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Herbert, the 9-monthB baby of J. Brown and wife of thefifth ward.died Aug. 16th of cholera infantum. Jacob Fisher, an inmate of the county house died Monday . He vrae buried in Foreet Hill cemetery. The 6-weeka-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Roberts, of this township, died last Friday afternoon of cholera infantum. Rebecoa Tyler, mot her of Dr. D.M. Tyler, of this oity, died at the residenoe of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Garfield, in Ingham county, on the lOth inst . , in her eighty-fourth year. Isaac and Bebeooa Tyler were pioneer settlera of Miohigan. They came from the state of New York about the year 1837, and settled in Jaokson county where they lived for a number of years, then removed to Ingham oounty their home until the time of their death. Mis. Tyler gurvived her husband sixteen years. Alioe, wife of the late L. C. Risdon, died early last Saturday morning after an illoess of only a few days of cholera morbus. Mrs. Bisdon broke up bouse-keeping a few months ago, and was living temporarily in the Danforth house, owned by her, while she was building b new residence on the corner of E. Liberty and Fourth streets. Tbe funeral was held Hunday afternoon at the Episcopal church, the reetor, Dr. Earp ofüciating. Qeo. Kingsley and wife of Faola, Kausas, Mr. Wllliam Beers of Northern Michigan, Ed. Hinman and Mrs. Isadore Byan of Battle Creek attended the funeral . Mrs. Kisdon left an estáte valued at about $80,000. of whioh Mrg. George Kiosley, a niece, i eceives $20,000. The remainder goes to other nephews and nieces. Mrs. Minerva Lovejoy, widow of the late Dr. Isaac Lovejoy of this city, died at liergen, N. Y., last Thursday, of general debihty and old agn. Siuoe the death of her husband Mrs. Lovejoy has spent most of the time in Ann Arbor, but went east last May to visit relatives. As she was very feeble when she left here, her friends were not surprised to hear of her death. She leaves three sons, Wm . Lovejoy, of Detroit; Itev. David Lovejoy, M. D., an episcopalian olergyman of Fhiladelphia, and George Newell Lovejoy of this oity, who since bis father'a death was her contant companion, and who, during her last illness tendorly cared for her. Mrs. Jovejoy leaves many friends wUo will remember her virtues and cuerish her memory. Mrs. A. C. Kellogg, and Misses Alida and Alioe Lovejoy were her granddaughters. Her remains were interred in Bergen by the side of her late husband.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat