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Michigan (Tentkal " The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TKAINS AT ANN AKBOK. (Joinit Kast. n.iinc West Mail' 3.50 p.m. 8 -11 h. in. Day Kxpreas &.0üp, m. 7.30 a, m, North Shore Limltedt (I 28 a. m, Chicago Expresst 10 SB p in, N.ï. & LJm. Ext Detroit Expresar 5.-IU a. iu Pacific Expresst HU p. in. Orand KapidH Ex ... 11.115 a. m. 6-tT p m Fust Bxprewt 2 00 p.m. Atlantic Expivsst . 7.47 8. m. Daily excapt Sunday. Daily except Haturday. t Daily. O. W. RUGKJLES, H. ff. Ha f E6 P. T. A. Chicago. Ac't. Ann Arbor. AnnarboK NORTH MICHIGAN) T Wd ■■ ■ f) Mr' L?1vrv)iÍK l4tt ƒ Ft Waync [ _&0ui.r ■■' TIME CABD. In eTect Novmber 3rd, 1895. Trains Leav Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. 8OÜTH. 7 37 a. m. 7.1Ua. m. 12.15 p.m. 11.30a. m. 4.15 p. m. ft.UO p. m. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. W. H. BennMf.. R. S. Qreenwood, O. P. A Aet SALE For One Week, Commencing Monday November 25, And Ending Saturday, November 30 FOR ) DAYS ONLY I will make it an object for cverj Lady who has not purchascd a Hat or Bou net to do so. Ladies' Trimraed Honnets, Üne-Hali off foriner price. Children's Hoods rad eed for this Sale. . Wool Feit Untrirained H:its at 50c. Foirner l'rice SJ.üO, Itrown, Xavy and Green. ; Heduction on Sailoi and Walkmj? Hats. Trirnmed Hats 1-4 off Foriner Priee. LADIES: - Remenber these are no Shoddy (Joods, but all First Ciass and Up-To'-Date. Mrs. E. Feprtf. St. James' Dry (Joods Store. Miss E. G. Walton A fnll Line of DRESS iifflG SÜPPLIES ANP Fanc" Doods Special Attention given to College Golors. And Glove Cleaning. 32 S. State-st., Cor. William-st. FRED. HOELZLE'S Washington Mest Market! Fresb Meats of all 1.' ids at reaaoDable prices F red Hoelzle, Corner 4th-ave. and st. All Want Electric liïts! Price now lowered so all can afford them. 3-4 cent per lamp hour on metres. Run all night. + Telcphonc tlie A. A. T.-H, ELECTRIC Co. Tired nomen need to have theiriblood purified and euriched by Uood's Sarsaparilla. It will pive them strength and health 1 1 tor.rtgngp Snle. DKiHM?J?trlS?! ben made ln f e cóndilo diii.ins of a 'lortKngc ezecoled by s irah,born„nd I-ewIs Lamboro of iho lownsbta I todl, WwhtBi-aw county, Michigan, to Cm,;. ll'if'2wnt.lpoonity and state on .1.1 -;'■■■' '-'tli (Isyi.f Jammi v, one tliouiami jlght ] hundred and Beventy hix d reconted In il.. y ""-'f e Etegfstrr f Deeda f r the Count y - a ,■....,:.,.. ootiieseventeenth day of .lanuary : " '"■' - ■■- look v M. ofsatd day In Uber 4. .„.„„..„p. page 16; Ihttlhere is claim. ,1 unpaidonsaid nu. rtgago and tli aows acicompaayfiig Ihe rame thesSn of nlSI im„,i,,,l anatixij tin.-.i, itarsand aftoen cent Alaoan attorneys feeof thlrtv dollara maddi on toall other legal boets. ihSnldlS? ..roceeo,,, taken to ,. Slim,,.;i ■ I laworin miií-v havinir heen 1 No '1 that by vi'iuef.f the o rato In aald morrgage ooutamed. and of be atatule lnueh cas i,m.e nid provided, I ha 1 nell at public auction tothehlgbeat bidder OCIoo : p. in ut s„i,l day at the cas; front, door thafi1 WfShtenaw nd Mate aforesaid that oelDg tne buUdiog in whlch me Circuit ..i.ii„rs,i„i(V,„Miy (a beid), the premiso de■crlbed in laid mortgage as beingthat tractor TM,nt fl' '"ed '-the townshlpof l.odi ounty of Washtena and St te of Michigan künn, baundedand lescri ld a followstowtt; llieuort!) part of the west half of the oortli wett quajter , f nectlon numi er two in township numberthree southln range number flveeasi Coutainfngab ui rortj fuur acres of land, belng all of said land ezcepl that portion wliich has been lieretofore deeded to ïierritt Perry and benig all the land said rartles of the first part own or have ai j claim to on said aeetion. uaiea november !Knd, ]t9j cOMsTdCK F. BUL, Mortfragee. In uhaacerji STATK OF HICHIOAN. fuit pendinp in the Cirrult Court for Wasbtnuw Lountv in Ihancery: Whereln Minnie FieldsiR Córenla in ant and Jolm W. Flelds is Detendant Sai is proof appearhigto tbls Court by All'.davli c.n hl that deffndanl te noi a resident of thtsState but te a rteldent oí theStatoi.f Oblo, ii isordered that Defn.dant apnvnr and answer the BUI of Cnmpliiiiit Bied Inthia ccuge wlthiu four months trom the date c r tlns ordsr. Uated. Ai;n Arbor, Oct. isth. A D 1,-95 E. D. KIV. ARTHUR 11110WN. ClrcuitJndw. Solicitor for Conif.lainnnt. WM. DANBINÜbUKQ, Reelster. Commlssloners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtenaw. The underelgned baving been ai..oii,iod by the Probate Court for said couiity,commlRsii rs to receive, examine and djugï all i-laima and deniand? of all persons i-airiMt the eatate or ThomasF. Leonard, latof said Countydeoeafd, bereb] glve notice that six month from date are allnwed, by order of said I'robate Court, for ereditors to present