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Mills On Free Whisky

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Some rattling tariff reform speeches were made at the meeting of the Harleai Democratie club ia New York. The principal speakers were Congressman Milla and W. C. P. Breckinridge. Mr. Mills put the issue between free whisky and tax reduction ncally, a follows: The Kepublicans say, "We will reduce the surplus by taking out of the treasury the tax ou whisky and give you frea whisky inatcad of free clothes." Follow this advice. Drink this freí; whisky and it will briuif joy to your hcarts aud a brick to your hat. What possible good will itdo to remove the tax from whisky? Whom will it benefit? The Lord knows tbere is too much drunkeness here now giving it the frightful ímpetus of such a reduction, and vet this is wuat tho Republicaus offer, the people. The Democratie party, as the party of the worltloi{iuhii umi the poor man, 13 eugaged in a greatbattle to secare for the people thelr rights under the constitutioa. What have we done? Kollowing in the line of the Presidenta message we have framed a bilí, passed it and sent it to the Senate. There they are in a quandary. Shall they present a tariff reduction bill or adniit they haven't the capacity to draw one? Their wise men have been sent for. If they reduce taxation they will lose the monopolist. If they don't reduce they they mnst have free whisky. Let them cboose either aiternative. Mr. Breckioridge made an eloquent denial of the risrht of the government to takc money from a citizen except for govermnenul purposes. The meeling passed rcsolution es;ieciallv thankiug Mr. Mills for his 'talent, skill and patriotism" in passing the bill which beurs liU name. ïlicre's a yawolng dinrence between same husbaDds ut tiomt unl tbe sumo ubruuii.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat