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Do not taUe any substitute when you ask for the one true blood purifier, Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. TíiieTSerious Troubles Catarrh, Indigestión, Kidney Complaint Mrs. O. JT. Philllpa Four Towns, Mich. " A lenae of grrst itude and a desire to ben eflt others afflicted as I have been prompt me to recommend Hood'i Baraparllla to All Who Have Catarrh. Fot many years I have been troobled with catarrh, Indigestión and kidney trouble. I waa advlaed to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle relieved the pain in my head and I began to get better. I oontinued to improve, the medicine giving me strongth and new Hood's Sarsawv&v parilla ■ppetite. I have ƒ V pn taken nearly haJi i O dozen bottles %%%% and have not been so well for years as I am now. I shall always speak highlyol Hood's Sarsaparilla." MBS. O. J. PHiLLirs, Four Towns, Mich. Hrtnsi'c Dilfa are tasteless, mild, efleonOOQ S K11I3 ÖTe# AUdruggijts. 36 Fou Sai.b or Rent. - A Square I'iano (Decker) in goo'l conditloñ. Terrus reasonable. Inqure at 14 N. Ingalls-st, Cotton State and International Exposition at Atlantn. M. C. 11. li. is now sellin tickets to Atlanta at very low rates for round trip, full informaüon at ticket olliee. PROPOSALS FOR WOOÏ. Sealed proposals for lüü cords ui' hard wood four feet long, sawed en is, young green body, or straight hickory hard maple auu second jrovvih white or yellow upland oak, in quantities of i;ot less than ten eords, aad 35 cords oi bass wood pood quality ill be reeeivccl by the undersifriied until l)ec. 5th, 1895, 8 p. m. inclusive. Tlie wood to be delivrred in the next thirl.y days after awarding the contract, at the different school houses, in such quantities as direéxed. The right to rejoct any and all offere is reserved. JNO. K. MIN ER, Tre;is. Hamilton I!lo;k. Special Sale -OFDress Goods For the Balance of this week we will offer 15 pe's plain and fancv Dress (ods worlh t,o 20c now 9c yd 10 pe's plain and fancy Dress Goods worth 25 to 30o now 17c yd 5 pe's 45 inch all wool colored Berge worth 50c now 31c yd 15 pe's all wool Novolty Dress Goods worth 50c now :S:)c yd 5 pe's all wool Dress tlannel 54 inch wide worth 50 to 60c now 370 yd We Gooflyear k Co, Successor to Goodyear & St. James. No. 18 S. Main st. Ann Aibor. Sole Agents for Standard Paper Patterns. Steam and Casoline Port:ed Engines If you think of an enpine of any size or kind send for our Catalogue No. 3U, uontaininT illustrations and priceti of every kind of engine f rom one ap to 25 horse power, at bottom prices, or List Xo. 2! for yacht entines, boilers and boat machiuery. liitlier sent fice. Chas. P. Willard 1 Co. 197 Canal Street. - - Chicago.


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