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County f Sept. 25-28. Z. Koth is taking his vacation. R. Costello went north laet week. W . G. Dieterle Mondayed in Detroit. J. J. Goodyear and wife have gono e ast. Mrn. KL M. Tuüle was iu Detroit last week. A. Wilsey sold seven pianos in two weeks. Miss Home is visiting Detroit (riends. Miss Lou Uiles in visiting Detroit friend8. James Claucy, of E. William street is very UI. H. Bandall was in Detroit Monday on business. Mrs. J. P. üoffman was iu Howell, Tnesday. Paul Perry i8 working on the Detroit Tribune. Louis Weisgerber has (tone to Waterloo, Ont. Judge Kinne returned from the east Saturday. Misjies Nina and Jennie Davison are in Detroit. I. B. Bent returns from hia vacation to-morrow. H. Kaoduil añil mte ga to Bqeton next weck. M. Cavauaugli was in Des ter Tuesday on busuess. Mrs. H. C. Allen has retunied from Nortli Lake. Airs. M. L. Walker has rtturned (rom the sea shore. Will Stiegelmaier will spend Sunday in Bridgewater. Mrs. O. M. Martin is at Whitmore Lake this week. O. F. Webster has benn visiting at Mr. Charlea Spoor's. There was a coloree! picnic to Wbitmore yesterday. Mrs. N. M. Schoft returned from Cinoinnati Tuesday. Detroit driving association fall races occur Sept. 4 to 8. Miss Bell üook, of Pontiac, is visitinf frieuds in the city. Farmers' pionio to-morrow Aug. 18tl at Whitmore Lake. St. George's society picniced at Whit more Lake Monday. A street railway is now an assurec thing for Ann Arbor. Mrs. Moses Seabolt is visitiog friends in Marshall this week. Miss T. Kennedy and Maltie VV'alz are at Whitmore this week. Mrs. Tourtillotte, of Fifth street, is visiting Toledo friends. Eberbaoh & Sons have new screen doors in their drug store. The demócrata of Dundee will raise a hickory pole August 25tli. A stone walk is boiujj laid in front ot Southard's on Main street. Prof. J. C. Knowlton went north Saturday with Evart H. Soott. Miss II. S. Lovell, of Flint, Las been visiting friends in the oity. Miss Clara Oswald bas gono to Canada for a viait with frieudn. Miss Emily Bend, of E. Saginaw is viaiting Ann Arbor friends. Over $100 was realized from the Sunday school picnic last week. Will Greve steps high. A 10-poundsgirl baby, bom Wednesday. Co. A's 14th annual excursión to Detroit next Thursday Aug. 23d. Mrs. Keudall Kittridge bas been some time at Whitmore Lake. Dr. Sietert and Miss Mary Horne drove to Detroit and back last week. Mrs. Walter Lathrop left Wednesday to join her busband ia Omaha. Miss May Parker, of Palmyra N. Y., is the gueat of Miss A. Sumner. M. Duttonhover, of Muskegon, spont Sunday with friends in the oity. Aid. O'Mara and Miller have had the weeds cut down in the 4tb ward. Mrs. Frothingham and family returned from Petoskey last Saturday. Mrs. Fletoher, of the Cook house has been camping at Whitmore Lake. Miss Minnie Drake has been appointed teacher in the 3rd ward school. H. J. Browii has had an únele, H. D. Barney of New York, viait ing him. Dr. Breakey is again quite ill and bis trip to Duluth has been pootponed. Miss Botto, of Peoría, UI , is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Schiappaoasse. There is an excellent portrait of J. M. Stafford in C. Bliss & Son's window. Louis Lntz goes to Saline Sunday to help celébrate his father's birthday . Dr. J. W. Keating has pnrehased a very liandsome new gyneoological chair. The store oceupied by Mrs. E. L. Munyon is being thoroughly reuovatud. George Frothingham goes east next month to study ín tbe New York hospital. Judge T. M. Cooley is oue of the corumitteo en legislation of the Michigan club. Loyal KliodoH, oí Alabama, is the guest of his brother, Geo. Khodes of the 5th ward. The cali for the democratie oounty convention ill be found on our editorial page. O. W. MeJlor aud family have been spending a cuuple of weeks at Whitmore Lake. A 15-pounds-baby was born to Kav. S. B. Thompson (colored) last Tuesday nigbt. 