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COUNCHi CHAMBEE. I Ann Arbor, Nov. 2nd, 1896. f Regular Session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll Called. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Kocli, Burke, Brown, Soule Pres. Hiscock. Aid. Coon moved that Aid. Maynard act as president protem. Aáopted. OOMMUNICATIONS FHOM THE MAYO. MAVIIHS OFFICE. Anti Arbor Mlch., October 21st, 1896. To the Honorable Common Councü nj the 'il y a) Aun Arbor. Gentlemen:- I see in the report of your last meeting that yon have ordered six plank crosswalks at the tollowing places. On the east side of E. Tjnivei-sity Ave., aeróos Washtenaw Ave. On the west side of Forest Ave1, acrossS. üniversity Ave. On the west side of 12th street across Hill street. On the north side ot Washington street acress Ingalls street. On the cast side of Ingalls street across Washington street. On tbe west side of Ingalls street across Washington. Also two briek crosswalks to be located as fohowá. On the north side of Jefferson street across State street. On the south side of N. Üniversity Ave., across State street. Also acrosswalk on the east side of División street across Washington to be built of stone slabs. I would like to see the above work go on and improvem' -never cease, but unfortunately the eondition of our Finances will not warrant the expenditure of any more money this season on our crosswalks than is absolutely nec. essary and therefore I disaoprove the action of your Honorable Body o far as it relates to all of the above work with the single exception of the crosswalk on the north side of Washington St., across Ingails which I think alraost indispensible as it would form ai. outlet to a large section of our oity. 1 would not advise your Honorable Body to order the repair of any tar crosswalks at this season of the year but would ad vise that you leave it with the Board of Public Works who can take advantage of the weather. Sucli work can not be properly done in cold wet weather such as we must expect at this season of the year. Very Kespectfully, W. E. Walker, Mayor. The resolution failed of passage over the veto of the Mayor as follows: Yea- Aid. Coon. - 1. Nays- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadford, Iihodes, Cady, Danforth- 9. A petition signed by John G. Steeb asking for the privilege ot building a barn within thefire limits was read and referred to the Board of Pire ! ioners. A petition siened by Mrs. C. M. Edmonds asking for the caring for tiit; surface water on W. Huron St., was read and referred to Lhe Street Conimittee. REI'ORTS 01'' STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCK. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Finance respectlully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance and ' that warrants be ordered drawn for the same. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Cady, Emmett Coon, Committee on Finance. COHI1KGENT FUND. Glen V Mills, salary $ fatrick O'Hearn. " ■■■;:;( Thomas D Kearney" 50 OU rli. irlo I Uanly, " fs te Glen V Mills, postase 175 Inland Press, printing 5t 87 Marvin Davenppri ianitorwork 17 00 Mack & Schmid, rent in 00 fostal Telegram-Cable Ootelegrams. 1 31 Sid W. Millard. printiiif; 7 50 Uwlnner Bros. acet. asslgned 2 25 Jacob Ganzhorn, services 24 00 Mis C A Greene, rent 2!l 17 GU'n v .Mil!-, express 25 Schnelder Bros. laylng draln ' 37 HO s H McCracken, copies election law... 3 00 Chris Bronner, Hvery 2 00 Glen V accounts asslgned P5 .John Baumgardner, well cover 4 00 I S Exdress ('o. express 1 10 !"■" MUler&Son, repatring pump. '-1 ."i(i UlenY Mills, asslgned byJonn Andrés 10 00 The Arllngton, board 3 00 M Staebler, coal 16 58 Joseph BI ackburn labor 1 (50 Wasntenaw l'ost. printing e :t' II C Wllmot, posting „ 5 00 Walker & Co., robes 80 Konney & Quintan, n pairs ai 55 Ann Arbor Savings Hanh aects. asslfcned: B A Moran. prlD.tlDg 28 22 Ira Bartlett, labor 5 25 33 47 GeoHFischer " 2 70 Frank Butberland, labor , 2 70 ívennoy & Quiitlan. repairs 31 00 Arm Aïhor T-H Electric Co. lightlug :ll mi J A Polhemus, sprinkling 2." Ou Dr .luhn Kupp, salary 37 5o E A Clark " 25 os EU W Moore " 1:! ".0 II B Dodsley " 23 00 Total $ 1219 15 SEWEK FUND. Ann Arbor Savings bank acets. asslgned H 93 Schnelder Bros. relaying sewer 5 50 Kenny & Quinlan. labor and supplies, 28 74 District Ko. 5. 1-" W Groves salary 75 00 E H McCullough supplies 7 50 Win ; McLay, repairing clstern 3 00 Frank Sutherl and, labor 9 30 Geo Flscher, iabor 10 .)." Ann Arbor Wateer Co., connectlng flush tanks (53 Total S 240 54 BR1DOE, CULVKRT AND CROSSWALK FCND. Ann Ai-lioi Bavlngs Bank, accounts asslgned: James Hanby plank S 12 12 ..John Groff, labor 150 Alexander dchlupe '■ 6 Tfi in .1 Sebrlng 7 1)5 Martin Nagel " 13 65 Thomas Eagle " 6 2 Ed Koss '■ 6 83 Win lirowe " 6 82 John Schoenenberger ti '' Llndenschmitl & Apfel acct. assigned 6 Tfi Chas Hauser labor 1 ii." i feorge Mason ■' 7 63 Israel Mawhortet " ti 75 Westley Ricumond " e. :: .1 ames Masón ' i 35 Michae) Williams " 8 55 Urn Bui-y ■ :. 00 v .1 Sebring " 7 BS .) ames Máson ' 50 Alexander Schlupe " : (Ki Weslej Rlchinond " 7 50 ïsrju'i Mawhorter " 7 ro Emil Milcer " 1 50 Martin Nagle " ín 30 Thomas Eagle " 7 65 August Yahr " 1 .0 Llndenschmltt & Apfel a,cct. assltraed m Jake Mewer labor 4 50 Geo Mason " ' 50 M M Wheelock " 3 oo Wesley Elohmond " 8 70 [sral Mawhorter " n oo George S, -In icario, stone 46 00 James Williams, labor 8 55 George Mason " 9 00 Wm .1 Sebring " 9 00 .luim - Mason ■' 9 00 Jako Mowrer ' 9 no Edward Ross " 9 00 Martin Nagle " 1 00 Thomas Eagle " 9 00 Lindensehmitt & Apfol acct. assigned ü 00 George Mason labor 8 32 Israel Mahorter " X '■:- ffmJ Sebring " 8 32 Charles Mason " 8 o:; John Schoenenberger 16 50 " 8 32 James Mason " 8 33 Wesley Eichmond " '. 