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College opens next Tuestlay. 130 cases are on the cinmit court docket. 12 cars are run this wock by the St. R'y. Co. Our streets now present a lively a] - pearance. Sunday, Oct. 27, has been designatcd as prison Sunday. The county fair is a This is the last day of the fair. Edvvard Uhristman is now assistanl secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Wm. Arnold has purchased the Brehm properity on W. Liberty st. B. F. Schuinacher aml Chas. Staebler have new 'phones- Noa. 175, and 169. Mrs. QeorjtannaOrcutt has 114 paiutings in oil and water colore, on exhibition at tlie fair. A. C. Schumacher of this city has been appoiuted a meinber of the state phartnacentical board. btrangers are coming to our citv every day to take advantage of our schools aad university. There was joy at the home of Oeo. Spathelf, of the north-side, last Tuesday morniuR because of arrival of twins. Thursday, Oct 3, has been set aparl by the natioual W. C. T. U., as a day of prayer to be observed by all local unions. The oflioers of the Aun Arbor Chapter, O. K. S , wore installed Wednesday evening by A.C. Nichols, l'ast Worth.v Patrón. üon't fail to atten.l the anti-tramp society public to be held thia evening in the oouiHjll room of tho court house. The third Masonu' degree was concón ferred on Prof. K. N. Kilbie last Friday evening by BYaternity Lodge, No. 362, F. & A. M. Howard Coflin who wön pecond prlae in the bieycle road race was presented ivilh a h andsome boquet bv other post office employees. The regular monthly meeting of the Charitable Union vvill be beid oa Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 8rd at three o'clolek' in Marris Hall. Mary Smitliers.a homeless little oneyear-old, was taken to Cold water 'oy County I'oor Commissioner IC. Mason, last Wodnesd.iy nioriiing. Rev. J. i'. Speckmaun, of .Massac Creek, 111., the new pastor of the (erman M. E.charnb, preaches hia Brst sermón next Sunday Profs. Hurton and Willets. of Chicago will be here next weck. and conducta liible institnte in connection with the Churob of ('li rist on S. University ave. Wallaeo (i. Palmer, who fonnerly was employed by 15. 10. (.'.ilkins, tlie State st. pharraacist, has.purcbased the business of Hassett & Mason's dru' store. The Plymouth Fair Messeneer for Sept. 20, was issued by the W. C. T. l"., of Plvmouth, The paper is well eilited and the ladies inay teel proud of Lheir effort. Harry Moore, who bas been at work in the electric works at Cincinnati thia sninmer, will enter the Ann Arbor Univer&ily this fall. - Vpsilanti Commercial. Mail-Carrier Chas. Meyer's salary has been raised to $850 per year, he beinff promoted frora the 2nd. to the Srd grade by the department at Washington through Postmaster Bèakes' reeommendation. Charles A. Maynard, the State st. grocer, whose safe was robbed recsntly, has received a new one which is fire and burglar prof. It is probably the largest in Ann Arbor. The IJetlilehem Germán Evangelieal church celebrated its aunual missionary festival last Sunday. Three services were held and several prominent speakers were present. Tire Wednesday morning destro3-ed an old house near the hospitals oecupied by a colored faniily and owned by Arthnr Brown. The house was of little value and no insurance was carried. John Tliorp, a passenger on an Ann Arbor train, was taken sick from an intestinal abcess last Tuesday. Deputy Canfield took him to the hospital, and after an operation lie was rolieved of liis pain. Tuesday of this week Mr. Ii. A. Finney, the university librarían, read a paper beiore the MichiK-an Library association, in Kalamazoo, ou "Local bibliographies and the indexing of local newspapers." George Stoll and Miss Lizzie Sutter, both of this city were married last night at the bride's residence on S. Main st, Uev. Jolin Neumann officiating. The newly wedded couple will reside at 10 E. Hill st The J. T. Jocobs Co. have reoccupied their store at the corner of Main and Washington sts. Tlie store has been thoroughly reraodelled, and is one of the handsomest and most convenient clothing store in Michigan. Adelbert B. Walker, of this city, and Miss Carrie Hamilton, of Salem, were married last Thursday evening. The I groom is the proprietor of tlie livery I stable on .Jefferson st Mr. and Mr.. Walker have rented the house at 24 Maynard st. Dr. .1. A. Essingosr was cal led to the north-side las Monday night to altend Joe Buil, an old man who had ed suicide with au old case knife. Buil will probably recover and as lie cxliibits sír-ds of insanity he will probably be sent to Pontiac. The rejrents of fthe University of Michigan, through their attorney, II. II. liarlow, have commenced snit aamst our townstuan E.R. Root, to try to compel htm to liand over to the University certaiu pictures that are claimedto be a portio'n of the coltection belougiiifi to the Lewts Art Gallary. Mr. Root claims thes pictm-es 'm question were never inohuled in tlie Lewis collection biit belonged to the testator's private residence. The ri'sidence with all its contenta was willed tó Mr. Root. Ttie snit was begun in chancery and will be decided by the terins of the


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