1 lomer Henderson, of Cleveland, is visiting his parents on E. Washington street. Martin Haller has the contract for furniahing the furniture for the A. O U. W. lodge. Misses Cora and Flora Albright, of Bucyrus, O. are in the city visitiug their brother. Drs. Maclean and Hendrioks have gone to Dakota on a hunting and fishing expedí tion. Mrs. J. E. Wyman, of Detroit is spending some time with her father, W. Canwell. Mrs. S. S. Blitz and children have returned home from an extended trip in the lar west. Mrs. Dr. Darling has returned from Cleveland accompained by Miss Josie Giddings. A new sidewalk has been laid on Thayer street between E. Ann and Hurón streets. M. J. O'Brien, of this, has been elected - Grand guard of the state mutual Catholic uHsociation. It is rumored that one of our wealthy young bachelors is soon to marry aa Ann Arbor lady. Sheriff Walsh Sundayed at Whitmore with his wife who has been spending the week there. Mr. J. M. Wheeler and wife, and grand daughter spent a few days this week at North Liake. Ellen J. Foster, a noted woman suffragist will lecture for the republicana in Michigan. Evart H . Scott left Saturday for Oíd Mission, where he is interested, Pt-toskey and the Soo. EnianuelJedele and J. V. N. Gregory of Dexter, are tnking a trip to Maokinao this week. Mrs. I. P. Bishop, of Chatham, N. Y. has been the guest of her sister, Mrs Prof. Thomas. Rev. Mr. Stabler, of Clinton, Mioh.. spent Sunday with his father-iu-law, Mr. S. Hendrickson. Thomas Hayley says he is meeting with good success in selliug his new furniture polish. Help the boys by going on Co. A's excursión to Detroit next Thursday. $1.00 for the round trip. Miss Grace Seabolt, daughter of Mr. Mosca Seabolt is spendinft the week with f riends in Jackson. F. Adams and wife, of New York City, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown this week. Hon. Frank Plumley, of Vermonr, will uddress the republicans at the rink next Wednesday evening. Kev. Wm. Galpin, of Ilobart hall, will ocoupy the pulpit of St. Jumes' church, Dexter, every Sunday. Prof. M. E. Uooley left Monúny for í airport to join his family who lutve been summering there. George Moore went to Idlewild this week to bring hh family, who have been summering there, home. Dr. Siefert, a gradúate of the medical claas of '83, has gone to Waterloo, Ont., to hang out his shingle. Prof. Carhart's new house od Monroe street 18 going up rapidly. It will be a nne house when íinished. Mrs. C. M. Traub and son of Detroit, who have been visiting relatives in the city have returned home. Wm. Taylor pleaded guilty for oarryíne concealed weaponsi íor wfcioh he was üned oosta, whioh he paid. (J. E. lliscock, of the Havings bank, i Bpoudinff bis vacation at Htrawberry Lnko hunting and fishing. H. Woodward left for Reedftburg, Wis this week, to bring his family bome wbo bave been summering there. A pretty Poll parrrot spent severa da s lust week in a tree on South División street. Somebody's lost pet. Master Clarence Clark, of Btittle Creek, is visiting his grand father, Mr. I C. llandy, of División street. Miss Wilsey, who is studying for a trained uuree at Cbioago, is visiting he sister, Mrs. P. R. B. de Pont. Wm. F. Wanziok had a youug daugh ter bom to him Wednesday. VVill says he can't make a barber of her. Mrs. James Crawford of Milford, anc Mrs. Charles Bush of Fan ton, are the guestsof I'. C. Fall and wife. Profs. Prescott, Oarhart and Pettec are attending the Amerioau soientiric association in Cleveland tbis week. Odd Fellows' exoursion over the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R, to Toledo and Pressie Isle nest Wednesday Aug. 22nd. Dr. C. George was elected flret vicepresident of the state saengerfest at a meeting beid in Detroit last week. During four days of the week college closed, 1800 pieces of baggage were sent out of tbe Miohigan Central depot. Lew H. Clement has purchased a tricyole for his wife. It is a pity tbat more women in the city do not use thern. Crude oil now being used as fuel at tbe water works is 30 per cent, cheaper thim coal aud makes a Rt ronp, steady heat. Fred Hubbard who has been borne from Washington (or a month or