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COUNCIti CHAMBER, l_ AnnArbor, November 20th, 1895. Adjourned Session. President Hiscöck belngabsent the Council was ealled to order byGlen VMills City Clerk. Ruil called. Quürom present. Absent Aid. Butterfleld, Pres. Hi9cock. On motion oí Aid. Laubengayer, Aid. Brown was chosen President pro tem. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITION'S. HiOM TUE BOAUD OF PL'Bt-IO WORKS. To te Honorable Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:- The Board of Public Works desires to cali your attenticn to the f act that the Hill Btreet, and Hurón strect, lateral sewer systeras which are about completed, and to which a large number oí houses are already connected, are without flushing facil'ities, and to the furtlierfact bhai tliis condition is due to the refusal of the receiverof tlie Aun Arbor Water Company to connect the automatic flush-tanks now completed upon those systems to the mains oí Baid oompany. The franchise which grantfl the Water Company exclusive privileges in the streetsof Aim Arbor provldes ascompensation for these privileges, amongother tliings, that. "the said Company shall furnish water tor the purpose of washing guttew.and flushing all sewers that may beconatructed for $100 peraunum."' Acting under the provisions of this contract, betweeii the City and the Water Company, this Board has, prompt ly upon the complet ion of each lateral sewer, requested the Water Company to connect the flush-tanks upon such lateral with its mains. In the case of the Liberty street and Washington street laterals, this request was complied with, and the flush-tanks upon those sewers are properly connected and furnished witli water. The receiver of the Water Company, ho we ver, declines to make the proper connections upon Ilill street and Hurón Street laterals, n llt'ring as a reason for sucta actioo that the contract between the city and the Water Company did not comtemplate the use of the automatic flush-tanks. and that the Company cannot afford to furnish water for the stipiilated sum. As the Water Company, through its receiver, has already made a demand upon your Honorable body for extra compensation for tliis service, the Board of Public Works deem it expedient to submit to you the follewing upon this subject: The language of the contract ta plain. It admita of but one construction. The Water Company is to fura ish water for washing gutters and flushing sewers, and the city is to pay for thai service $100 per year. The quantity of water is nol Umited, and the manner in whicb it la be applied is lfft opon, probably with the intention that both parties woiild reap the benefit likely to acetue from the rapid improvement of mechanical deviees. Such -at least has been the result. The automatic llushiiig system adopted for use upon our sewers has the nierit of a high degree of efficiency, with a minimum consumption of water and expense of maintenanee. In no other way could the sewers be so cheaply and so effect i vely flushed with the same quantity of water. Instead of imposing a hardship upon the Wa ter Company, the automatic tlushtanks effect a sa ving over the water consumption of any other system of tlusliing that would do the required work in a reasonably efficiënt manner and the actual expense wblcta the Water Company will be placed under in furnishing the water needed for the proper flushing of sewers already constructed, and those whose construction is contemplated in the near future, will be more than covered by the stipulated price of $100 per year. With the completion of the Ilill atreet lateral there will be a total of 97 flush tanks, distributed as follows: Liberty street, 9; Washingtn-st., 14; Huron street, 11; and Ilill street, 63. These flush tanks hold 250 gallons each, henee it will require 24,250 gallons of water to fill them all once Figuring on the basis of dlscharging each tank twice a week, or 104 times a year, which will be sutiicient to keep the sewers clean, it will take only 2,512,000 gallons to flush the entire system for a whole year, about one-half of one per cent. of the quantity which the company now claims to be pumping for the supply of this city. In other words, the work upon the Water Company's pumps, maehinery, and men will be increased l-200th part by the task of flushing sewers. At the rate of ten cents per thousand gallons, at which the Company retails water to private consumers, t liis quantity would only cost $251.20 per year. But in computing theextra expense, consequent upon the pumping of this water for llushing sewers, the Water Company cannot fairly charge more han the cost of extra fuel.Ita plant is established upon a basis of domesi e consumption, and the municipality is already paying a large sum towarda its maintenance. The force of engineers and others necessary for tlie worklng of its plant will notjbe encreased, nor their hours lengthened by an Increase in the consumption of water one-half of one per cent. A few extra strokes of the pumps per liour, and the task is accomplished. And in this connection it niay bc proper to state that the draught made by the flush-tanks will be evenly distributed to the manifest benefit of both machinen and mail s while the method of flushing with firehose, in addltlontoa greater consumption of water, would cause periódica! disturbaiices of preasurr in the niains with iis attendant flow of iron sediment of wliich every household knows the inconvenience. After making due allowance tor frictlon in pipes and maehinery six tons of goodsoft coal will furnishthe steam necessary to pump to a helght of two hundred feet the 2,512,000 gallons of water necessary to flush the gewen now completad for a period of one year, six tona oí sofi coa! will not costtoexceed $15. 00. and this $1'.OO representa the actual burden nt present placed apon the Water Company by exactlng a tull compliance of Lts contract witb the city for the relief of which burden that company draws $100.00 per year, a new proflt of $85.00. In proof that iliis estímate oí expense is a liberal one for the Water ( lompany we refer yon lo a recent recent repon of the Secretary of the Detroit Water Board, which places the cost of pumplng 1,000,0000 gallons of water, so low as $1.98, when osing oil for fuel, and $2(s when USing coal, so that to pump thls 2,512,000 !í:i11(II1s OÍ water required to flush our sewers for one year would cost with coal for fuel at the Detroit rate, only $7.00 per year. The exclusive right of furnishing the citizens oí Ann Arbor with water For domestic pnrposes at the present ratea, even were that service of a first■lass character, constitutes ;t valuable franchise, and the contract with the Company for water f or public purposes is exceedingly liberal as it stands. In addition to a high charge for the school and other public buildings, the ctty ís now paying $5,860.00 per year for hydrant rentáis, which service is merely ;i nominal expense to the Water Company, and furt lier, the building of sewers is a public iinprovement which hasalreadyincreased, andwlll continue to i asure the domestic consumption of water, and will consequently Increase the revenues of the Water Company. For each gallon furnished for the flushlng of sewers, inany additional gallons will be sold to private consumere. TnEUEFOKE, tliis Board would recomrnend that your honorable body take such steps as you may deern proper, most elïeetiveand expeditious to secure water service for these flushtanks under theexisting contract betöK cold weather renders it impracticable to make the connections. A. M. Clark, President Board of Public Works. Refered to the Water Comroittee. A petltion signed by L. Gruner and 22others asking for the suspension of the building of the lateral sewers on Main street north of Catherine street w;i read and referred to Sewer Comiiiittees. RKPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTKKS. Fl. NANCE. To thu Oommon Council: Vuur Commlttee on Fi nance to whom was referred the communicationofH. J. Burke, executor asking tor the discharge i' -a certain mortgageheldby the City of ,nn Arbor against property owned by the estáte oí ffm. Burke, would recommsnd tnal the same te done and submit a resolu1 1on ordering the same. Respectfully submitted, H. .1. Brown, ('. H. Cady, Smmett Coon. Commiltee on Finance. Leave being granted the followJng resolution was Introduced. By Aid. Cady. Whereab, it appears thata certain mortgage executed by Albert Norgand wif e to the Mayor, Recorder and Aldennan of the City of Ann Arbor on the 2lst day ol September 188" purports to cover property to which said Sprg then had ao fcitle mik! which lias gince passed loto the hands of the heirs of Wllliam Burke deceased upon a sale ordered by the Probate Couri of Washtenaw County. to raise money to pay debts of Frederick Sorg deceased, and Whebeas, it appears by the advice of the City Áttorney that said mortgage aflords the City no security whateter. ,snh;i, Thai tlie Mayor and city Clerk be and are hereby directed to discharge said mortgage in sucb manner as the heirs oi William Burke may direct, provided the same be done without expense of the City of Arm Arbor. Adopted as follows : Y aas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmcndinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubenger, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Cady- 1 Naya - None. STHEETS. To the C'ommon Council : YourCommitteeon Streets towhom was referred the petition of Adam Muetta asklng for payment for a eertain piece of land occupied by the City, would recommend that $.'!") be paid to Mr. Mueth for the same provlded that he give a deed to the city of such property, the provisions of such deeds to be as directed by the city engineer and City Attorney. Uespectfully submitted, W. L. Taylor, A.P. Ferguson, Geo. L. Moure, C.J. Snyder, D. h Allmendinger, H. G. Prettyman. Coinmitteo on Streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allinendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayar, Brown, Ferruson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, - 13. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Streets would recommend that a fence be ordered built around the pump on Broadway street at the corner of Wall, accordIngto the city engineer's plan, at a cost not to exceed $20. Resoectfully submitted, W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, Geo. L. Moore, C. J. Snyder, 1). I'. Allmendinger, Committee on Streets. A3optcd as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore. Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Fergusoo, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Cady - 13. Nays - None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Streets would recommend that the Street Commissionordered to grade and turnpike the following streets: Ilill from the stone culvert near División street to Packard. South University Avenue from Washtenaw to Oxford. Walnut from South Univorsity Ave. to Ueddos Ave. Tbe impassible eondition of these streets makes it necessary that this work be dono as soon as possible. And further j'our committee would recommend that the Street Commissioner be ordered to cut out gutters at the corner of Madison and South Seventh streets so that the same will be capable dI carryíng off the surfaco water. Hospectfully submitted, W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, Geo. L, Moore, (!. .Í. Snyder, D. F. Allmeiidinffer, Cominittee on Streets. Adoptod as follows: Yeas- Aid. iMoore, Maynard, Alliucndinger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayor, Brown, Fergusoo, Taylor, Shadford, Prettvman, Coon, Cady - lli. Nays - None. Th t.ho (-oraraon Oouncil: Ycmr Cointnittee on Streets would recomraond that $50 bo appropriatod from the street iund to complete the woi'k of putting Tappan street to grade, and that the earth takun therefrbm .be used in filling the street at the corner of Tappan and East University Avenue, and al so at the corner of Prospect and East University Avenue, and that all the remainder of the earth not usea at the above designated places be uscd in filling in Kast university Avenue between Prospect and Paekard streets, and that no part of such earth be drawn to any otber than the above named places. Respectfullv submitted, W. L. Taylor, A. 1'. Ferguson, Geo. L. Moore, C. J. Bnyder, D. F. Allinundinïor, Committee on Streets. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- AU. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Cady- 13. Nay9 - None. To the Common Counoil : Your Cornmittee on Streets would rocommend that the Board of Public Works be directed to furnish thisCouncil at its next regular session an estímate of the cost ot paving the gutter on the north side of Prospect Street between east llniversity Avenue and the turn in said Prospect street, and also for laying two culvcrts of tile 24 inches in diameter across Prospoct street on the east side of east sity Avenue. Rospectfully subraitted, W. L. Taylor, A. P. Ferguson, Geo. L. Moore, C. J. Snyder. D. P. Allmendinger, Committee on Streets. Adopted. SIDEWAf.KS. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalka consider it a public necessity thatsidewalks be gradèd and constructed along cei-tain sweets in the City of Ann Arbor, and submit the following resol ution ordering the same and recommend its adoption. BespeotiuUv submitted, Kmmet Coon. W. M. Shadford, II. .1. Brown, U. A. Maynard, John Koob, Jacob Laubengayer, C. H. Cady, Committee on Sidowalks. I5y A!d. ('oom. Resolved, that the construction of certain sidawalks along tho following namcd streets and in front of tho following named property is declared a necessary public irnprovement. Thereforo, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be (rraded, built and constructed as follows: On the cast side of 13th between Ann and C'atherine the property of Charles Kingsley, Mrs. Lucas, J: J. Goodyear. On the east side of Ashley street south, from south line of Jefferson street to the plank walk: in front of the property of Fredericka Schlanderer es tate Coniad Schneider. Wilhelmina Birk. On the east sido of East University avenue from the south line of Washtenaw-ave. to the cement walk, alonfr the proporty of Don M. Dickinson Trustee. Adopted. , FIRE DEPARTMENT. To tho Common Council: Your Committee on Fire Department to whom was referred the rosolution relativo to a telephone for lire protection at the telegraph office of the Ann Arboi Kailroad Co. at the Miller A vi'iiue crossing would rooommend that the city pay one-hu!f ol the expense for maintaing such telophone. Respectful!y subrnitted, Geo. L Moore, John Koel], W. M. SI) ad ford. Committee on Ure Department. Adoptod as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger. Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Furguson, Taylor, Shad'ord, Prettyman, toon, Cady- 13. Nays - None. ïo the Common Council: Your Comrnittee on Firo Department to whom waa refered the petition of George W. Johnston and others asking for the use of the 6th Ward Engine House for a public gathering, would respectfully recommend tliat the same be referred to the Board of Public Works. Respectfully submitte'l, Geo. L. Moore, John Kcch, W. M. Shadford. Committee on Fire Department. Adoptcd. I.IOHTINO. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Lichting to whom was referred the petition of Rev. Father E. D. Kelly and others asking for an electric light on Elizabeth street betweeen Kingsley and Fuller would recommend that the petition be denied. And further Your Committee would recommend that the Court House Clock be lighted by eight incandescent lights atjan expense of $96 per annum, the same to be lighted froin sim set to sun riseevery night durlug the yearaecording to the plan of tho Ann Albor Electric Co. as submitted by this Council. Respoctfully submitted. D. F. Allmendinger, A. P. Ferguson, W. L. Taylor, Committee on Lighting. Adoptod as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allncendingor, Kocb, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, iTaylor, Shadfonl, Prettyman, Coon, 13. Nays - None. Alt!. Kutterlield entered. SKvi:ns. To tho Common Council: Your Comraittee on Sewers to whom was referred the petition of certain residents on Washtenaw avenue asking for the lowering of the sub-lateral sewer on such avenue between S. University avenue and Ilill, would report that they havo vi.sitcd said looation and conBulted with the partiet lnterested to gather wltb the City Engineer, Krom the statement of the Engineer your committee is jf the opinión that there is a suificient fall to mako the eonnections work properly,and ouing to the lateness of the season your coniinittee would reeommend that nothing be done in the mattor this fall with the understanding that if the sevvors fail todo thelr work in a proper manner that the city then lower the aewers as asked bj your petltlonerB. Itespectfuliy Bubmitted, 11. J. BrowB, C. IT. ('adv, W. L, Taylor, ( (iimnitte on Sewers. To the Common Council : Tho undersigned members of the ('omraittce on Sewers being unable to urree with the majority report -of said coinrnittoe on the subject of lowering the seweron Waahtenaw Avenue, state to this Council that in thelr opinión the prayer of the petitioners should be granted for the following reasons: lst. The sewer along the property of the petitioners is not of sullicient depth to allow tho house connections to be laid with the fall required by the i!uinbers rules as adopted by this Counei', and to gain said fall house fonnectione have heretoforo been taken up and relaid at a great oxpense. 2nd. The house connections in tain places are notof sufh'oientdepth to prevent freezing ; In some places sueh connections aro leas than twelve inches below the surface of the ground. We believe that the rules adopted by this Counoil should bc lived up to moro closely in the construction of so important an improveraent as the se wei systera. We therefore rocommond that the Bewer bo ordercd lowtred so as to give the persons concorned sufficient fall to comply with the requirements of tlurules. Kespectfully subraitted, Geo. L. Moore, John Ivoch. .Jacob Laubengayer, Of the Committee oa Sewers. To the Common Council : As a membcr of your Comtnittoe on Sewers to whom was referr-ed the petition of certain residente on Washtenaw avenue askinjj for the lowering of tho sub-lateral sewer on such avenue etween S. University avenue and Hill, would report that he has risited s.iid location and consulted wlth the partlea interesed to gather with the Citj Englneer. From the statement of the Eugtfieer your member of the committoo is of the opinión that there is sufficü Qt f uil ti. make the connections woi'k ppoperi,y, and ovvinyr of the lateness of the your member of tlie uommittee wonld recommend that nothing bodone in the matter this fall vvith tlie mderstanding that, jf the sewers to do their work in a proper manner tbat the city then lower the Bewera as asked bj your petitioners and that the addition. al expense eausod by the adoptiuol .: imperfect grado thereof he borne equally by the City Enginecr,iuembors of the Board of Public Works and Common Council holdinjr office at the time the plans and speciflcationa of tlie lili street sewer wero adopted. Lost as follows.. Yeas - Aid, Prettyman - 1, Nays - Aid. Moore, Maynard,Al] dinger, Kocb, Snyder, Laubengaye Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadfon Coon, Buttsrfield, Cady 13. Aid. Maynard moved as in amuin. to tho first minorit.y report that the cosof lowering the sewer bo iss agninstthe Hill Street District. Adopted. Whereupon tho first minority report was adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Shadford, Coon - 8. Nays- Aid. Brown, Ferguson, .Taylor, Prettymari, Butterfleld, Cady-=6. REPORT OF SPECIAL OOMMITTEES. To the Common Council of the City of Ano Arbor : our ('ommittce to whom was veferred the comtnuniuation from the Chicago Photo. Eng. Co. would respectfully beg further time for consideration of the matters therein contained and request that the City Clork be autborized to obtain bid for Buch engraving :us may bo deemed nccessary by your committee. H. G. Prettyman, H. J. Brown, Gco. L. Moore. Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allraendiuger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman -10. Nays- Aid. Shadford, Coon, Butterfield.'Cady- 4. President Protein Brown called Aid. ButterBeld to the chair. To the Common Council: Your Comruittee on Finance to whom was referred the matter of a janitor for the city offices would report that tlicj have seeured bids for doing the work and would recommend that the contract be awarded to Marvin Davenport at $129 per year he being the lowcst bidder for domg such work. II. .1. Brown, Emmett Coon, C. H. Cady. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Crown, Fergueon, 'laylor, Shadford, Prettymau, Coon, liutterlield, Cady - H. Nays-None. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Taylor. Bosolved, that the Ann Arbor Orgañ Co. be permtttéd to bulld an area way 3 foet wide along the South side of their iaetory on Washington street, provided ilicsamois protected by an i ron rallAid. Prëttyman raised the polnt of order The President piotem ruled the point well taken. By Aid. Fcrguson. Jtcsolvcd, thut tlie report of the Coinnittee on Se w era be referred to the Board of lJublic Works, thoy to report plans and Bpeciflcatlona for lowering the jame at the next regular session of thia 'ouncil. Adopted. By Aid. Cady. VViiehkas, n past years the City of Ann Arbor was in the habit of chürgIng Bon. William M White, the owner ■f the Opera House in iiiil City, an anmal lieenso, for carrylng on the thearioal business in said hooae, Tarying frorn twouty-Hve to tift.y dollars par year and ' K E as, said city of Anti Arbor 1 hat timo leasing of aid WiUiam M. White eertain grounds in said city to bo used as a n open market and was paying Bttld White [rom 'seventy-üve to uue liundrcd and ttfty dollars a year for the use of said land and Whereas, an agreement and onderBtandlng was heretofor arrived at betv.icn saiii Willlam M. White and tho said City ol Ann Arbor, whereby the Baid City ooutracted and agreed with said White to permit Hiin tocarry on tlutheatrical busiaeea In sai Opára House in ttio inanner in wliich he was then carrying Iton charging licensu therefor, in oonslderation that said White should permit the saiJ Cit.v of Ann Arbor tooccupy the jjrounds aforosaid as an open market afo. esaid without charginji any annual rent therefor and Wiii'.iiF.AS. at that time in order to uarry on lus business said Wiluain M. Whito was using a oertain space on Main Btreet in front of said Opera ; [ouse at the south-west corner of Main .nul Ann strcets. botween the side walk oa Muin street and the cross walk crossuiur Malo Btreet at that poiut with a three-sheet bil] board for tho purposu o[ ad vertising said business and Whereas, the further occupancy of that point for the parpose aforeaaid miht be construed as prohiötted by a certain wdinance reoently passed by i he 'nmmon Counoil of the City of Ann Arbor, JVow Thcrefovc bc it Besolved, in congideraÜOD of the premisos aforesaid, and so long as the eontraot aforesaid shal be in existence and the. said Williatn M. White or bis agenta shall continue to curry on the thoatrical DUSUJesa utoresaiil in a respectable and lejjitimate manner and shall place no obscene or Improper cute, ïlithographa or threesheets or other impropor paper upon said three-sheot board, he shall be permittod to use the space last aforesaid for the pui'pose of a bilí board, and the same shall nnt be held to be a violation of any ordinanoe of aid city. Adopted. By Aid. Snyder. Resolvedi fcbat the Board of Public Works be insti'iicted to repair the sheds for storing the roller on the lots [ iised by the city. Adoptod. !il. Maynard. Ensolved, that the Board of Public Works be instruetedto secure bids for furnlshiug the (Jity with átone suitable for the crushor in amouots to aggregate ;!000 yards, the bids to bo at so much per yard and report to tho Gounoil at the next regular session of this Council Adopted as follows: YcasAld. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger. Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Pergusoo, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady -14. Onmotion the Council adjourned. OHy Clerk.


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