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I Xhl. Wkst All. Tont Do you have dull, heavy headache, obstruetion of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuso, watery, and acrid, at othcrs, thick, tenacious, mucous, puruleut, bloody and putrid; eyes weak, watery, and lnflamed ; ringing in the ears, deaíness, hacking or cougblng to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcera: voice changed and nasal twang; breath offensive; smell and taste impaired; is thero a sensation oí diz ziness with mental depression, a hacking cough and general debilityi If you havo all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering írom Nasal ('utürrh. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity oí symptoms. Thonsands of cases annually, without manlfesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so oommon, more deceptlve and dangerous, or less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturera of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reniedy offer, in good f aith a reward of $500 f or a case of this disease which they cannot cure. The Ilemedy is sold by druggists, at only 50 cents. A bird's nest of oxidized silver in whioh lie three small pearls is a pretty conceit in slimmer scarf-pins. Thlef Arroted. The news was received with the utmost satisfaction by the oommunity he had terrorized ; but the arrest of a disease that is stealing away a loved and valued Ufe, is an achlevement that should inspiro heartfelt gratitude. Chilliness, cola extremities, aepressed spirit, and extremely miserable sonsations, with pale, wan features, are the results of disordered kldney and liver. Arrest the cause at once by taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is a purely vegetable detective, that will ferret out and capture the most subtle lung or blood disorder. Druggists. Acopper erab in the act of seizing a small fish is a pleasing design on sllver match boxes. When f ragile woman sighs. deploring The oharms thatquiokly fade away, What power, the bloom of health restoring, Can check the progress of decoy i The only aid that's worth attention, For pains and ills of suoh description, Thousands of womon gladly mention - 'Tis "Pierce's Favorltó Prescriptlon." The price of this royal remedy, Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription, is but one dollar. Speciflo for all those chronic allments and weakn9ses peculiar to women. The only medicine for suon maladios, sold by druggists, under a positivo guárante from the manufacturera, that it wlll give satisfaotlon or money refunded. Seo guarantee on bottle wrapper. Large botUes $1. Six for $5. Small silvor frames with beaded rims are much admired as artistic photograph holders. Bsrbsd IVIrr. If yon har barbed wira felices, keep Vatsrinary Carbolisalre in yonr stablas. It oures without a senr and rene ws the halr lts original color. 5) cents and f 1.00 at draggista or ly mail. (ole & Co., Blakc River Falls, Wis. A "thirdbase" bag in white enamel is a scarf-pia for base ball rnthusiasts. When Bt7 ra ilck, we gT her Castoria, Wli tha waa a Chlld, the crled for Cajtorla, When h becsme Mi, aha clung to Caatoria, When the had ChUdrea, tht gare them CutorU, Vacation penholders and pencll cases are sliowii n niuiiy and varied designs. All uro pai'lii'il K partded sto'it lejther cases und oan be safely tirown into a v.ilise or triink without fear ut J umge. Lord Tennyson does not, as others reported, proposo to writa in verse a confession of llia fait h. Hand rings, lmving one-half of the shank pliiin and the otlier side chased or varicol ored, are muota admirad. Dr. Lnrimcr informed his Tremont Temple congi-cgation last Sunday that he should vote for Kiske and Brooks. New Orleaoa held an immigration convention August 7, managed by Louisiana residents of norlhern birth. A ininaturc corn cob of Human gold, from wbick sprints a stronpr amber mouthpiece i a daiuty cigarette bolder. A locket chann for thenautically inclined is of gold and represents a ship's block. It contains spacu for two pictures. The sugar trust will probably have to 8uta:n the flrst assault of tho attorneygeneral of the state of New York. The Remarkabl Gromth or the Moxle Ca. It was only threo years aothat this Central American plant, Moxic Nervo Food flrst carne into uso. Now it is the common beverage of the leading people of the United Stat?s. To satisfy the public incredulity the company offered 5,000 if they could not prove it had reoovered hopeless, helpless cases of old paralysis ; helpless men under the liquor appetite: invalid women, completely broken with nervous exhaustion until utterly wrecked ; -cases medicine could not help. A silver ostrich plumo studded with diamonds makes a tasteful and brilliant brooch. The Ilomelle.t Mi. ii In Michigan As well as the handsomest, and others are lnvited to cali on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selline entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and euro all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Large Bottles 50 cents and $1. A minature base ball, either in silver or cnamcled, makes a popular charm. Clark- "Well, I declare ! Smithers, how you have picked up lately." Smithers- "Yes, yes; things were bad enough with me a Httle whilo back. but I happened to run across the advertisement of B. F. Johnson & Co. of Kichmond, Va., and they put me in position to make money right along. If you know of anybody noeding employment hero is thcir name and adel ress." NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visioni this littl word bringi before the eyes of the nervoui. Htadache, Neuralgia, Indigestión, Sleepleune, Neryoua Prostration, All itare them in the face. Yet all these nervoua troubles can be cured by using (■(.Rineï (ombound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON0 Alto contains the best remedies for dïseased condi tions of the Kidney s, Liver. and Blood, which alwavs accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tonic, an Alterative. a Laxatíve, and a Píuretic. That v why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $i,oo a Bottle. Send fur full particulars. I WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Propretors, BURLINGTON, VT. EDÚCATE YOUR SONS. Endow the ra with n It-gafy tjmt tliey cannotsquandcr, jj pmliinf tiü-iti to be eduoatAdat tho UHIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Tho 45th rolleg:iat year wlll opn Toetday, ! Beplmlfr 4, lífOs. Tti6 p.iri.m and logaril bníl'linic hare, durliiff tho year, accommodAted , 500 Ffiidi-iit Htudents. Kvery facillty Is afforüoü fur i aquiringa thorouh Injowledg- of Claaslca, Mathematica, Luw, Science and Mailc. A tliorongh Commercial Conne is also adlstlnrulshed featuro of tho Institutiun. Étpocial idvantAgv are offered to students of the I.AVf DlPAKTKXNT. THB MINIM DEPAKTMENT. A oparate Instltutfon fSt. Edward's Rail) for boys undcr 13 years of age, v. lm are taught by tho SISTERS OF THE nüLV CROSS. undcr whoso maternal caro they pass nearly the enttre day In receiTlnjrlnstriictUmsln tnaelemvntary branches of an Rnglikh edunation, toirether with a fundamental knowledgo of Latln. Krrnoh, Uorniao, Vocal Mu-iu. Vtultn, Piano and Drawlng, preparatory to enter either the Junior or Senior claves of tho Untrerslty. Board, washing, uieudfng, tuitlon and e-n trance fee for aMlon oí flvo months in Hinim Departnifnt, 1130 .00. The elghty-elghth tetudon wiHopenTusday,Sept.4, 1US. ïeforo coneludlDg where to piuco your ton or warda send for a catalogue, which will be tent free, and yon will flnd full particular as to Coursof Stndy, tvrma, oto with lltuitrationi of the ruain bulldinfrs of N tro Dame. Address. Kt. T. B. Walsh, 8. C-, l'rvs. UnlTcralty Xuti-e Dame, Ind. CThe oldest medicine In the world Ik iru.ahly Mm Dr. Isaac Thompson's U EtEBRATED KVK WATEll This article Isa c&refully prepared PhyKiclan'N prescript Ion, and has been In constant use nearly a century. ('Al.'TION.- The only {reuuJoe Thompson' Lye"Wwtet hftfi upon the white wrapper ofotich bottle an engrared portrait of tlie Inventor, Ib. Isaac Thomio.n, with t, fac-simit? of his ftlynature; alpo a noto of hand signed John h. Thompnon. Arold allothfrit. Tlie genuino Eye Water can be outalned from all Druggists. JOHN L.THOWPSON. SONS & CO.. TROY, N. Y. fllB OR. PH. D. PAUL, fZ&Ë PthsEYÉaSpecialty. afR irWEylfaffllrteawlth Mor Eye, sHP ySr ïï-IAIJLil follgw Swr addrvss wtth stamp to S43 i gggjy North Clark 8t-, Chicago, 111. Artificial Eye furnlshed. DUTCHER'S FLY KILLERI CERTAIN DEATH No huntlnc with powdc.rand gwn ai for siulrrols ■ Dly to stupefy them. No Hngerin; death on the oticking planter. Flies s.'t't i , ürink and a KILLED OUTRIGHT humanely, no outckly they pftnno . get jiwa1. Ue it freelv. Trove nt reprndnftion. seritiC serene peace and .-niet. Alays ask lor DUTCHBR'S. FBFD'k 1XIMII..C Hl. Alóan, Vt. E7R Ia CORA A moxth an bc #fOi TO )OU. made worklng for aft. Aiícnt preferred whocan furnNh a horse and (rivO I thn.r who e time to tho busiim-i, sparo monirnts ! may bii profitably omitloyed alm. A few vncanriect n towm and cities. B. F. JOIINSOX & CO.. 10OJ Main street, Illchmond, Vra. FREE HOMES ftWitteteaiete ....Mi.U.JuiUlu..UiMM.iél.iB tfit IU UUU k UI ta ruiitrf IlnlU.luilñU. fcw, M vrfl M r tahnaaltM et .Jt lUM. w4 t riMrt. M4 1 ■!■ Mnaë.WMMlM l.fn.tM.. ft nnwMM ftMnwiT iwIMm4 tmm. Uta TILE tfjUTku WdRll. CkUam.UI. Weak and Weary Detcrlbea the candil Ion of many prople debilitáis by the warm weather. hy iliaeaan or OTerwork. Bood'! Saraapsrllla Is Jmt the medicina needed to erercome iht tlred feellng, to purlfy and quiete Ifce ilucglsh blood. nd rettore tbe lost appetlte. Il jou need good medicine ba ure to try Uood'a Sai■ui mi "Mr appetlte wai poor, 1 cosld not sleep, had headaehe a great daal. palm In my back, myboweladld, .lot moT regnlarly. Hoods Saraapartlia In hort timo did me ao mach good that I feel llko a new man. My palm and aches are rellered, my appetlto lmpreTed." Ozonas F. Julios, Roxbnry Station, Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drngglata. tl: lx for 5. P re pared only by C. I, BOOD & CO., Apothrc-Riirv Lowell Maai. IOO Doses One Dollar m THE IfMBUpt CHEAPEST I Kvi aAv yÊL AND IBifwiiliinfc BEST MEDICINE IKK feirr FAMILY USE Br IN THE IKHfSBK. W0RLD! ipiaapiill CURES ALL PAINS, Internat orEiterul. It ai the Int and la the only Pain remedy that lmtantly atopn the mon exr.rucUtlnr pa'-i, aliar infUmmattoD and curvi Congtlom. whethar ol tn LuDg. Siomach. Hoveli. or othef g.anda or oriana. o matler how T(o:ent oreicruclatln? the patoth gheumat.c. Bedrlddrn, Indrui. Crtnplcd. NerVoua, nenrajglc, or proatratcd wllh dlacaat-a may aulxer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF vlij afford Initant eaae. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Thlrty to alxty dropa In halt a ttiiiblrr ol vter wlllln a few mlnutra cure Crampa. -pnina. fioiir Btomach. Nausea Vomltlng, Palpliatlon uf the Haart. Falntceu. Hrartbiirn. Sck llendache. Dlarrhea, Dyaentpry, Collc, Wind in tho Uoivela. and all Interna! pahia. Thrre la not a temedlal agrnt In the world that lll euro Fever and Agne. and all otticr Maljrtoua, Blllouaapil otlier fevr, alded l)y Itadwar t rtlla, ao Qolck aa lUdvay'a Rcaly Rellpf. FIf.jr centa per Kollle. Bold by drasglau. CDA7CDAXLE rnA4i:ilQDciccf BEST IN THE WORLD. UlflLMUli i üct the Gcnutne. Errj Box Marked FR4ZE&. JÉÜMjtr RIFLE tUwfeC Kew Model 1888. Works taaier. U sim pier. NAgl _Th Out. êtrongcr, lighter, than any otKer. Vff'SÈfaSlw"" JHiM'T KI T1IX TUU KÏK IT. X KfejBaSfc BALLARD B DALLUY.HUNTIMO ANO TQET RIFLES. SM Sl-dJ for Ii]:ntrsti;d Ckt&taffoe. íaT MARUN FtRE ARMS CO., Boi so D.NEW HAVEN. OT. .HBteáw. 1 prescribe and fully fnipr Carata aBJ hpectftc for the certuin cur jVI TO DiTB. V Uf thls rtlseos.'. MÊMQ'U'T5 """I U. H.INOKAÍIAM.M. D., HJ amaaairuaw. ■ Amattnlam.iH. Y. ■ Mrd Ooiy by tb We have pold Big G for liBfT''o"'-_.(tlTen the beat of Ba.llWB OtnolnnatUillBB faclion. ■W Ohlo. Jm D. DYCHEiPOj. ■JL-gB Cblrago, ík TradVMIl.rkl 81.00. S.ld Uy UruKgla. SïYÈARBOOKM Fu'.lof iDrcncatioB. Dlaciiksloo ff frt pro'.ltnit, Bfn itu J nt nd trr!-.-r hm.U tuve It. IuiiltuUoD In tfont rak if CoUegca. Tuitin Irt. Pwattaf or liook futir ciati UE.ri5Vr t rjaiLENT, Atb) - HICH. HVELLS, c. Send for onr cataloiruF . kc. on WpII BortnS o inl ProNpri'Una .Ilnrlilnrs. &c. LOOM IR A. NYMAN. TIFFIN. OHI"""tJB B Ilc.n -il wltb FJflérLKW PftPB1 hre ALajlu:a!y ttoÊtjP3HtUiM' br.wknb. . Sof. pBablf ma cUstlc. Story of Fefhorbono fl!. AildrM "FKATUKRltOXK," 3 Onk., Mlehlxaa. nYUAUITC ïl Ml'BHSÏIlU. Ia Ul I ItHini I E calilles not kepl b iloalorsiruito M0 introd uoeour byuaniite Cartr:d?o ellnnd do Iivit ut pricoi avt raging ó to jli cenu per Rtaiiip re.uove.l. AJux T'irupdo V Ilyniuuaw Worm, Itily City, Mlch. ■lAUCCNcbrttska Lanía. tS lo t'.l pr acre. ttxvd numtOHomei lor Fannt'ri. Sare Inrtietmew for capltallsN. i.ntr t iiiü, euv purmcnta. AddrcMia fur l'amphlüts. Lo U.i o. Kxoarnion i).iui, etc, ■'. K. nUJU, JlFoiSl.. Aurora, III. 0JII_„_ J _ BEMKDT-liipwid onlTba HHIH # Mndl on St.. Ctüoago. fa.S jk OTaVJ B1 A A1"' i woe of voor drngtrtwt oh AO I llílAe 'V ni.'.il oh icctipt of prlCW snmsSS ■MbBHHHBBHB CLai'l e te a. Kut, HITIIOIA1IP 20yr9.Practl.-clTiPi'n)OM f Soomü ■■"'TI"Torno fees. 8endfornw ■ lawa. C.JC. SITES &Cü.,Atty'B,WasbingtoñJ.l ññf ft Vlv thomotnd miktmora monty worklnp for oj thaa BlUlMn t nrihlnir pIm in the worM. Elthor ir. CwtWo4fn riutK. TtmuraKa. jld.lrei, 'Ikix Jk Co., Aofxiit, UaA. r K m?D TrtKl na without tb iir. Vil-1 Ulj r. L. roKl). H D., Anrora. Kan Co., ft. MTO ■ A DAT. ftnmp'.ti aorth I.F' FRBB. Hntnnot under tht horst' feit. Htt-ê Brewiur Safelv Rein Bolaer Go...'lMy, Mda, PftPE" Ey return mail. Foll leiicrlptt0a ■ llkaW f.tü. JIO'IT 4 CO.. Cincissati. a rul It HworthewperB. I'cttlfjEyeSalTelsworï O ULU tiouo,but la aolü at -Jb cents a box by deal W. N. U. D.-G-34. Wlicn wrltiiiK to AdvertUcr pleaa ta you w the arivertlsemcii t In thU Paper.


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