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MARY 0. WHITING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, ixan, Coliection and Inturanc offlo. Frirate eonmltation of ladles sacredly regftrdad. Office t Eatt Huron Street, A nu Arbor, M [chican. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROXON. Office and resldence No. 37 Thompson street. OiTlce hours from Ba. m.. till 12 m., and trom 6 Uil (p. m. P. M'KKRÑAN,"" i TTORNEY-AT-LAW. CoUecMom A promptly atended to. Money to loan. Honses and löts or sale. Otile in Court House. DR. JAMKS ü. VVOOD. OFFICE anti Ngsidence, No H South Fourlh street. ónice lioura from ato 4 and "tot . m. Tetephoae E?o. i i -4. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D„ OFFICE IN MAS0NIC TKMPLOD BLOCK. Ann Arbor. Office hours from S to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Kf nidence 48 Thompson street. Telephoue No. 128. DR. II. K. AENDT, OFFICE over the Kimt Nafloiul üanv. Honn: 10.30 a. m. to 12 in. I'. "'■ Otn b resoljed t reeldenee, wol Huron Stre', une Prof Klcliols' place"! bv t.-U-puouc Nu. 'Jï, ano will replj to calis In tho evemuir. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUOEON. Offlce and resldence over postofiice, flrst floor. ' A. C. NICHOLS. T ATE of Kicbols Bros. Over Andrew's Bo-i't _j Store. Ko. 13 South Muin street. THE GERMANIA HOTEI flORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND U streeU. Win. L. Frank, p'oprietor. Sampie rooms for traveling men. Kerj room bctted br team. EOGENE OESTERL1N, TUBOBiNÜB AGENT AND NOTAR? PUBLIC X Moneys coUeoted to any part of Kuropa Urafts issucd and pnid Offlce, No. 8, V. l.iljcrt} etreet, Ann Arbor, Blcll JO8EPH CLINTON, ifERCHANT TAILOR. 8hop oyer Wlnes A iu. Worden's. All work euaxanteed or no ihargs. JOHN F. LAWRENC2, ATT0RN7Y ATLAW. u. Office, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opeia House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. M. MARTIN. TTNDKRTAKPH AND FÜNKRAL DIRECTOR J Cloth, Metallc and comroon Coffina Storeroom, No. ia lí. Wanhlncton street. Kesidence cor. i iberty and Flfth. Telaphoce No. 2. C. W. VOGEL. TO'EW MARKET. O. W. VOGEL, ProprletOJF. ' Lat of Chelsea, at Thom Matthews' oíd stand on Ann street Fresh and Salt meats kept oi ISsaa, i FREDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT I-AW. Official eorrespon 1 V dent of the Germán f'onsulate, Keal Es tate, Coliection, Insurance, Steamshlp and Loa; ISency. Office No. 40 South Main stmat. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant. Confectionery and Lunch Rcoms. tirst-cUs1' meals at all bours. Oysten in eve-y stylo Bread. Cakes. Fies and Cold Lunches constunlly on hand. All kinds of elgant nd tobáceo. lUstaurant cor., Ann and Fourth Btrecta W. W. NICHOLS. DENTIST. Kooms Over Aun Arbor Savings liank. Opp. Court House Square. "Vitalizecl -A_3? admiuistered. It is ssreoablc and c-tsy to take andno protratin(? effectn follow, whiïe te.eth arp extrauted without pain. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orgaiizt'iJ 18C9. un Ier the (jrtneral Banking La of this statu has iiow, iiichidmg capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Btiftfnetw men, Qnardlans. Trustees, Ladies and other persons will flnd tlüa Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Mace at whicta to uiatie Deposita and do business. interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and npwanl, aocordlng to the rule of the bank. and interest compouuded sfini-annually. Money to Loan m Sumsof $25 to $5,OOO. Secured by llnincambered Real Fútate and other