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Democratic County Convention

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The Demócrata of Washtenaw county will mee in County Convention at the court house, in tli City of Ann Arbr, on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1888, a 11a. m., to nomínate candidates for county off cera, ald also to elect delégales to the Senatoria convention. Unde-r the above cali townships an( wards are entitled to delega ces as f ollows: Ann ArborCity - Pittsfleld ' lst ward 5 Salem. 2d " 4 Saline „ 3d " 4 Scio llh " 4 Sharon 5th " 3 Superior 6th " 2 Syfvan Ann Arbor Towu 4 Webster . Augusta 4 York ( Hridgewater 4 Ypsilanti Town Dexter 3 Ypsilanti City- Freedoni 4 lat ward ■' Lima Sj 2d " Lodi 4 Hd " I-yndon 3 4th " Í Manchester 7 5th " Northfield 4 JACOB F. SCHUH, Chairman, J. R Bacit, Secretarv. Dated, Ann Arbor, August .17, 1888. Democratie Representative Convention. A Democratiíí Convcntion for the flrst Repre sentative District of Washtenaw county, (the nortb half of the county) wiilbe held at the court house, in Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, September 5, 1888, at 1 o'clock, p. m., local time, to nomínate a candidato for Representativo in te Legis lature. Each township and ward will be entitled to the same nuinber of delegates as those in the county convention J, I. STONE. Chainnan, Democratie Ward Cancuscs. The democratie ward caucuses for the elect ion of delegates to the Democratie County Convention, to be held Sept. 5th, for the election of delegates to the representative convention, will le held Monday evening, Sept. tfd at half-past seven o'clock, at the following places. First ward- Office of J. R, Bach, over Caspar liinsey's store on Huron strcit. öecond ward- E. Oesterllu'g office over Pflsterer's clothing store. Thlrd ward- Court House basemeni. Fourth ward -Firemen's hall. l'il'tli ward-Engine hoiwe. Sixth ward- Engine house. By order of Committees It is really painful to us to see the sly little anti-love taps the Register f?ives our Courier brother occasionally. Detractors of the President haven t had so much to say about Cleveland being controlled by British iüfluence, Bince bis retaliation message appeured. Thubman's tour bas been a complete ovation. The united republican press is striving to crack his free trade nute, and with ill success. It is rather an uphill job to convince the workingmen of the country how they are benefltted by being taxed. That's the nub of the hole business. While it would have given the Democrat great pleasure to have eupported our distinguished fellow townsman, Hon. C. H. Kichmond, for congrees, the convention decreed otherwise. We find cause for congratularon, however, in the fact that Ann Arbor retams Mr. Kiohmond. The Detroit Free Press has revived the discussion on the subject of taxing the' bachelors. The Catbolic church would have something to say about it if the matter should ever get any further than newspaper discusBion. We suggest tb at if the bachelor is to be taxed, the old maids who have had a chance to get married and didn't, should likewise be put on the tax roll. This is only fair to the bachelors. Also that in leap year the situation should be reversed and tho maids taxed and the men allowed immunity. Whkn some officers in the union army complained to Abraham Lincoln that Grant was drunk moBt of the time, the president expressed regret that more union generala did not drink the same brand of liquor. Kepublican papers are asserting that the president's proposed plan of retaliation on Canada in the fisheries matter is bunkum, designed to capture the Irish vote. Well, it will capture it, too. If there was more such bunkum manifested by the men who rule this government, the American flag would not be laughed at by every petty'power in ohristendom. Our eïteemed contemporary, the Argus, in an article in lts last week's issue, says, " it behooves the demooratic party not to nominate a candidato it will have to Üght for to elect." Why, bless your soul, you dont thiuk the republicans of Washtenaw are going to sit itily by and see the democratio ticket elected without an eflort to defeat it, do you? Washtenaw is very largely democratie, but it won't do for us to go to sleep, all the same. The Dbmocrat is perfectly confldent of the election of any ticket the coming county covention will, in its wisdom, put in the field. But as for üghting, that's what we're hcre for.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat