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COUNCIL CHAMBKR, f Ann Arbor, December 2nd, 1895. ) Regular session. Called to order by President HÍ3cck. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Ferguson, Coon. PKTITJONS AND COMMUNICATI.ONS. To tho Common Conneil: The Board of Public Works herOwitii subniit the followlng estímate for iniprovenients on Prospect Street as directed by your honorable body at the last regular session. Board of Public Works, Glen V. Mills. Clerk. To the Board of Public Works. Engineers estímate. December 2nd, 189Á Of paving on Prospect street, 10 rods (ti $2.00 per rod $ 20 CO Alao 100 feet 24 inch pipe (ti 80 cents per f oot 80 00 Total $100 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works do horeby approve the attached estímate, but recoinmend that no warrant be dra wn for the amount of the estímate uní il some arrangement may be made with Cóllins relativa to existing claims and the present condition of the work, and to that end we recomraend that the Council take a recess for at least one week. Board of Public Works, Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Engineer's 5th estímate. Dec: 2nd., 1896. 8 inch pipe seweronl State-st. M on roe to Jefferson 1055 feet. 8 inch pipe sewer on South Univ. Ave., State to Thayer 230 feet. 2302 8 inch pipe sewer on f feet S. Univ. Ave., E. ( at Univ. to Ingalls 1248. 547 feet. 8 inch pipe sewer on S. Univ. Ave.. E. Univ. to Church 245 feet. 8 inch pipe sewer on College st. 225 ft. J $570 89 4 inch seweron State ") Monroe to I son 289 feet. 561 4 inch sewer on S. } feet Univ. Church to [ at Ingalls 221 feet. ) .124. 4 Inch pipe sewer on College street 51 $G9 56 feet. j 5 manholes $40 00 200 00 6 flush-tanks 46 00 276 00 Total estímate $1116 46 Less 10 per cent contract 111 64 Amount due contractor $1004 81 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Prettyman moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn until Monday December 9th, 1895 at 7:30 p. m. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the recommendation of the Board of Public Works be laid upon the table for one week. Adooted. A petition signed by AV. B. Smith and 29 others asklng for an electric light at the corner of 14th and Wash ington wan read and referred to tha Committee on Lighting. A petition signed by J. W. Maynarc and 71 others asking for the opening of State street across the property o Michigan Central Railroad Co. was read and referred to the City Attor ney. REPORTS OF STANDIXG COMMITTEES FINANUK. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Finance would respectf ully report that they have ha( the following bilis under their consid eration and would recommend their allowance and that warrantsbe order ed drawn from the same. Respectfully submitted, H. J. Brown, C. H. Cady, Committec on Finance. CONTINOKNT FÜND. Glen V Mills, salary $ 66 6 Charles H KUne, " 25 00 Patrick O'Hearn, " 83 3 Marrin Havenport, " 6 21 Nathan O Corben, clerical work. 30 1 G W Smltli, typewrltlng City Atty .... 4 9 Glen V Mills, express 5( Heury Richards, coal lti z E H lla.ll " 3T + Register PublishlngCo.. printing 10 00 Uro. Coleman, Janitorwork 3 2o Glen V Mils. postage and supplies 85 Charles II Manly, salary 8 'M Clay A Green, assignd to J L Rose 29 1 Dean Je Co., BuppUés 1 50 Hack & Hchmiu, ront H 'í Rice Beal, est. printing 13 3b 8 A. Moran, printing 48 i; " 11 3 Ann Arbor T. II. Electric Co. lighting. 514 4! The Ann Arbor Demoorat, printing.. . 37 95 Total $966 1 SKWKH FUND. OENEHAL. Chas A Ward, inspector $ 44 00 Ann Arbor Water Co., repairs 3 2. Lulck Hros., supplies 6 0 Total $ 53 25 District No. 3. Gcorge F Key, salary $ 75 00 William CFletchcr inspector 21)50 Wllliam C Fletcher, assigned to Llndchmitt & Apfel 10 00 William C Fletcher, asslgnedto Fred. McOmlwr 8 00 William C Fletcher! assigned to Mann Uros 27 50 E W Groves, asslstant ongineer :ti M Frank Sutlierland, labor j;j -o Georifi' II Fiseher. " 18 85 Wm. E Stocking, inspector 65 00 A A Terry, " 76 62 Total $351 87 District No. 6. EW Groves. asslstant engineer $ 27 60 Geo H Fisclier, latxr (5 sto Frank Sutherland, labor 7 65 Total $ 42 15 si UI. Ki FUND. The State Savings tiank. accounts assiened them: Wm Enkorman, labor $ 29 50 Frank Htviir, '■ 15 90 45 40 Fred Hrowii, OCCOuntl ussignd htm: Mlchael Kuster, labor ?" George Healy, " n (." Wm Snkerman, " .... B 86 1165 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assigned t lit'Ui: Richard Kurns, labor... $ 39 00 Michael Williams, " .... 8 85 Mlchael Heary, ■' 2 (i;i P V Bogen, " .... U 85 Michael Kuster, " 4 35 Georee H-aly, " :: ." Goo Crosby, "... 4 95 O Wright. " .... 6 18 Charles Wlnkle, " .... 7 20 Abram Voorhles, " 42 01 Frank Bevier, " .... 19 Kí UH 35 Mlchaul Stablrr, supplies $ :;: ni Geo l' Key, salary 25 o S A Muran, prinling 70 Henry Richards, rent ot ruadgrader in 00 E W Groves. asst eng 10 SU George II Flsoher, lalior 5 25 FranK Sutherland, labor ;, r,z Henry Richards, coal u :'.: Dean A; ('o., Bupplls Lulck Bros, supplies.... - -i EB Hall. coal 43 -x Beglster Publishlng Co., blanke 1 (W Wm Wheeler, snow ploughlng 1 .M) .lolin Mollugh, '■ 15) JohuKlttle, ■ 180 Martin Nagle, " 1 50 Pt McCabe, labor ta gj Frank Uevler. " 2 70 5 M Tliomps'jn, sno(v plowinR 8 00 tóchael WÏfllams, lubor 90 á bru in Voorhèls, " ' l Rogcrs, asslgned to Farmers and Mechantes Bank ! l'.i ean Sweet, labor 4 rts s t Sweet, ■ 83 W ui i lis Weinborg, snow ploughlnii.... Ucbard Burns, " .... ii) 4'.) eonard Bassott, salary r.ii titi 'lias A Ward, tnspeetton of si Ir walk 5 5U M U Wheelock, snuw plouffhlng 1 60 Total 3 515 8 BRIDGK. C.TI.VKllT AND CKOSSWA I.K. Itate Bavlngs Bank, account assinrd tliera: Mlcbael Kugter labor 2 TO Lawrence Hughs " 15 :■ Wm Enkerman " ;i oo SI 00 nl Browa accountfl usigned lim: (i w rtght, labor Ui Mlchael Kuster " 1 44 8 81 nn Arbor8avlng Bank accoonteasslgnèd theni: Wm K n luw labor % 5 55 P l) Etogera " .... 1 30 Geo Brown " u Mlchael Heary " .... tl W Abram Voorlieis ' U 6K II Kittridge, " .... 5 5f Mtchacl luister " .... 3 DO Charles Wlnkle '.' .... 19 M Mlchael Williams " .... 11 B Mlchael Kuster " .... S w L Hughs " 8 T' Btephen Koogan " .... 3 ;to Krank Ki-vter " .... 9U Fred IIotTman " .... 3:1 50 To error in November ..... l ) 13160 M Olark, expenses to Detroit sp :i lo olm Baumgardner, stone slabs 23 60 Ilchlgan Oentral K. B. Oo trolght... :i 3t nii Arbor EL R. Co., frelght 4S is (Vrthur Brown. plank 10 49 I Hun in, CUrb stonc T iU )olumbus Gas Co., pltcb 27 40 ïeo W. Sweet, sup (les :.. -■ acoli SI urn. rOfLO plank '.Ui 41 iWoodife-Oo. lamber 'luis A Ward. Inapection of walks... 16 ."o Sioims lalxr 6 90 iro Orosby " i ■ ' llchael Kuster " B 48 )hkrles Wlnkle " i 7 iic Qutze) ' 10 35 ■atrlck McOabe ■ H 3 wm Knehn " 10 a Total í 40S 7.') pólice rank A C Pcterson, salary $ 65 00 iiiviii Colllns, - ño 00 lohn O'Mura, " 50 00 , -!■ [sbel, so oo leuben Axmbruster " w 00 lames Murray, special Ui uo I A l'olhvmus, llvery 1 00 ■V 11 Holmes, " 1 00 'hrisiian Brennet " -." IA Beal, est., printing letter heads. 2s aichlgan Telephone Oo., telephonlng 86 'aul s.-iiali. special l' mi Paul Schau, special :; oo li.ii. llaas. llvery l oo Total e 2so 70 fire rum. I'rrd Sipley, saïary fio 0 : Edwards, " 50 00 W H McLaren, " ruino Max Whlttlnger, " no oo Mhcri West. ' 50 00 Eugene Williams, " so 00 Hi'rman Klrn, " 50 0 Samuel McLaren, " so on Louis Hoelzele, " k oo Ed. Boelïele, " s uo WLSchnlerle, " '. 8 00 Ed. Ryan. " 8 oo Wm Kettlcli, '■ s oo Fred sij)iry. trelght 99 s Wood & 0"„ lumber 4 oo e Bberbach, supplies 4 46 K II Hall, coal l" 08 Lu lok Bros., lamber 22 43 II D EfdwardSi suppUes 1 79 D.l Halloy - 5 75 ('has Kalambarh. straw 7 0: Wm Hera, Buppliea 41 P. Oibney, hay - 15 71 Total S 561 01 POOB FlINI). Frod Blpley, salary ï lo oo Ann Arbor R li Co. Ipelght M 14 Clarence Lumber Oo., wood 54 a 1 11 Oady groceriea :6 Ed Duffy, grocertes 11 11 w ü Dleterle, ooffln 10 1 0 Dwyer, grocwlea ;t x John Etseli'. groceries 3 31 John Goot. JrM grocertes J 15 John Ooetz ít Son, groceries r 71 K II Hall. coal 8 00 Jacobs & Allmand, shoes 1 S W F Loflholi, groceries in ns Gf-orRO R Kelly, coal 10 5t Wm 11 Uclntyre, groceriea 5 Dl (rilara. Boyle&Co, groceries fl J A Bobison, labor l' i t '. Blnsey, groceries [0 11 Rinscy&Soabolt, groceries [5 :,( Mis. íviins. akl I, Etohde, coal Wm Beinhart, shoes 20 WMSalyer, groceries Ohas Zu'irii. meat 1 :i 0 Vogel, meat -,. Wahr & Miili'r, shocs 5 1. Total $ :J15 7 BECAPITDI.ATIOK. Contingont 5 ma H i Gelii-ral.SV: ".i Sowcr { No. 8.... 851 s; - .(17 2 No. li. . . . 4 15 Streel 515 8 Bridge, ( ui vort and Crosswalk 4W 7 Pólice Flre 551 111 l'oor L'i . 77 Total $3518 98 Adoptod as follovvs: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, AJlmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Sbadiord, Prettyman, ButUiriield, Catly, Pros. Hiscpck - l.'i. Nays- None. Chairman Brown presentcel the follow ing account and recommended the (.lm adopted of the same. Parrla S. Banfleld inspection in Sewer District No. 3, $20. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendlnger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyinini, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hiscoek- 14. Nays- "'ine. OnDISANCE. Chairman Prettyman introduced "An Ordlüaace Relatlve toBailroadsj Crosaingsaad the Speed of Railroad trains which was given lts lirt readin(r by title. Aid. Butterfleld moved that the Ordinance be placed on its second readtog, Wliereupon tbcordinance was given its second reading by sections. Chairman Prettyman introduced "AnOrdinance Kelat i ve to Xuisances" whicb. was given its flrst reading by title. By Aid. Prettyman. Resolved, that in the Annotations be ommltted f rom the charter as printed. Adopted as follows : Yeas - A.ld. Mooro, Maynard, Allmendinuer, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayery Brown, 'J'aylor, Snadford, Prettyma, Butterfield, Cady, Pres. Hlscock - 13. Nays - None. STKEKTS. To the Common Council : YourComniittecoii Streets. towhom was rcferred the comnmniealion ,-isk[ngforthe privilege o] laylng a pipe fronS the KI eet. ric Ligbt Works to the llunter pond of Washington street would report that they have given tlie matter due cotsideratloD by consultIng withthose asking for the privilcdge as well as residents of the locality in whieh such dam is located. As a result of such Investigation your ((inimittee recommends that the Council grant the Ann Arbor T-H. Electric Co. the privilege of laying a pipe from their works along the Bouth oí Washington streel to some point in the race SOUth of tiie pond, and sutil h of Washington street, the said Electric Company to provide a reservoir conatracted oí t lle t wo feet in diameter and of Bufflcient lengtb to give enough head for the uso required for sucli water, entirely Independent oí the pond no use wliatever to be made of the water in the pond as now sil uated. by the said Electric Company. I tespectfully submittad, W. L. Taylor, O. E. Butterfield, II. G. Prettyman. C. J. StlVtl'T. D. b Allmendinger, Geo. L. Movre, Commltleo on Streets. Adopted as (oüowe : Yeaa - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendingor, Koch, Snydor, Brown, Taylor, Shiulford, Frettyman, Butterfield Cady, Pres. Hiseock - 12. N aya - Aid. Laubengayer- 1. Co the Common Council : 5four Committee on Bonds to whoni vas reíerred the bond of Hulbert and irossman wonld report that theyhave lad the same onder confllderatlon and ecommend the approval of the name witli Wallace Welsh and Ernest Rehjury as suretios. H. G. Prettyman, O. E. Butturliold, Committee on Bonds. Adopted as follovrs: Vi as - Aid. Mooi'e, Maynard.AllrnenJinger, Kuch. Snyder, Laubengei', Hrown, Taylor, Snadford, frettyman, Butterfield, Cady, Pre. Hiseock- 1:. Nays - Nor.e. ui 01 city OFTI0BB8. The report of the City Treasurer, City Marshall and Chief of the Fire Department were presented and ordered placed on file. City TKKAsrm:n's heport. Montii Endino November 30, 1895.To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand, last report Ü29TO2 04 MONKY KKCKIVED. Recelved (ram Glen Mills, City Clerk, streel fund. Store Bold 40 r0 1 )oii llcenses 1:2 01) Pólice f ii ml E. B. Pond. justice fces... 12 00 USO Total swee h MONEY DISBUIISED. Contingent rund B34S 80 S:n'i'l fund it 'ü Poor fond 141 18 Brldee, Oulvert, and CroBBv:l1K' fund -i-il 77 Pólice fund 22! 00 Flremen'fl fund 5ft -M Cltv Oemetery fund 48 oo Soldler's Bollet fund ao oo :51 83 : Total Í3(i415 21 BAI.AMi: ON HAND. Oonttngeoi fond (356180 Main Sewerfund Hond fund 3500 ) Street tund - !: Poor fund 2529 M Bi'tdco, ('iilvi-rt. and ('nwswal! fuii'l :!T:iT if Pólice fund 29W : Firi'tm-n's fund 6588 :i'i City Cemetery fund 122 HU Soiaior's Küllel rund 689 B0 Water fund SW7 40 Dog Tas fund ÏM 00 ünlverslty Hospital Aid Bond fiind 4300 00 Dellquent taxfund 1354 34 lected Oity Xx Uiwa Sti Olty Balldlngslte 5000 oo (89754 93 K3338 7 13889 T8 Total ....f28415 -i Respectfully subtuitted, C. H. Manly, Treasurer CITY TREASüUEU'S KEPO11T. Month Enping November 30, 1895. ïo tho Common Council of the City of City of Ann Avbor : Balance oo hand In sewer account last report $13316 09 MOSEY 11KCK.1 VI'.Ii. Main spwerfrom City Olerk tap tícense $ 51 00 T:i ac't laicral sewer Dist. No. 1 1 80 Tazac't lateral uewer Dist. No.S 74 Sf Tas ;u-'t inicial sewer Dist. No.8 l'ílZ ÍB Tax ac't lateral sewer Dist. Nu. 1 86 5! 1544 18 Total i li MOXKY DlSPÜBSED. Main sewer % 3C 50 Labor ac't latrral sewer Dist No. 1 3ö 4T. L;ilior ac't lateral sewer Dist.No.ï 5668 5785S4 Balance on hand Iti gewei :n"i $ OOBTi 0:j HAI.ANÍ E ON HAND. Mata sewer $ 105S5 81 Labor ac'1 lateral suwer Dist. No. l s 4 02 Labor ac-'t, lateral sewer Dist. No. 2 000 75 1iimr a'ft lateral .sewer Dist. No.8 8501 65 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 4 298 94 Li bor ac't latend sewer No ...... 24 20 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dlt. No. 6 10 40 Tax ac't later! sewer l)it No. 1 183 83 Ta ac't latetal sewer Dist. No. llMj TK Tax ac'l lateral sewer Dist. No.8 2S56S7 Tax ae't lateral sewer iui. No. 4 827 20 S14SX0 14 $5S45 11 5845 U Ralanoe on birtdlii sewer ae't t 9!j: o:i Batanee on harul in city a'ct aiii". -.n Total mooey in bandsol treas. .. Ï35450 'M Respectfully submittod. C. H. Manly, Treasr ror. The State Savings BanV-, Anti Arbor, Mich., Tov. ."), 1895. To the Comtnon Counoil of the City of Ann Arbor: I hereby certify that there is on deposit in thi.s bank to the creditof C. H. Manly, Treasurer City of Ann Arbor, at tisis date S35.622.26. Rospectfully subraitted, State Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Mieb. Bobert J'hiiiip, Cashler. To the Cominon Council ot the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand, last reuort tö 5I0NEY KKCKIVEI). Transfer from labor ac't lateral Bewei Dist. Nu. .1 to general sewer fund 1440 65 Transfer trom labor ac't Lateral Bewer Dist. N'o. 4 to ííii .' F"t l sewer fuml 273 68 General Bewer l'uiul. Gier '. )lills 66 00 Transfer from general sewer to labor lateral sewer, NO. 1 56 00 Tax ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 64 26 Tax ac't latera! sewer Dist. No. 1 16 59 Tax ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. :J -J24 88 Tav ac't lateral sewer Dist No. 4 121 82 Labor acet lateral sewev Dist. No. 1 from generaE fuml 231 :w Transfer frota general 8OWer fuml to lateral si.-wer Ilist. No.2 601 T5 Transfer from general 9SW er fiiiui to lateral, si'wer Dist. No. :i 1Í40 S5 Transfer from genwailaewer liind to lateral sjwec Dist. N. 1 27:i 68 Tïonds sold sewer Dist. ÑO. :i 7000 00 Transfer from gonogal S6Wer to ta ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. i 503 19 Transfer from general sewer '■' i ;i ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 2 in tra is Total Í894G1 T7 MOXF.Y DISBURSED. Son sewer warrants paid.. lü 00 Labor aC't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 warrants sr.3 S7 Labor ac'1 lateral sewer Dist. No. : u aria rits 7101) 0i Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 4 warrants 1906 58 from genera) sewer to labor ac't lateral sewer üi -t . No. i sr 00' Transfer from general sew-ei' to labor ac't laterai seu er 1 Nt . No. 1 as p I resohil on ï;!l 30 Transfer from general sewer to labor ac't latONil sewer Dist. No. 2 00175 Transfer from general seer to labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 8 1440 65 Transfer from general sewei to labor ae't lateral ewer Dist. No. 4 273 8g Transfer from general: sewectotax ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 503 18 'ranufer f rom jjfnurul si - er to tax ac't lateral mswcT- Dist. No. - ín eg 'ransfer from n&bor ac't lateral sewor Dist. No. ïto genera] sewer -innd i ' 'raiisfer from labor ac'1 latera l sewet DiM . N6. 4 to general sewer tund 873 i' leceived ol Bonda Dtst. No. 1 1000 tW Dteresl of Bonda Dist. No. j 33 (Hl tecelvodof Bonds Dist. No. 2 1500 00 nteresl of Bonds Dist. No. 2 i ii;i6 Oí BALANCE OH 1IANI). ícnrml si'w-'p fund 1055] :;i ,abor ac't lateral Bewer Dist. No. 1 S2 4: jabor :ir'i lateral sewer Dist. No. :: 600 T' jabor ac't lateral sewor Dist .No. : 1S0 TI I H Drafts1 jabor ii-'i lateral sewer liisi tío. i 898 M ac't latorul sewer Dlst. No 5 M80 [abor ac't lateral sewer Dlst. No. i; lo 40 Va ac't lateral sewer Dlst. No. 1 118 53 l';i ac'1 lateral sewer Dist. No. :: 122 :. Cax ac'( lateral suwcr Dlst. No. 3 1843 W Ca ac'1 lateral sower Dlst. N,. 1 740G1 J13555 63 I 839 ■"! Balance on Hand in si-wit futid $13216 09 Balanceon Hand in City fund í ítTO:.1 04 Í12ÍMS i: Respectfully submitted, C. H. Manly. Tceasurer. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. By Aid. Brown. Resolved, That the Ann Arbor Water Co. are hereby directed tocomplj witii the the request of the Board ol Public Works n regard to connectlnji flush tanks with sucta portions of tin lateral sewers as are uow constructen est Imated. Adopted as follows: Yeaa Aid. trfoore, Maynard,AJlmen dinger, Koch, Snyder. Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyraan, Cady- U. Nays- Aid. Laubengayer - 1 Aid. Butterfleld and Pres. Hiscock excused trom voting. To Uonorabh Cortimon ouneüoftíu 'il; of Au n Arbor.: Gentlemen:- An Itemized account of claim of C. H. Kline for service In the case of Jno. Loney vs. Ruben Armbrustcr. I ask priveledge to say tliMt [ spent some two days in the offlee preparing the case a day on requests to charge and brief. Two days in court $7.00 fentry tee and wftness lees, so that an itemized blll would be as followá: 3 days in office $ 75 2 days in court 50 To cash paid out 7 00 By Aid. Prettynmn. Resolved, that the sum of ft f ty dollars bepaidC. H. Klinc for preparing services and cash expended In the care ol Lotipy vs. Armbruster, ind be 11 further resolved that-ia thesense of this Council that no further snm or 3ums of money should ever lie pald f rom the city treasury for any legal expenses or proforraed servicea noi formerly authorized by the Uommon Council. Adoptcd as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Allraendingr, Koch, Snyder, Laubenguyer, BrownTaylor, Prettvinan, Cady, Pros. His, oook -10. Aid. Mooi-e, Sliadford, ButU rfield - 3. Onmotion the Council adjournod. Glkn V. Mills, City Olerk.


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