fjoodsecuritic. DIRECTOBS- Christain Hack, W. W. Wlnes, W. V. Karrmia ■■; William Deuhle, D:iTld Klnsey, Daniel Hlst-ock ai d W. B. Sinitli. OFFÍCBRS- Cbristlan Kaek, President: W. W.tvines, Vicel'resident: C. E. Hiscock. JOIÍN MÜEHLIG, UNDERTAKEB. ROOMS No. .l)5 South Main Street over A. L. Robles store. BESIDENOE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, IVlich. C H. MILLEM INSURANCE AGENT. jNo, 4 South Main St, Ann Arbor. The oldeat Hgency in the city. EstubIl8he(l a quarter of a centmy. Ui-presenting the followiu; örst-daM corapaniea. Home Ing. Co. oí N. ï. $.ouo,000 Continental Ins, Co. of N Y 4,207,206 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y l,735?3 Glrardlns. Oo.of Phlla., 1,W"I86 Oriënt rus. Co. of Hartford M'.tisSI L!ommercial Union of London 12,)00,000 Xirerpool, London and Globe 33,000,000 oto low Isishch liberal! atUutltd mu? frompllupaid. a ,_ Jltl.LEti. WEENBR& BRENNER No. 16 South Main St. A FULI. LINK OF FRESH CIÏMiBS Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8 8UGARS and SPICES . We also carry a fiül üne of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGAKS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. Time Table, July 15, 1888. Standard Time. 80IH0 A1 , BTATIO. d k L 3 SË ?__?!_ fiL Lri_ _íL_ fl A. K. A.M. P. M Á. II. P. M. P. K Chicago Lv. 5.00 9.00 3.10 10.10 9.1 Salamazoo... W.M 1.38 6 58 7.10 8 86 2.27 Battle Creek... 11.15 3.15 7.33 7 55 4.S7 3.1 P. M. I Ickon Ar. 1.SU 4.15 g.4S 8.S5 6.15 4.4 Dbelsea 2.04 10 13 7.10 8.2" Oester 2 17 10.24 7.87 6.4 AnnArbor 2.4) 5.80 0.41 10.40 7.50 8.00 Detroit Ar. 4 10 6.45 10.45 11.50 9.20 7.30 St, Thomas Ar 1 0 10 11.05 2.00 12.10 12.45 8.2Í FallsTiew ' ' 4.59 3.4416.46 Buffalo Ar 4.85 7.15 5.65J 9.05 eOINO WE8T. L i j Jrí % „ . ?_ r f$it_ .55 , fcá 1. H. P. M. P. M. A. Vi A.M. P. M Buffalo L. 11.30 5.35 9 00 l.WJ u. u. Viajara Falla 12.15 6.20 p. H. 1.47 5t. Thomas... 4.25 10.00 110 6.50 Detroit Lv. 7.30 9.10 4.00 l'.üó 8.00 10.18 kun Arbor..... 8.M) 10 40 5.30 2.24 9.15 11 8S Dexter 9.0 6.S0 9.44 2heleo 9.22 6.05 10.03 p. . I (ckeon... -Ar. 10.13 11.45 7.10 3.27 10 65 12.54 A.M. Sattle Creek_. 12.09 1.S3 8.52 4.38 12.77 2.15 Salamaioo 1 12.801 2.0i 9.451 5.15 1.Í0 3.07 3hlClgti Ar I 6._J0 .„...I 9 30 ; 00 7.4S 'Siihdny uxceptcd. J.Saturdíiy & Mintlny oxcepteo fDaily. H. W, HA YES. AuL Ann Arlior. HÍÑR"Y M ATTHEWS Kopi Ktnt-clau MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kind. of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Frices Roosonable. 'fhanklng those who hare io llberallr patronled me In the past, I also oordlallf olicit trad rom new patrooa. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich, EBERBACH & SON. ANDPHARMAoisTs, No. 12 South Main Street - DEAXÍBB UI - lotlioine, Cliemioul, Dye StulK, Artlit'i and Wai Flover Material, Toilet Artlcles,Trua.Etc. Pare Wines il Lipors ! Special attention pald to tht furnldünc of thyalclana, Chemlitt, Schools, eto., with phllo■ophical and Chemical ApparatiM, Bohemlan Dhemloal Ulaaaware, PoroalsJa War, Pur Keacenta, etc Phyulol&n' PresoriptUns Oaratully Preparad at all hoon. EBEWBACH A8ON. THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. Priro rnr nn THK most UUV DURABLE And BAPin itstnbA Htau VHUngllHliai In Daily Use. "2SSfÍS Por printod matter, etc., addross Thb WiiiTixo Macuinb Co., HARTFOHI), CONV. New York ranch, : 237 Kroadwat. We chai Innen all Wrltlnjr Machines to Lompe Itlvo coutest for S eed. Address for circulars und testimoniáis State AgenU GEO. E. PADDOCK & CO., Vi Congres '' West, Detroit, Mich.


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