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Minor Michigan News

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Sanilac Center wants a woolen mili. Ludington has voted to bond for $io,wiu to pay off indebtednees. Ed. Hatos, while lumbering at Inland) was struck by a faliing tree and had h is neck broken. About 300 miners of the Corunna Coal Co. , are out on a strike against a reduction in wages. The large country residence of Nelson Bigbee, near lüg Kapids, was desti-oyed by fire. Loss (30,000. The trades and labor assembly of MuskegOD has givou an invitation to the Michigan Kederation of Labor to hold their next meeting there. The Livingston county fair grounds rit, llowell were sold at public auction to one of theold stockholders. A new company is now being organized. While Jcsso Donyes and a young man named Jamieson, near Fairgrove, were chasing and endeavoring toshoot a Denyes vas shot, perhaps fatally. (Jeorge Hartigan feil under the wheels while attempting to steal a ride from Union City to Jackson, and loat both legs, but has good prospeets of recovery. .Mr and Mrs. Jacob Emerick, of Yp-iilanti celebraled the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. The forraer is 74 and the latter 05 years of age aud were pionerrs. The oíd Indian chief at Amber, known as "Bnshy Joe" and who was claimed to be 110 years of age, died recently. Bushy Joe was an expert hunter and trapper. Battle Creek's truant officer is I rying on a vigorous warfare against tobáceo dealers who sell cigarettes to boys. Wm. Ednmnds wae flned $10 f or this violation of law. Ernest Gray, aged 28, a Grand Trunk fireraan of liattle Créele, was found dead in his room at Kalamazoo. Near the body was a half emptied morphine bottle indicating suicide. Diphtheria is raging about I5enton Harbor toanalarmingextent. Several country .schools near town are closed. Over 40 cases wero reported within tu o woíks, with six deaths. Mrs. A. F. McGillis, of Menominee. was badly burned while rescuing her (iaughter from their burninj? h me, and died from hor injuries. Her husband was also severely burned. Herbert W. BedeU, clerlc of the police court at Grand Kapids, has disappeared, with between SüOO and $800 of fuiids. He had just resigned, his bondsi i forcing him to do so, owing to recent crookod trusactions. A bont 100 feet of one of the O. I!. & I. freight houses in Grand Kapids, collapsed from the weight of the snoiv on the roof. The niht watchman was the onlv man in tlie building1 and had a narrow escape from death. Ed. M. Lapierre was found dead in the cemetary at iiles. From appeari he had lain down and then shot himsoU with a 3S-caliber revolver through the riy Ikt temple. Death v;is iustantaneous. .!hn A. Moll, of Minden, ex-represeutative and on;-time aspirant to the oilice of seeretary úf state, was arrested in Detroit and lodged in the county jail at Sanilac Center on a cliarge of forgery. lClarence D. Vining, of Ypsilanti. who beid a 81,600 clerkship in tho treamjry rlepartment at Washington, j li;s been dismissed in disgrace. He i was charged with removing intornal revenue stamps from old bonds on file iu the departmont. Four desperate young crimináis escaped from the county jail at Coldwater by outting through the Hoor and crawling through a cellar window. Thoy stole Dr. Wilcox's horse and bujfgy, but Allie ISedford and tha rig were captured at Quiucy. Mrs. Jane Heritag-e, míe of the former pastor of the Wealthy avenue i liaptist church at Grand Rapids, suicided by taking chloroform. Mrs. ileritage has been in poor health for borne time. She liad tried to suicide a week before with laudanum. John Widdecomb, president and manager of the Widdecomb Furniture Co., at Grand Rapids, which ernploys about 1,000 bands, is au enthusiastic supporter of the eight hour day principie. He considera il a question _' vital importance to the entire country, Shortly after dark Geo. P. Hurgess. of I'ort lluron. started to cross the bridge over lilack river on his bicycle. The draw had been opened to alJow a steamer to pass and no danger signáis were displnyed to give warning, and Burgess plunged from the end of the bridge iuto the river and was drowned. David L. Pearson. living near New ISuffalo was driveu iusane as the result of the belL'f that the recent earthquake heralded the end of tbe world, and is no.v confined in an asylum. Mi.-s Alice Pearson, aged 18, was adjudged to be of unsound mind, hor p s peculiar iiallucination havingalso affected her reason. Olie J. Watkins, the Detroit ex-conStable, who has served IS months of a four yc-ars' sentence to Jackson prison for forjfery, is a frce man, Gov. liich baving pranted liim a pardon. The action of tle governor was based on the unanimous reeommendation of the pardon board, and was petitioned for by a excellent citizens of Detroit. The schooiu'r Mary Collins was picked up off Alpena in a badly batCered condition. The schooner was saught in the galo off Sturgeon point, and lost her canvas in the few lumrs. lier spirs were broken. evervthingabovo doek washed overboard, and several leaks wei-e spruiiif. The crew uoi'Ued heroically and were no.irlv dead from exhaustion and exposure when rescued. Tho Alpena llide ifc Ieather Co. has started to work its new plant, one of the largcst hemlock tanning concerns iu existence. The plant is tanning 1,000 hides a day to start with. This is only one of a great many plants now building in tho pineries of Miehijan, where bark is cheap. It is un.1. rstood that western packers are backing tliis concern to pet rid of their hides without selling them to the trust.


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