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:g. fe ísl HOYELTIES. EXTRA NOVELTIES - IN- SUIHER DRESS GÖODS. A big bargain in lace, pique and Swiss embroidered flouncings. A cali will show our customers all that is new in Summer goods, at prices from ten to twenty per cent. lovver then any other house in the city. Mack & Schmid. Doctors now eay that bolled cow's milk s not good for babies- it is better raw. The doctors are right; a raw cow givee setter milk than a boiled one. E V EBÏTHINT NEfT! W. G. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE ! 3est Turnouts in the City Funeral Attendance a Specialty. JS'o. 21 N, Main street, Telephone connection. MARY F. MILEY'S, ART AND STAMPING ROOMS. AH Materials for Fanoy Work Conetantly on Hand. Zephyrs, Yarns, Germantown Wools, Canvas, Felts, eto. Agont for Boston Comfort Corset, Frenoh P. D. Corsct. Huron street, one door west of Main, Ann Arbor, Slich. PlíasíÑotü The llangsterfer Ice Co., will furnish [ce delivered to any part of the city for the Season of 1888. 25 Ihi ilally except Suudays $t 00 per month. ' " times per weck - "1.75 " " 1 8 "1.50 " ... s . .. .. ..100 .. Hotels, Restuarants, Butohers etc, will ie furnished by the ton or hundred. Company Established 1875. E.V. HANGSTERFER, MANAGER. Office No. 28, S. Main Street. RINSEY k SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on hand a complete stock of every tliinp in the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Suears, In large amouats, and at Prices And can sell at Iow Figures. The large invoice of Teas the? buy and sell, ís good proof that n Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roost their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Thelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. Itey I Bi RMCKINAC, The Mos Delightfo". 8UMIVÍER 1QUF( Palaoe Steamere. Ixw Hatei. Tour Trips per Weok Betwea DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Srery Week Day Bctween "ETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our " Picturcsque Mackinac," Illustratec Conteins FuU Purtioular. Malled Froe. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB. QtN PAS. AQT., DETROIT, MICH. The most popular We9kly newgnaper devoted to science, mechanici.engiDceriDg. aiscoveries, inventions and patenta ever published. Every numIht illuBtratcd with splendid enrarings. Tbis publioationfarnïshASaiuoBtvaluableenoyclopedia of information wbich no person should bo without. The popularitj; of tho Sciehtjfio Amerioak in ucb that lts circulationnearl; qaala that of all other papers of its clais combined. Price. $120 a. yar. DiMConntto Clubs. 8old by all oewaaealers. ÍIUJÍN 4 CO.. Publi8her Ko. 361Brodway. N. V. MiMiaw lapuaiA MunnACn. havo ■i AT k N I S. also bad Thirty■ ■■■■■■" practica bef oro Hthe Fatent Office and havo preparad ■ more than pno Hundred ThouHaand applicationn tor patenta in tho I__V PoiUd lates and forgoeountnes. F Caveat. Trade-Marks, Copy-rights. AMignments, and all ptber papers for B seonring to inventora tbeir rignts in tho ■ United States, Canada, Eogland, Franco. ■ Germany and other f oreign countnes, prom pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. I Information as to obtaining patente cheerHfullyeiven without charge. Hand-books of "" informatioa Bent free. Patents obtained ihrougb Munn Á Co. are notioad in the Soientifio American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dupose of their patents. Addresi MUNN A CO.. Offlc SUUMTlilO Miebica. 3l Bto(lway, Kaw York. Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. AT3lck Pattern wlth ua and can be nad in sep arate pieces as well as sets and matched for years to come as readilv ae White Ware. J. D. STIMSON &BON, China Crockep. Glassware, 'Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - MICH. D. W. AMSDEN Of the late firm of Collins & Amsden is (loitiK buHÍuess alone at the old Stand, No.33 EAST HURÓN ST., Where he will be pleased to receive calis from all old oustomers and as many new ones as want FEED, BALED HAT AND STRAW, COAL AND WOOD. I also keep Linseed Oil Meal, an excellent feed for stock of any kind. CREETINCf? We come before the people with the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirely too numerous to mention for the outflting of the flne dreasers. And as we have the services of one of the best cutters, and also our coat makers are among the best, enables ug to please the most fashionable dressers. Novr all we have to say is come in and we will guarantee you the loweat prices In the state for flrst-class joods. No trouble to show goods. Rememberthe place, No. 6 East Huron Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. the Palace Livery THE list ai Best Tnrnonts IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE S-taTble. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Mich, Telephone No, 31, HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all Kinds of H ardwoo 1 Lumb e',r], Fenoe Posts, etc. Also all kinds of Stove and Cord wood. Terma cash. I um hI.ho agent for the celebrated C H A ML P I OJIV BINDERS & MOWEttS. And keep a full assortment of extras for the same. No. O Detroit street, Aun Arbor .... Mioh. LIVERY AND FEED BARN. TUST Opeuedby HIRAM KITREDGE, In the reai ot the Duffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations tor 75 rlorses. Patronage Solicited. H. KITKEDGE. ANN ARBOR. ----- MICH. CEÖRCE COLLINS DEALER IN STONE LIME, WATER LIME, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, Briok, MASONS' SUPPLIES and all kinds of WOOD AND COAL. Office, No. 36 East Huron Street Ann Arbor, - Mich. Ti PALACE GROCERI No. 9 North Main street. I am the ring leader in low prices nnd will not be undersold. I alwa) s have a freh Stock of Fruits and Vegetables in their Season. Fresh roasted Coffees once a week and Teas of my own importation, which render an-unexcelled flavor. All other goods are of PUREST QUALITY and at Rock Bottom Prices. Hightest cash price paid for farmers' iroduce. FREDT. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 'O the Ladies of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County, If you wish to get your OLD 8ILVER WA.RE iïeplated and liave the work well done and guar anteeil for 6 years, Please cali on THOMAS HAYLEY, Either liy postal cari or otherwlse at 34 E. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ag'tforMIch., l'lating Works. Best oL satisfoclion guaranted. The Southern Timber Land Investment Co. 196 LoSalle Street, Chicago. RAUIf CDC FIRSt NATIONAL BANK, CHICAGO. DanüCnO BANK OF CAMDEN, Camoen, Ark. Otrora the safeBt and b'Ht InTestmcnta tor small or lare snrns. Pamphlets pívíul lull in'orumticu fumished on appJication totlu nbove. :t will puy you well toread and costsyon ik ttitug.


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Ann Arbor Democrat