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Jesse lv. Grant has Deen trareiing tiirougn Mexico as tbe representatie of Now York ! capitalista irho propoae lo luvest larpolj ' lu Mexlcan Minina; proporty. Ho iays he ' found regret cxpressed by business men all ' over Mexico tbat tbc Mxlcan rcclproclty i treaty f al led to becomc a law. i Tbe Connecticnt Farmer says: The coming law, whicli our farmers will support almost to a man, will requlra tbe owner of a dog to i give bouüs to tha nmount of $1,000 for tbe ' good bebavlnr of hls cur, on whlch bond Ld may be sued for all damage to Ufe or property nhieb bis worthlcss animal may cause. Recent figures whlch hare been complled show tbat the Uultcd States Importa 00,000,000 poundsof prunes, 7,000. 000 pounds of tUs, 52,000,000 pounds of ralslns, 5,000,000 pounds of almond', 18,000 carloads of oranges and lemous, Ü50 carloads of preserved fruits, 2'0 cnrloads of othor fruits representing a total falue of over 120,000,0!. Prof. Maynard of Amherst fluds tbat pjrethrum applled to tree and Tines at the rate of one pound lo 100 gallons of water wi 1 ilcstroy many stnall Itisccts, and paralyzo tbc o'.d oucs eo they will fall from tbe trees. Cauker worms or otbur Insects whlch crawl may tben be leept from returnlng to tbe trees by bands of tarred paper wrapped around tbe Iruiiks. .Marienno Lesbonnc, the coloncl of tbe commune, Is about to become a tbcatrlcal manager for tbc presentaron of a drama in verse called "Tbe Sleep of Dautou," by Clovls Ilughes. It will be glven the honors of a single audltlon In Paris - a sort of public reliearsal. Tbencs lts glory will be taken to Mai'sctllcs, and from there to London. The drama teil) tbe stor of tbe last six tnontlis of tli r; life of Dan ton, and the talcis a simple one of bis own private life. A ffreat sensatlou is ezpeeted from the scène wbere tbe royallsts die on tbe scaffold. A man wbo lives in Amerlcus, Ga., has been hearing strange noises In the cellar of hls bouw. At one time It was llKe syrup running from a barrel, whlch he tbougbt was caused by rats, and another timo llke a person dlgglnp; with a plek. Wben lic beard the last nolse he went down to the cellar wltu a ligbt but cvcrythlng was qulet. Returnlutr to hls family the dlgglng commenced agaln loudcr and heavier. 'llie houso shook, the wlndows raltled. and all hls dogs (clirht or ten) bcgan to bark and run around, the hands wcre awakened by it What caused the noisc, so mucb llke dlgglng was nover found out. It kept up for over an hour. Thcre Is an ablo romancer ont .vc3t somcwbere wbo Is koeping tbe u&st supplled wltli i'xecllKiit' itenu of Interest." Herc are a couple of them: "Lijcbtulng played a auucr capcr on a ranch uear Buftalo, Wvoinlug, recently. It struck a barbewlre fence, and for a dlstancc of four bundred yards mclted the ■:irbs without injurlng the strands, and pulled one end of the Staples holding tho wlres to tho po.t.i. The extracled ends wero neatly turned luto corkscrews and ulckle-platüd." "Jim BleviuB, living near White Rock, Ter, killed a vcry largc eb eken snake a few dars aero, and, notlcing tbe snake's body was unusually large and lll-sliape.l, made an incisión and fonnd It contaiued a large cow bom nnd In the hom a prairie rat. It Is supposed tbat Ibe suako chased the