57 Edward Ross " !) oo Thomas Eaele " ü on Gilbert Kellogg " ü on Martin Nasrle " 18 00 Llndenschmitl & Apfel acct. assigned 8 33 t', 52 National Sewer Pipp Co. iwi.-k 120 4!) Krm Ubor Kailroad Co., freight ■'". 80 llroad " i :■■ Charles Tessmer, culverl 335 00 Louis Rnhde. accts assigned 101 15 Iï (' Barney. [aborand supplies 27 53 ii Mnfe. Co., cement 27 40 s Wood & Co-, tile 50 77 Edward Bycraft, labor fluttlng. Reyer & Co., acct. assigred.. R '--" James Tol bert. supplies 3o:i 27 John Baumgardner, tcaming 58 52 BTREET ] T:. Ann Arbor Savlngs {Jank accounts assigned them: .TuliuR Fuke, labor $18 75 FredHenta " 1 " Fl "nor Thomas " 7 50 FFay " 8 37 ffm Lamborn " .. 3 '5 GHealy " 5 92 MerrittTice " 6 30 Klmtr Lawson " 4 50 Oollins " ... 4 ."0 Fülrich " (i o s t Sweet " 15 oo FkeBowP '■ 2 70 August Hormon ... ( -:ti) Frank Bevler ' 5 55 M Kustoi-or " (i no James Gurney " oo 0 Pnele ■ 6 75 A Schwemmen (i !)0 .1 McHusrb " 13 :tï F Lufibke " (i (iO Wm Kane " (i 00 WJEandall " Ti ?0 B Horton " 7 80 'I' F.riïle " no Fd Ross " 90 Wm Browe " 90 Mlchael Herey " 13 20 Daniel Crawfórd 12 30 M d'Connor " 4 "i0 .1 Kios " H 07 .T Kittle ' 13 38 .1 '■ 6 82 Wm Fletcher " lo ro Kobori Crawford (i 1" James H Green 4 50 M ITessian " 6 82 GHintz '■ 6 30 J Brown '" o 7" T (niiLlli " (i (iO Gustave Walters h 2 M Williams " 6 f0 JoIie Stablcr " 6 f0 Wrn Bury " 4 50 1, Hoas ' " ! 50 .1 Flinke " 18 75 JColltns " 3 25 Wm Wheeler " 2 50 Frod Hontz " 7 65 F Fav " (75 Wm Kane " 7 65 Wm Bury " 15 30 M Kusterer " 8 25 F tllrirh " 7 i" John Clarken " 8 55 (; Hc:i ■■■;,- " 7 80 John Luipold '' .ï " Wm Lamborn " 7 1)5 l'ioii A Luebke 7 a Elmer Thomas 7 so ThomHsSGough 6 15 John Kittle " 13 80 Frank Bevier " (i :io A l"unfl ■ r Schlupe 4 50 M Herey " 15 30 ('liarles Alher " 2 70 1 McHugh '■ 13 50 Wm Fletcher " 8 58 Kd lio-is " 8 10 T Eftgle " 45 s T Sweel " 14 oo I ke Rowe '; 7 im Vugust Herman 8 10 Wm Brnwe " 8 I" Emil Milser " til") John Elte " 4 65 Daiilel Crawford 15 30 Chas Pagel " 5 4n A.ugus1 "Salir " 4 50 Iü denschmtti & Apfel labor. 53 75 .. Sweet labor 13 95 Herman Miloy " 2 40 Julius Nims " (i 90 w.l Eandall " 15 :"i B French " !i oo il Williams " 7 80 Charles Jarska - 2 io .laníos II Croon " 8 1B Geo W Weeks " 180 on M M Wheelock " 4 50 Julius Funke " 18 75 Daniel tórdwford " 18 00 Gustave Zachman 4 50 ; Walters " I V Heale'y " 4 50 John Clarken " '.) on F Eentz " !i 00 STSweet " 15 00 A Ibert Schwemmin 7 95 .1 Weinmann labor 6 (0 James H Green " 8 70 E.l Hare " :s 00 Geo Flowers " ;i 00 I' A Luebke " 8 70 Wm L Kane " 8 70 F Dlrich " 8 70 Tnos S Gough " 8 70 M l usterer " 9 15 Julius Nims " 1) 00 Mlchael Hessian " 12 00 Gottlieb Kugath" (00 M Herey " V oo Wm Bury " 16 05 Wm .1 Kandall " 17 40 James Slurlev " :i (10 Alexander Schlupe 9 00 Artliur Herbert " 7 f0 ' 16 50 Frank Fay " 7 93 Wm Lamborn " 8 70 F. Tilomas " 7 50 Barnfy Morrison" 5 55 WmFfetcher " 1103 Gilbert Kellogg " 8 10 'I. Sweet " 17 55 John Kittle " 14 40 .1 Staler " 10 65 Theobold Martini 4 95 Ed Zacliman ■' ii 75 Gus .acliman '■ !) 00 Ed Zitcbman " 4 50 Grofl' " 17 s') Wm Btocking " 4 50 Charles Hauser ' se,:! It French " 17 40 Barney Mast " 0 00 IkoHowe " 45 Wm Browe ' 9 45 August Yahr " 8 85 T Hessian " 1 50 Emil Milcer " 8 85 Oharles Herman ' 1 !) Churlos Pagel " 8 8S Auírusl Herman " 8 85 .[ Brown " !) 00 J Gurnev " lii Geo M Kimball " v 20 Newton Feich " 1 80 Jullus Funke " 18 75 Alexander Schlupe 8 18 Al bert Schwemmin 0 00 s T Sweet " 1" oo John Kittle " 17 40 John McHugh " 12 90 Wm JackBon " 4 i5 .1 W llii's, acc't assigned 4 75 1 rod Hintz '.abor 8 10 T llossian ' 9 00 Herman Shallhorn" 2 75 Lawr ncè Hnghs" 17 10 Julius Nims " 8 10 (ioo Flowers " 8 lo I' Domav " H 75 (ioo W Sealy " 4 85 Daniel Crawford" H 20 Wm Bury " IS (X) Wm Jaekson " i) 00 Win Stocking " 4 80 Wm Lamborn " 9 00 1 llessian " 8 l'i F Fay " li 30 I - Gough - !i 00 li ■nik Olmstead" l 50 E Thomas " 8 10 W i'oaN - 1 :i"i James II Green I" T ."(! Win !, K ane 7 50 Fred A Luebke " '.i 00 Michael Kusterer" 9 oi) F ülrich ' 9 oi) Wm Krlimnn " 5 48 Michael Herey " 8 10 Jacob Schnetter " 6 l." Win Fletcher ■■ 10 50 " 4 02 Augusi Vahr " ü JacobSlimmer " oo John Brown " il 0 Chas Pagel " 9 (X) M Williams " 17 10 .lolin McHugh " 13 fiO Michael Seerey " 2 70 Clinton J Snyder " Ui 20 Gustave Zachman 9 00 John Clarken " 9 00 .1 Groff - li in Rmi tfazelwood" " 4 50 Rarney Mast " ! 00 Ausrusi Herman" 9 00 Wm Browo ■ il 90 ■ EmllMilcer 0 00 Ike Bowe labor 9 90 WmJKandall " 16 50 Geo W Weeks stone 9J 00 2068 34 Ann Arbor Savings Bank accounts :is--i_'ned: Bberbach Hardware Oo. supplies 105 -ííi Luck Brotbers, accts assigned 5 10 T F Schuh supplies 6 90 Bailey& Edmunds. saoplies IS 55 Ann Arbov Au;rienltural Co repairs.. 10 !)i) Wurster & Kirn repairs 6 40 Jaeobus&Son labor ; 12 tso Walker & Oo repairs -... 10 90 GC Rhodes inspector. ai Mi Wm J ('lark assignod by Geo Eealy... 3 00 John Baumgardner labor 2 40 Charles Manly labor 13 un Arthnr Berberí labor 16 20 F.d Hare labor 8 10 Chas E Godfrey labor 5 40 Wm Burns labor - 5 25 Louis Rohde supplies 123 00 Georsre Schnlerle labor 15 oo A RSchmidi repair-, 31 80 (.co W Beybold repairs 40 45 GeoF Key salary 100 oo A G Schmidi repa'irs 27 29 Manu Bros account assigned ( 00 F Wnrster gravel 12 16 Daniel J Rosssalary 66 66 W F Lodholz nails 52 L Rohde labor 134 20 i - il FIscher labor 1190 Mrs 1) J Rosssalary 20 00 llenry Richards coal 43 n Frank Sutherland labor 20 55 cien V Mills accounts assigned bv J. Phillips 150 Chas Greiner labor 25 50 M Staebler supplies 2 72 F.sslinïer Bros. Supp'les 2 8D Farmers & Mechantes Bank accounts a Minien1 : Gotflieb Kugrath labor 7 65 T 63 Wm H Mclntyre acc'nt assigned by J. Gurney 1 00 e H Manly accounts assigned by T S Gough 150 State Savings Bank accounts assigned : Michael Hesslan labor 4 ir W Erbman labor (i 15 Gottlieb Kugath labor 4 6" Barnard Morrlson :lt 8G :!2 31 To'al Í38:8 83 PÓLICE FUND. M 0 l'etcrson. salary and expenses..? 