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The Times iakes pleasure in saying that tlie last issue of The Ann Aebok Democraï, which has been enlarged and improved to a six-column quartoj presents the neatest appearanee of any veekly newspaper it bas vet seen. The arrangement of the reading matter, the btyle of type used for the largo and small hèad lines, gives the paper a striking and inviting appearanee. No aivertisemênts appear on the Brst page, but they find room on theremaining seven pages, neatly set in display type and artistieally arranged. Considerable sp.ace is devoted to correspondencg.from nearly all paris of the csunty. Ypsilanti is well represented by abont three columns. The Times congratúlales ts enterprising brothers of The .Dkmookat- its publisherS, editors, eompositors, printers and the little devil- upon the neatest weekly paper in Michigan, or, perhaps, in any other state.- Washtenaw Evening Times. Tui: Ann Aeboe Democrat came to the editor's table last Friday completely transformed in its appearanee. The old blanket folio sheet has been discarded and it now appears a neat six-colnmn quarto. A new hèading, new dress of type and other improvements, added to its newsy columns and good makeup, make it one of the prettiest papers in the state. Phillips & Parker are to be congratulated on their effprts to The Democrat a good paper. - Ann Arbor Argus. With its last issue the The Ann Arbor Democrat appeared in a new dress and in a six-column quarto form, the same as the other city papers. The Democrat is very attractive with everything new, even to its editors. It alwayshas b8en a good paper.- Courier.


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Ann Arbor Democrat