rat loto tbc bom, and to secure Ibe rat swalloyud tbv bom." All Run Down From the wcAkanlng eiTocts of warm woatlicr, by han! work, or from a long tllntiss, you need a gootl tonic and blood pnrlflor. Houd s SarsuparlUa glvesa Siod appetltc, sirentlR'ns tbe wholc sjhtem, purlflct ihp blood, regnlatei tiie dttreseton. "Il afford1 mQ imich plpasure to r re om mond ÏTood's SarBnparllla. Mv lu-alth two ye&n ago was vcry poor. My f rlcuds (hought I was going wlth consump tlon I commcnccd uslns Hood's KarsaparlUa, took fivp bottlcs of It, and to-ilay I can d as hard a day'B work as I cvcrcould. It savcl me from the írraye and put mo on my feot a sound, hcalthy man." Will Ii. I). TRiBOkT, 144East Main Street, Wiggonsvllle. Olüo. Hood's Sarsaparilla Soltiby all druggtsts. tl; sli for il Preparod only by C. L HOOD &CO-, Apothscarloa. LowelL Masi. IOO Doses One Dollar HBtew I T prescribe mul fullyenËJl lrrsp IïIk as thfl only ■OnrilD H sporfile forthecortaincure Vl TO 5 DATS. V ,,f this disaap. m MHfOatrtDlMd Dot teW {; J{ iN(j HAirAM.M. J)., Zf fcüwSirtoiMfc " Amsterdam, N. Y. E Uf donly by tha We liavo SOld Big G 'OT W7V _ _ . pwii Ca man y yt'ftrs. and ft haa ïaiÏTHutttBleüOjj Blcn 'tUe Uesl ol 8atl8. H_V Cinoinnmtl.aBHBl fuction. ■bW. ouo. rm h. dyche co.. -w' W Chlcaeo, 111. TrtdMaBkirkVSl.OO. Sold by l)rugLlst. Huil HALF ROTES HrTrrnB To T1IE ÜPFarminG RegionS WEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHWEST, For part jeulnrs rail on yourTiokPt Aeent or adlress I'. S. EU8T18, Uun'I l'usa. Agt., V. Ji. & Q. It. R.. CllictfO. DUTCHER'S FLY KILLER1 CERTAIN DEATH Ko huntlng with powdcr and gun as for sQiilrrols i nly tostupofy tbern. No llnferlaz death on tho ■t.c'kiMK planter. Klica teek 1 , drink and a e KILLED OUTRIGHT humnnely, o qnickly thcycanno'. got i's,! it freolv. I 're vont roprudm-Mun, eiuro serene uoace and oulet. Always Mk ttir DUTCHBR'a FBJBD'K DIJTC1I1SM, Albani, V'i. FREE HOMES "ÏÏM Vku tMMrouia t Wft tot ChlUrttff Thm tLM Lndi u k( cnt IfaMn, m 0J u for lüfanattiuti f kil BUta kod TtrritoiUa, tud 10 ewtto tmtm. Addiw TÍ1L WLTLltÑ WüULÍ. Chlcaitu.UL i iM iijfl'j Tur. I,oo Cahixs of AmeriytfjK jrgl ''' liavo bcen tho blrth5ff ] ÜÏV. l'liicosof snmnof thojrrandg5@ÍBk.''st ""■" I-iiiu'oln, (rant, ' jfct&lE1 '''''t saw tlio ■ E-OBfPí Us-'ht "' lay tliroujrli tlio ' jL?r5rí;f; chitiks oí ;i Los Cabin. iffiSüvíEy Vaincrs LoL-Cubin Sarsaparilla also orlglnated in a Log Cabln and ttands pre-emlnent amongthe bloodptírlSers of to-day as Warner's "Tippecanoo" loes as a stomach tonio. RADWAYfS PILLS, For the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Uren Bowels, Kldneya, Bladder. Nervous Dlscascs. Lob of Appctlte, Ueadaclic. Constiparon. CoBtlvencss, Indigestión, Bíitousnos, Fe ver, Inilnmmatlon of the Bowcls, Piles and nlt deranRcnionu of tlio ínter nal Viscera. Turoly regetable, no mercury, mineral, or delctcriousdruff. AFINK, Sriïi: MKDÏCI.NE. IÍADWAT4 Co.