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The News In Brief

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The president has appointed William H. White of Virginia to be United States attorney for the eastern district of Virginia. The Duluth Board of Trade has decided to sell no grain to Superior, Wis., milis except on Minnesota inspection and weight. Superior milis are shut down for want of wheat. It is reported that a terribly disastrous fire has occuied at Guayaquil, Ecuador, and that flfteen squares of the town have been destroyed. The Princess of Wales has now lield her title over thirty-three years, a period which has been exceeded by only one of her predecessors, Augusta, the daughterof George II, whowas for thirty-flve years Princess of Wales. About the only European monarch whose life is not insured is the czar. The insuranee companies consider him too risky. In conversation in London with friends Miss Bdith Collins, who is reported as engaged to Chauncey M. Depew, referred to the report as absurd. Frank E. Chase, one of the most popular young traveling men in Wisconsin, ', committed suicide at Fond du Lac by shooting. No motive can be ascribed for the act. David Chenney and wife, aged 80 and 75, respectively, were buried in the I same grave at Bowen, Hls. He died of general debility. She was overeóme j with apoplexy while preparing the j body of her husband for burial and died in a few hours. They had lived j on the same farm for forty-two years. The formal announcement is made of the re-eiection of General Diaz for the four-year term, beginning Dec. 1. Bells in the churches and cathedrals of the City of Mexico were rung and there is general rejolcing. A rich strike has been made on the Gold King lode of the Rua group on ; Squaw creek, S. D. In running a drift j on thé blanket formation the miners struck a well-defined vertical vein over two feet wide that runs over $100 a ton. The Emperor of Germany stands twenty-first in the direct line of succession lo the British throne. Insurance companies threaten to doublé rates in Danbury, Conn., or cancel policies because they believe the local fire department is incompetent. Adelina Patti has received the I dom of the town of Brecon, in Wales, In return for her benefactions. The shipments of apples to Burope this year from all American ports foot up 429,530 barrels, against 39,309 last year. A lodge for female Odd Fellows has lately been started in Tasmania. This is probably the first lodge for women in the whole world. The cholera epidemie In Egypt during August was of an unusually fatal type. Cairo returns show that of 4,816' cases 4,004 were fatal. Manitobawheat is advancing in price, and has been as high as 67 cents. The general erice is 60 cents for No. 1 throughout the province. Kidder, Peabody & Co. of Boston have engagred $750,000 in gold in London for shipment direct to Boston. John Lunn, Wholesale grain dealer of Philadelphia, has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. The liabilities amount to $73,000; assets about $30,000. Erick O. Moen, a Cottage Grove, Wis., farmer, 25 years old, was killed in a runaway. Moen was dragged about three-quarters of a mile. His body was found lying in the middle of the road. Some of the French railway companies employ women not only as clerks, I but in the signal box. The Volks Zeitung says that Prince Bismarck is suffering frdm neuralgia and insomnia. Miss Georgia Richards, who occupi the position of county clerk in ! hoe county, Coló., receives a salary of $5,000 a.year, the largest paid to any woman official in the west. Diphtheria is doing deathly work in ' Newman, Hls., and children are dying on every hand. The doctors there have secured anti-toxin and are using it. ... Matthias Benner, claimant for disputed lands on the north Chicago lake ! shore, #has received word from Washington that 158 acres of the land has ! never been surveyed by the j ment. Commissioner Lamoreaux says the courts will have to settle the I pute. Eight horses were burned, Frank Daemicke had a narrow escape and $20,000 worth of property was destroyed by fire in the factory and stables of the Paul J. Daemicke company. Chicago. The czarina is studying the laws of Russia. "How can I be expected to assist in the government of my people," she is said to have declared, "when I know nothing about their laws?" Queen Natalie of Servia recently lost a valuable diamond out of a bracelet, ! and, now that it has been recovered, she has ordered that it shall be raffled for the benent of a Biarritz charity. A hay shed containing 250 tons of hay, contracted for at $10 a ton, owned by Mrs. Anna McCormick, was entirely eonsumed by fire at Peru, Hls. - . __ , - The new harbor at Galveston, Tex., ! is now completed and is an entire success. The unterhause of the Austrian reichsrath has passed a resolution in favor of the Austria-Hungary government, making an overture to the powers for the formation of an international court of arbitration. Famine is threatened in the Amur province of Asiatic Russia, the crops having been destroyed by flood. There is on exhibition in a Pittsfield, ; Me., drug store a brick bearing the j print of a baby foot, made in the soft clay sixty-four years ago by Samuel Walker, a well-known resident. While sorting Japanese rags in a paper mili at Westbrook, Me., an operator found a small metallic object, at which he picked with a penknife, and he lost three fingers and a thumb in the explosión that followed. For the flrst time in forty years the circuit court of Logan county, Ky„ conver.ed in regular session recently without a murder case on the docket.


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