thelr claims aiiainst the estáte of said dereasei, anil that tliey will meet at tnc offlee of E. B. Poi.d In tii city of Aim Arhnr, in said county, on Houday the üOtli day of December, and on Ihe SOtn day of Marcb next, at ten o'clock a. m. oí ach of said daje, to receive, examine and adjuM :-ai.l claims. Dated, Sept. 30th, 1895. E. H. FOND, I'. ÜRUiNER, Commissionera. Mortgiiue Sale. DEFAUI.T havine been made in theironditloni of payment of a certnin mortgagc, niat e the tenth day of Apiil. A. I., ifWü. by imniel 1 Lefnrgeand Endura I ef urne, his wife to Haij h C. Whlilng, rbereby the power of sale th. rc-iu contained ha1 become operatiye. wh-ïi mortliai{' as recorded In ti e oflice of the Kepisterof Deed, for the C'ouniy of Waahtenaw ou the lüth day of April aforesaul in ,ibei !7 of mort gages on page 'i-'ti, on which inortKage there is tl umed to be due at the date of ti is notice the tum of seven d and ten dollars, and no proceedIng8 at law or in equlty having been instituted lo collect the said suin of mouey or any pai t tliercof: Notice is therefore hereby given that on the :0tll day of February, 18(i. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon Of said day, at the south front door of the court house, in tlie citv of Ann rbor, Biate of Miciilgan, tlie said mortgage will be forcloáed and the lands am! tenementa In the said niortKage deecrlbed w ill be sold at public aucti(n or rendue to the bigbeet liiddi r to satisfy the principil and interest unpaid on the said mort ge and the oost and expense of these proceedii g3, incluiiinK au attorneys fee of twenty-flve dol are providrrt for tlierein Tlie l.'iuis. tenements and premises by th5 Hatd mortgage conveyed and tlien and there to be sold are dt scribt d as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land, sitúate in the townsnJp of Salem, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan towit: - the non.h-we-t quarter ol the north-eant quarter of section No. sr-ven, town one soath, range seven east, containint? fc.rty acres of land more or less. Dated Ann Axbor, November 13tb, 1895. RAI.fH C WHITING, Moneagee. MARY 0. WHI UNO, Attorn y for Mortgaaee. Esuite of William Aiulcrson. PTATE OF MICHIOA.N, County or Washtenaw, ss. At a aession of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, liolden at the Probate Offlee in the city of Aun Arbor, on Thursday the I4ili day of Novemler, in the year 011e thonpand eigent hwndred ann iiittety-five. Present, J Wülard lJabbitt, Judge of Pro■ bate. In the matter of the estáte of William Anderson, deceased. J . s Andotson the adminitrator de bonia non wlth the will aniicxed of saiit estáte, comea into court and represents tlmt he is now repared to render his aunual account as such administmt ;r. Thereupon, H ih ordered. that Tuesday, tht l?th day of December neXL, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, be assignedfor examinina: and aU-win uc!i account, and that, the d-visees, legaiees, aiul heil s at law, uf said doei :is-d, and all other persona intereetedin said estáte, are requirecl to appear at a session of said court, then to hiildt-u at tiie probate offlee, in thecityof Ann Arbor, In said county, and show cause, if any tl. ere be, why the f-nid account should not be allow ed: And it is furlher ordered, that said adn.mistrator give notice to the persons inteiesieit in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing chereof, by caualng a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arlxtr DtMiwerat, a newspaper printed and clronlated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, A true copy. Judge of Probate Wb. G. üott Prohate Reitister. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. _ The underslgned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and denuinds of all persons agalhat the estáte of Pblllnda Hanh, ate of said county, deceased hereby pive notice that ixmonthfl from date are 1 llowed, by order of saiil Probate Court for credit- t. pre'iit their clf.ims apamst the estateof said deceased. and thal tney will meet at the store f i,. Grooer, n.tq.. in the city of Ann Arbo lu siid cuunty, on Mii day 01 Ke! ruarv, and on the Stad day ol .May next. at ten o'clock a. m., of eaeh of said dys, to receivo, examine and adlust s.iil claims Datd, November, 1895, CHARLES H. WORDEV, LH.OKHARDQKÜNER, Commissionerg. S chool % All books required for wanl or high schools' carried i full lincs at lowest prlces. New or Se cond lul Blank book, tableta and School ■applies of all descriptions, Moore&Wetmore 6 S. Main st., and cor. Stntc and William Sts. C. W. VOGELDenlei in FRES1I, SALT and SxizLOIlsied. IMIeatis Saiisaffes of all kinds. Poultry on;, Game in Season. 3. W. VOGEL, No. 9 E. Aan-st.


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