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Tberc Is ono place In Ventura cnunty, California, whero Ultra are 0,00) acres plauted wltli bcans. Hls antlcipated tbat the goverument exlilbits at tbo Cindnnatl Exposltlon will cover 40,009 square icet ol space. The government la trylne lobster culture on the Pacific coat. Tho flrst Atlantic instalmeot has been anchored at Santa Cruz. The cannlng of sbrlmp Is becomlng a greot Industry In New Orlcans. Fully 100,000 cans a day are packed there during the seaIOD. "Chautauqua" means "ft foggy place." Th Indiana dld not forsee that the name would 'm applled to a system grandly fog-dlspellIng. A decoctlon of tobáceo, bolled In water ind uaed cold the next dav, is sald to havo been found eflectual against the currant worm. A Brooklyn man named Wanlrobo Is In s ihigularly approprlatc business. Ho bas set up a shop tn Fultou street for the renovatlon of clothing. The four brotherhoods, englncers, flremen, brakemen and swltchmen of thls country are taking steps toward tbe amalgamatlon of the tour bod lea. SoiiKt of the Navajo scouts used by the govrnniiRnt In chaslng Geroinlno are reported to bn robblng aud inurderlug 90 miles east of üallup, N. IC rbere has been a heavy sbrlukage In the [[U&ntlty of South American sugar iorwarded to thls country during the seaaon, as couipared wltli last ) car. Scren different kinds of campatgn badges liave already beeu sprung upon tbe public Dy New York manufacturera, tbo trlnkets costiug (rom 1 to 10 cents each. Fet dogg lu Paris are nonr ciad In mantles irlth pockets for holding luimis of sugar, bracelets on tbcir paws and a string of little illver bella arouud tbc neck. Land In New York city Is so dear tint lt does not pay capitalista to bulld houses for rental. Many houses ihut sell for $40,UO0 will not bring $2,500 a jeur reut. An official report on tbe cholera epidemie wblch raged In Japan two years aso states that tbere were 155,574 cases of tho disease, 3f whlcb 110, OSO wero fatal. Tbe Sraith family Is numerous In England and Wales. The census places the number of Individual Smiths In tbose countrlei at 835,B14, wblch Is more tban tbe whole populatlou of Dublin. Mot half an average erop of hay will be harvested fn Nevada thls seasoo. In the Kastern part of tbe state tbe hay erop Is almost a total {allure. Thls means a high prlce for beef cattle. A Port Huron, Mlcb., woman who Is rather restless as to how business may bc later in tbe season, has bougbt her coflln at a quarter off sale, and Is now ovorseelng tbe coiutructlon of her tombstone. A correspondent wrltes that tho average yield of blueberrles In Nortbwood, N. II , Is about 600 busbcls, and the present lndlcatlons lead one to belleve tbat tbere will be above an average erop tbls ecason. Harry Cole, four years old, arrlvcd at Uicüester last week, havlng traveled alone íroin Los Anecies, CjL Both hls parents have died wlthln a year, and the little fellow carne Kast to take a home with an aunt, Four new quarantlnn stations are to be cstabllshed on tbe Atlantic coast, as follows: Delaware Breakwater, amoant approprlated $75,000; Cape Charles, $112,000; Georgli coast, $38,500; Kep West, $87,000. The llghtnlng, wblch almost demollsbed tbe house of Mr. Brantly at Servia, Ga., tiu otber day, harmed none of tho family, although a young son was witbln a foot or two of tbe place wbere tho bolt flrst feil. Ez-Gov. Alger, of Michigan, has a son 6 years oí age. When the news of Harrison'3 nomlnatlon reached Detroit the little fellow romarked: "Well, everybody can't be uoin!uatud." You are pretty young for a phllo3opher," remarked tbe defcated father. Threo tbousand little sand-crabs from the New Jersey coast have been sent to Europe. They will üe placed In museums of natural hlstory connected wlth schools, where thoy wtll be stadled as specimens of diminutivo crustácea. Isn't lt odd tbat lawyers will prosecute, juries find verdlcts and Judges pass sentence, and Ihen tbe wbole crowd turn about aud sign a petltlon to the governor not to carry out the seDtence. "Too much feelln's" Is wbat all thls country to-day. The dlsreputable Marquls oí Allesbury has at last turne'd bis hand to sometbinc reilly useful. He has bought a Windaor andlluuley coach and drives lt every day, allow Ing anybody to rlde for 7 shilling and 6 pence, wlth 5 shlllings extra for a box scat beside bis lordsblp. At San Diego, Cal., a scance for materializaron was rcccutly beid In a Methodist church wlth satisfactory results. Scveral Hulrita came out of the cabluet aud talkn 1 wlth thelr frlcuds In fronL Durinthe eveninc fourteen materializatloa3 took place and 109 tests were given.


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Ann Arbor Democrat