more, on aocount of siokness, is muoh better. Wm. F. Ayers, who is connected with the T., A. A. & N. M. railroad will oocupy Prof. Payne's house on N. State atreet. Prof. Sober, of 8 N. Ingalls street, lit, '87, has been appointed principal of the schools at Jackson, at a salary of $1,350. Mrs. Walter Hawkinsof Ypsilanti, and Mra. Joe Boudinot, of Cleveland, spcnt Wednesday with Mrs. Jobn W. Maynard. Genevive Olarken of N. First street oelebrated her 15th birthday Wednesday by eutertuiuing. a party of youug friends. Miss Bertha Rokers who has been the ;nest of Mr. and Mrs. Lew II. Olement left for her home in Ilomer, Mich., Tuesday. Profs. Wood, MoLachlin, dePont, and Mr. McCune, a homeopathie student, left 'or a cauoeiug expedition north Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Morton, o! Detroit, spent Suuday with M. II. Goodrich and sisters, .Mrs. A. North, and Miss S. Goodrich. Miss Abbie Pond and Harry and Bessie, children of Editor Pond, returned from ií'iint Tuesday after a four weeks' visit. James Quarry and James Goodspeed -eturned Alonday from a visit to New York City, Long Branch and Philadelhia. Mr. and Mrs. Lew H. Clement and Miss Bertha Rogers, of Homer, who aocompanied them north returned home this week. Miss May Payne left for Toledo Wednesday to spend several weeks 'ore goiug to her new home ia Nashville, Tenn. At the farmers' picnic to-morrow the siuging will be firsl-clasH. Messrs. Kenwiek, Fall, Wilsey and Mutschell furnish it. The excursión train on the Toledo road or Whitmore Lake tomorrdw will leave Ann Arbor at 10:55 a m. 40 cents for the round trip. The 7th annual conclave of the grand commandery of Knight's templars for Vliohigan and Ont., convenes at Kalamazoo, Ang. 22nd. It has been suggested tl uit a thoiough and complete anaylsis of the hydrant water used in the city be made. A good dea. Let it be done. Mis. Julina Bemis, who haa boen visitng Mrs. O. B. Church, of N. División street returned to her home at Benning;on station Thursday. W. K. Child's friends will be glad to mow tbat he has liad an increase of pension, also Edward O'Neil of this city, bas jeon likewine blessed. Martin Hailer, the popular farniture dealer, has sold a nice bill of goods which joes to Dakota, and anotherone which is soon to go to Wiaoonsin. Rev. M. 8. Woodruff, of Big liapids, who preached in St, Andrew's church iniiday bef o re last, has liad a cali to St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti. Engene Helber, of Saline, brother of Mire. L. Liesemer and Mrs. John Burg, of lus city, has goce to Europe to purchase ome English coach horses. A. Wilsey and family and George W. ieuwick and family who have bein in camp at W bitmore Lake for sis weeks returned home Wednesday. Justice Pond sentenced Jlichael Conway to 60 days in jail for larceny and fined Wm. Nimps, a Polack, $1.1)0 and costa $2.70 for assault and battery. Don't forget that the exhibition of Prof. ïartholomew's trained horses opeas at he opera house next Monday evening and continúes throughout the week. The ñames of J. V. N. Gregory, of jima, P. 8. Purtell and G. Button of s'orthfield are mentioned for representares from this district, on the demooratc ticket. Manager Sawyer has booked some irst-class attractions for the opera house he coming year, aDd which is openod with the "'iVaif of the Storm" during air week. During the recent hot weather the Lnights of Rest have greatly increased heir membership. The court house quare has beeu con verted into an open air asylum. County Clerk Howlett and family reurned Saturday from Cavanaugh Lake. ir. Elowlett has been rustioating there or a oonple of weeks but his family was here five weeks. The case of Sarah E. Lane, of Milan, igftinst Ola Turner for plander, before fustice Freuauff was set t led; also the ne of Ola Turner against Sarah E. Lane or assault and battery. O. E. Hawkins, editor of one of Washenaw's bright newspapers, the Saline ibserver, was married last Saturday to tfiss Mary A. Crolins. The Demoobat exteads congratulations. There will be ah excursión to Wliit more lake and return, Suuday, Aug. l!)th. I'lie train will leave the Toledo depot at p. m, returning leave Whitmore at 8:30. 