citizene startod to Bearch for him. They found him dead in a neighbor's orchard, on the route ho generally took when coming to Carleton. His throat was put and the coroner's jury reudered a verdict to the effect that Mr. Philpot had coinmitted suicide, doing the deed with an old jack-knife. Insanity is believed to have caused it. Ho leaves a widow and four small children in fair circumstances. . Ten tons of ore feil upon Charles Bamquist in the Chapin mine the other day. Btrange to relate, the man will live. The Calumet & Hoela have declared a dividend at fñ per share, payable September 5, to stoekliolders of record August 11. This makes the third dividend delared this year, tho two fornu-r having been declared April 4 and July 8. James O'Riolly of Ishpeuiing, took poison the other morning and died two hours later, because a 16-year old girl refused to marry him. DETKU1T .11 VICKHIM. Wheat, White $ 86 @ 86W " Red 87 @ 87% Corn', per bu 44 (g 45 Oats, ' " 29 @ 81 Bablet, 1 25 @ 1 0 Malt 95 % 1 09 Timotiit Seed 2 50 cb 2 55 Ci.over Seed, per bae 4 10 (g 4 15 J'ked, 13 00 @13 50 Flour - Michigan patent... 4 95 ft 5 w Michigan roller 4 50 g 4 60 Minnesota patent.. ! O-.i ra 5 05 Minnesota bakers' . 4 50 (3 4 60 Rye per bu 47 @ 48 Apples, per bbl „ 1 15 (dl 2 00 Beans, picked 2 15 @ 2 20 " unpicked 1 75 @ 1 95 Bebswax 28 (a 30 Botter , ,,.. Vt & 17 Ciieese, per Ib 9}$'( 10 Dkied Apples, per ib 6í@ 1% Koos. per doz 14 @ 15 HoNEY.perlb 14 (g 16 Hopaperlb 13 (eb 18 Hay, per ton, elover 1100 @12 00 " " timothy ..14(X) @15 00 Malt, per bu 9J (Ut 1 o.ï ünions, perbbl 8 00 @ 8 25 POTA.TOE3, per bbl 1 40 (3 1 75 Blackheukik per bu 3 5 (d 'i 50 RASPHEKMKsper bu 2 75 lC 3 00 Hi'i Ki .KiiEHKiKs, per bu 2 75 (á) 3 00 Pbars, per libl 2 50 M 3 00 Peaciibs, per bu 150 (3 2 00 Pooltry- Chickena. live 8 Ca 9 ueese 6 (4 7 Turkeys 10 & H Ducka perlb 7 @ 8 Pkovisio.ns- Mes? Porlt. ...15 50 (ffilo 75 h'amily ltl 25 (a7 00 Extra mess beef 7 50 ( 7 75 Ij ird 7 fa ü Hams 11 ( 13 BUouldera 8 @ 8K Bacon 10 & 104 Tallow, per Ib.. 3 ( SW Hidüs- Green Uity per Ib .. 'iy AÚ Cureil 4 5U Saltad ÖX Bheep skins, wool.. SO "@ L 0J LJVB STOCK. Cattle- Market tirni wit'i a slight advance; steers, $5 5)iíH 4ü; oows, bulla and mixed, $1 7&(f3 50; Texas cattle, tl 50@ t 50; stockers and feeders, $2 50@3 S0. Hoo3- MarUet strong and I igher; mixed, J5 íiUlíít! 55; common to fair, $(5( Jii 25; good to choiie, ú 30(áü 40; pigs, $5 80 (ti -i5. biiEEP - Market moilerately active and easier; Westerns, S.l 0J(i sO; Thxhiis, $3($ 3 75; natives, fíi 5)@4 M; lamba. 4@5 CO. ooi.. Kleoees- Fine. :.i) ;;ic: medium. 145c ooarse, 22(iöj5c; UDWUbed, unmarchautablo, cotted and black, oif; bucka, % olf.


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