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Mtttloe to Credftors. OTAl'KOF MICHIGAN. County of WaMitekjimvvss Notice Isherebyeiven, thatbyan orderof the Probate Curt for the County of Wasiitenaw, ,,i, the linth day of utvust. p. 1895, six montbs r,m that date wereanowrá forcreditors to present their claims acainat the estáte of WaltHi-o''e of saiu County deceased. and that all creditora o( Bald il.-ceused are requiied to pr.-. t. thelr claim Co uld Probáis fourt. at the Probate Office in t' e city of AnnArbor. fnr examination .imI allowanre on or before the aiith of day Keliruarv next. and that Hurh claims wil] be heard before said Court on the -th day of .November and on the 6tb dav of February next, at ten u'clork in the forênoon o: eacli of said das. Iaied, Aun Arbor. Aug. L6, A. I. 1S J. WILLAKDBAifiilTT. Judge of Probate. Estáte orjimirs üopllln. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O SS. At a sesaion of the probnt court for th county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Fridav, the tentli day of Anrust. n the vear one' thouaand eight hundred and ninety five Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro OtttO In the matter of the estáte of James Capllin, deceased. OnreadiiiKand flling the pctition, duly verifled, of vm LOaufleld praylng that bemav behcensed to sell the real estáte hert-of said dcceas. d dled i-eized. Tnereupon it iaordered, that Mouday, the 14th day of Octjlier nezt, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petlion, and that tlie heirs al law ot' said iltn-eased and all other per.ons internsted ii: aid s tate, are requiied to appear at a aession of said court, then tob holden at the probate oflice, in the city of Ann Arliur, In said county, and Bhow eause.if anytherebe. why thei raycrof the petitioni-r should not be Kranti-d. And it is furlher ordered that said pe Ilioner eive uotlce ti che persons nterested in said evtkte, the pendency of said petltlon, :md the hearing chereof, by caualng a ei py of tl.:s order to b publiahedin 'il:, Ann rocir Vemncrat , a newa paper prlnted and clruulatod in said county three succegelve weeks (.revious to said day of heaiing. J. WIl.I.Aiil) ÜABB1TT, A tme copy Judiru of I'robate. Wm, (i. 1)oty. Probate üiisht. Real Estáte Tor Sale. STATE OF MHIlIiiAX. county of Wahtenaw DS. In the Mutn-r .f the Estáte of l'avid Kupi). deceaeed. Notiee ia hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to Ibe underaigned admlol atvator of Bald dune is d l,y the Mun. Judtrd of Probate for tbe Couoty of Washteoaw, i'ii the twHiityf'"inrth ilav of Sejitenilu-r A. l. iS!.1), there wiil i'esold at. Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, ai the dwelllngon the lands Brei hereinafterdesi-ribed IntheCountyof Washlenav in said State, on Frlday tlie I6th daj of Nov. A. D, 1896, i.i one o'clock in the alt n.oou of that day t u: j'.'ct to all encumbraiR-e by moi-tuae or other ise existing at the lime of tlie d'ath of said deorased the CoUowlnn deacribed lieal Estate.Ho wit: All thosj certain jareéis of land sitúate in the towoftbipe of Saline and Bridge water in mld oiunty bound aa foltowo, viz. c inineiu-inij at tliesouth west con r of section six townebipot saline, tlience nortb. fit Ijftre and one half roda, thence east foriy heven roda, thence north eighty eight and ene half rds, thence cast tweuty even rods. Uien fouth one hundred and foru four roda, thence eut BeveDty I'our rods to tb ■ place of befcinolnf. Ateo coinmencine at the east quarter post of section one townsl.ii of Bridsewat-r, thence sonth thirty flve rcils, thence wet tweuty two aun tbiee foui-.hs rods, thenee north thirtv ïlve rods, thence enst twenty two :md three fouiths rods to the place of beginning, containing in all lorty flve acreH more or less. FKEDiRICK J. FELDKAMP, Administintor. Heul i.siaie lor Bule STATE OF MirilI(!AX()iintyof Washtenaw sa. in the matter of the ejtate of John George Blumhardt, decease'i. lotice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the underoigBed. executor of of the last vill nd testament of said dectaaed by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the seventeen th (Pth) day of September, ,. I'. 1895, there will besoldat piiblio vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said state, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, A. L. lb!15, at 1U o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbra noes by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the deatii of said deceased) the f ollowing described real estáte towit: The scuMi rast quarter of section numbersix and the north eal quarter of said section ïiurnber six except so much thereof as is now owned or poaseaseil by b:iMd Mandt or hia wife Carol n Mandt 'and CODtaininr well exduaive of railroad passing through the sauie about one hundred and nintylive (195) acres of land moreor lesa and situated in the townahlp of Online Washtenaw ('ounty. Michigan. Datcd. üapt. 17, Í885. JOHN O. FBLDKAMP, Kxecutor. FRED. HOELZLE'S Washington Meat Market! Freah Meats of all Kinds at reasoüable price Frod Hoelzle, Corner 4th-ave. and Waahington-st, ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contracior and Buüdi r. Estimates furnisbed on all work ïu line of tlie above 21 Gediles-Bve. A. J. Kitson. TheChangeinour firmhasoccurred And our new Stock of Dry Goods is arriving daily. We are now prepared to quote you lower prices on our stock than ever before. Cali and see us. Wi. Gooflyear & d-, Successor lo Goodyear & Sí. James. No, lö S. Main st. Aun Arbor.


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