50 cents for the round trip. There will be a meeting of the department superintendents and managers of ;he Washtenaw county fair held at the court house Monday Aug. 20, at 2 p. m., n the agrioultural rooms. F. B. Braun. Miss LoiiBia A. Shadford, stenographer or I). Appleton & Co's Chicago house. iVbb married Wednesday to Qeorge H. ireokler of Chicago. Miss Jennie Shadord of the Argus office is a sister of the )ride. Prof. Mosèley of Grand Hapids, who went with Prof. Steere's party to the PhUppine Iulands has arrived home. The remamder of the party will return home lext week. They have been gone about 14 moutlis. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hall nccompimy their daughter, Mrs. S. Eautmau toühijago tomorrow, where they will stay over Sunday, when Mr. Hall and wife will go o the monntains for the benefit of Mr. II. 's health. " Womin's Work " for August oomos to us fllled as usual with valuable informaion reeardmg the oare of tlowers ; f riendy talks about mothers and children; some good cooking recipes, togethor with excellent readine matter. Shelley E. Higgins, one of the proprietors of the burned capsule factory, goes to Allegan, this state, to teach in the high school the coming year. His wife will spend the winter with her parents, Geo. Bullis and wife of Forest avenue. Special meeting of the poniologioal society next Saturday, the 18th of Aug. a 4 p. in. sharp. All who iutoinl to ship peaches and other fruit in the car to be fitted up for that purpose should attenc promptly. E. Baur. Charley Rose a prosperous farmer anc milkman south of the city, lost a horse a few days ago, but this did not deplete hls exchequer so but what he could buy a nioe cart for his little boys who muy be seen riding in it every day around the city. Wirt Newkirk late of the Register has gone to Luther, Alioh , to carry on the Luther Enterprire. Wirt is a good quill shover and knows the people want all the local news and he can give it to them. The Demoob.nt's good; wishes go with him. The following named delegates were selected Tuesday to represent VVashtenaw county at the Union Labor oonveution at Detroit on the 15th inst.: John E. Flynn, T. E. Keating, B. O'Mara, H. Jenkins, W. L. Denham, öeorge A . Peters, Archie MoNichol and Jamea. M. Foreythe. Mr. Peleg Maskall, of William street. has been improving ïdle moments in making a beautiful piecc of furniture, a sideboard. ld is of cüerry not only with carved pannels, but is nlmost one solid pieoe of carving and all done by the liand of Mr. Marshall, there beiug no mnchiue work about it. It is a beauty. J. P. Hoffmnn has an unique musical instrument on exhibición at nis music store. It is called an nerophon and was imported f rom Germany. It is 19 inch de square, in an ebony case and the melody is produced by placing the muaic, which is a square piece of manilla paper with perforations, placed on the top of the nstrument and fastened down with a ever and the operator grinds out the music. Last Friday, Arthur Brown received notice of his appointment as route agent on the Michigan Central railroad, to run rom Detroit to Chicago. Mr. Brown ïas been our deputy oounty clerk and as suoh was rauch respectad. lie is an npright, energetic and conscientious 'oung man and one who can well lili ;be bill, and is to be congratulated upon lis good luck. He' reported for duty WedneBday. Professor Bartholoniew is the only animal educator in the world tUat haa ver received the unqualified endorsement of the humane societies, because ie is the only man that ever developed etnrkable horse intelligence through cindness, patience and perseverance. Do lot fail to see the famous trained horses. Lt the Grand all of next week, beginning londay Aug. 20th with Wednesday and Saturday matinees. Two ladies from the country drove to he store of Airs. M. M. Tuttle Tuesday nd while making some purchases their horse, which they had