- Gentlemen: Your PIHshave often varded off Rckness in my fjinl.y 1 nerer thluk t Bnfeto hñ without thfin; tücy are ji fine, Buru medlclue. Mobc respeetfully roiiii, ilKMiV KKN'WORTIl, Clichuusc, Irorjuuls County, I1L What a riiysWlan s:iVs af Badway'g FIIIs. I am i]i1n(t yimr R. R. Rellnf nnd your Kcgnlfttlnfj Pin, nnH recommen ; t-.l ihem kiioï il püê. tid'ülU cr at in my f thrm. I luive iliiMii fn liana aiwnv8, and u&v ih'-nt ni my p miii-c md n my mm fi'iiiily, uiid expect 10 m prcfrnce .f .ll'piils. Youréreapcctfully. DU. A. C. MlUDLEBUOOK, Doravlile. Ua. DYSPKFSIA, JTV. HADMAY'H l 1 1 ,1 , nrp a cure for thls complalnt. Thv.y rrHinr Btrenfftli to th f-Tomnch and enabie It to p-rf .rin lts funettont. Th fTmptuins of Dywiif )slu dlsappear, tmJ with thom tlic 1 abüliy of tnc syaicm tu contract dUuaca. Iygpepnla oT I-oiir: Standing' Curml. Dr. Radway- I have fo yeari ben tronbled with Dispepsia ind I.lvcr i ornpbi nt -ntl loiind hnt Kttls rellff untl! 1 jít your i lli.-, and Hiey' a perfect cure. Thcy ■ ie the he-t medicino í ever iiau lnmy Mie. Your frlcutt furevrr, WILIJAM K00HAN, Blaocbard, Mlch. DR. RADWAY & CO., N, Yt fyulkX 14 JUSTl I JHOULOIÍJI E I Ui MAT I SHALL I 1 rKrttlK'H f CDA7FPAXLE BEST IN THE WORLD. UlIUHUb ■ Uut the Cienuine. Evorj Eox tUrkad ('UUUR. Works eaxier. is simpler. Vffi. lu%t "t. strongtr,liQhter, than any oth&.JmÊSbJT IjON'T BUY TltX YdU bKK IT. v tSSbH KAIiïiAieii X;öfe 3ALLEBY, HUNTINQ AND TARGET RIFLES. H Si;l for Illnilrai. .1 Catuk-u.:. V MARLIN f IRÉ ÍRMS CO., i ïï. NEVÍ HAVEH. CT.v OOMETHIKG KEWÏTO VsI'ioÜIh Bx i:ior.l!n"ry, A jíood noiler In every Iftnil t A 8 tapie afl tlonr and a soasonable at all tUiujty! ' t!i ■ y.'-. S?:i 1 :." cents for samples with f ompiore avtni tlonsto acDU.orltt c f t ■ p niara oont i nin - f il desonptlon of the ar i i ■ . Perfl in? j r men am! vmucn o ccu o fl ui 1 iya e it i) n a déla, but send at 0 .co f r part cal rio lïncki'yi' . c 1 cine Co. .Kent, 1 Iim. M. Dtton tliis p-ipur. SMORTHAFID E.HKQ le-!t mis. Addrcss Mali Dopartin-nt I.KA.'S IS'. Sl.VK 8 ' I.I.KOE, (rand Kapldit, Mleh. fie OO in COKfJ OO A MOXXTT .nn bo SI Di TU 90Ui made worklng for n. AgcntR preferí .'1 irbocan at-nhta u horse a'nl (?iTe itie.r wbo e to il;o ini.un' a. twar-i naomDtfl n:ay proiitjt'ly employed alo. A fow vrancle3 Intowna and cui'-s. ü. F, .OIINSON & Co., WJJ Main streef. EUchmond, Vu. ""TCErc&iBHWBESsmiei-lur to all otho'r. tnem! Story of Fonthcrhono iree. Atldreus "iÜATIIEKUO.NK." a Oalu, Mlchleun. P A I I P H fi W I A Beml-monthly, Loweil UnUrUnHIH Ka -. bant Aceoumo iln'inn"!. Full, aiMtc s WAIXIR intos.. ia sonti c V f1 II 0 C ! n U C Clark kt. Chicas.,. III. tAl-UnolUliO. KIDDER'8 BKTHlERSSïS nrUOIAUi 3lyr. Ir.,, n i ,n Ivn.,'DS p t lioIOHo rr.,clns sïïz laws. C.M.SITES&Cü.,Atty'..,Vv'aiihlut;ton,D.C. OÏU ..L KEMF.HY-1'repiirid onlbr WiHYH ft lalu SeiiiiiM. llitiNiKtt, dart llHlCI 5,v on St, Ctaloaco, 111. Si.) m Qvy Hj a hm:Wi uOsizea "f vuur druiíírlut on HOI nSVIA.cii: by iii.o! onreoolptol vrlcoJ rnt fl T.ive at home and makc more monoyworitinjfurujlhai UWtiM, al inytMnc aba ro the rorlil Rlthw mi c.-.ilv o.miu FiiüK. VanDarttKK., TltLK U Co., Augusta, Matoo. AP TO A DAT, innle. icoríO S1.3O 2"1 FXSH. I.iurs nol i, i.itrti... liorsfs feel. WrK4 WW ürtwsiitr Safttu hetn UvUicr C0...1I0U11, MicK. ƒ llTPPn TreAted nd -r,rd without tlie knlfe. I . A ] H, K BKk on trf=t:scnt wnt Iree. ddrfsl VXlil JJa f. !,. ru.Nl. M D„ Aurora, bu fO„ UI, Mil n :'olt'aByeSalTlwqith UU LU auuu,but 11 sold u u ccais a box by deale W. N. U. D.--6--36. "When wrlting to Advertisorg pienso say you saw tlio advertisemeui; in thls Paper.


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