left untied became frightened and started to run. ?he young lady. ran from the store and caught the lines, but which were jerked rom her throwing her upon her face, rigluening but not injuring her. The ïorse was caught, quieted, when it was 'ound no damage had been done. A worthy undertaking. He that giveth ;o the poor lendeth to the Lord: The corner stone of the evangelist mission, coloredohuroh, of North America, known as he " Grover Cleveland chapel," will be aid Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1888, at 3 o'clock, ). m. Services will be conducted by Kt. iev. H. J. Lewis of East Saginaw. The iü.eus of Ann Arbor regardless of creed or color are respeotfully invited to atend. Rev. ö B. Thompson, P. E. Peteraon for September is an excepionally fino number. A paper on Johu iunyan is well-written and illustrated. liss Bowman's serial, "Esoulapius in Acadia,'' is interesting, and "A London SuocesB" is giving the writer an enviable eputation. The costumes and needlework patterns of "Peterson" are always of tho latest designs, which, of course lease the ladies. The wbolo number, n tart, makes delightful reading matter nd is replete with mformation. R. LilleyofNew York who is visiting lis father-in-law, J. M. Wheeler, Esq., is n the employ of tho Century company, ind is one of twonty-six persons engaged n preparing a dietion;iry of the English anguage. It will be tbe most extensivo lictionary yet published, and will conain a separate department for slang. ?he slang of different countries will be leparate, and that of each country will e sub-divided, showjng the peculianties of each locality. They have been engag :d on this work seven years. This dioionary will be very popular among the young. .. One of the scènes which will be witlessed at the opera house next week by 'rof. Bartholomew's trained horses will )e as near reality as possible, showing udge, jury, lawyers, clerk, prisoner m [ock, witness on the stand. The jury etire to consider the verdict. On their eturn the foreman of the jury hands the verdict to the clerk; he hands it to the udge; the judge announces the prisoner uot guilty; the clerk loosens the chaina of the culprit; the culprit steps out, hanks the judge and jury for the acquital. During this scène there is no peron on the stage. The August number of Belford's Magzine keeps up the promise of the flrst wo numbers. In the opening article, on The Real Issue," the Ilon. Rogor Q. lilis, the linthor of the tariff bill which ecently passed the house, shows tbat the )bject of the measure was not free-trade, ut " to build up our manufactures, not estrqy them;" to remove impediments nd give them facility to grow by opeung of our m ïrkets and making raw maerials cheap. J. E. Wilson, in "War Delared on Agnculture," gives further )roi'fs of tlie disastrous effect which the ariff has upon that all-important iniius;ry. The stories are bright and entertain ng. A paper on " Wuat is literary merit." y Juniata Stafford, is well written, and ion f iatt, the editor, deals in ln's usual igurous Btyle with numerous subjects. Prof. Bartholomew in speaking of -raining his horses says: "I use the ame kindness I would use in training n intelligent child, correcting him when eocessary, commending him at all times rhen he deserved it. But above all liings, throughout my career as an exlibitor of horses, I have endeavored to each those who have the care and con;rol of horses that the best method of nanagement is gentleness and meroy. never fail wherever I give my exhibi;ions to invite suoh men as hack drivers, ar conductora, and truckmen to uttend ny performances at somo one of the e.vïibitions, free of charge, that they may ee the hightest results of kindly treatment, and tbe pertection of obedience to ■hich these animáis may be brought by ais means. The effect is a good one, nd it gives those men a different idea is to the best methods of using their ïorses." At the grand opera house one week begining Aug. 2Üth.


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Ann Arbor Democrat