66 50 líe nben Armbruster salary r0 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary "0 00 Geortre Isbell, " ' 50 OP cien v. Mills assigned by Fred Davis 4 00 Paul Schal 1 special pólice 2 00 CJBnyder ', ■■ 2 on Total 5 274 50 FIRE DEPARTMENT FOND. Fred Bipley, salary 60 0C C A Edwards.. " SO 00 W H McLaren, " 50 00 Max Whitlinger, " 50 00 AlbertWest. " 50 00 Eugene Williams, " 50 00 Herman Kirn. " 50 dO Louis Hoelzle. " 50 oo ChasCarroll " 15 00 Siimuel McLaren, " 8 00 WL Schnlerle, " 8 00 Ed. Hoelzle. ' 8 00 Wm Rettlch, " 8 00 Geo Hoelzle " 8 00 JFLawrence hay s (4 Kenny & Qululan rspalrs -t :ió Wm Seyfried straw 3 00 Mrs. Ream. washing 7 00 Patrick Gibnev hay fl ?A Henry Richards coal 17 75 Total $ ól3 uil POOR FDSD, Fred Sipley. saiary 3 1000 G F Allmendinger Rrocerles 4 :4 F Bigalke. groceries 5 oo Christian Brenner livery 2 0 Ed Duffy. grocerles 3 00 W and F, I Meterle coHln 10 00 Mrs Evans, cash 5 00 John Goetz & Sou. groceries 2 tvi John Goetz, Jr., groceries 9 31 L Gruner shoes 1 10 c Èoeffer groceries ti 00 Doty& Feiner shoes 2 00 v ]? Lodholz, procaries 2 oo O A Maynard & Co groceries 3 32 Wm H Mclntyre, groceries 8 84 O Martin COffln 10 00 o' liara. Boyle .'v Co, groceries 2 -n (J Rinsey. groceries ■" 'i- Kinsey & Seabolt, groceries !i 11 I, Rohde èoal '■' 25 W F stimson. groeeries 5 82 Wahr & Milier shoes 175 Chas Zuevn, nieal 2(f EP Mason livery _ 1 50 Total Í1II 80 B ECAPITULATION. September 1896. Contingent fund S 121Í) 15 Sewer Fund general 49 li " " disü Xo. 5 19138 Brldse. Culvert and Crosswalb 1(04 88 Street fund 3358 88 1'illir-efund 27150 Firemen's f und 513 99 Poorfund ... LI4 80 ■tfotal $7120 74 Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maj'nard. Mooi-e, Grossman, Laubenfrayer, Dell, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Dan fortb. - 10. Nays - None. BIDEWALKS. To the Coinmon Council. Your Committee on sidewalks would recommend that a stone sidewalk be ordered built on the south side of Liberty St., by the side of the property of Wm. April. Respectfully submitted, KramettCoon, H. P. Danforth, Jacob Laubengayer, G. C. Rhodes, Committee on Sidewalks, Aclopted as follows: Yeas - .s.ld. Maynard, Moorc, Gross' man, Laubenader, Dell, Shadfordi Khodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth. -10. Nays - None. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. Tbe reports of the City Treasurer, Chief of Pólice, Superintendent of the Poor and Chief of the Fire Department were read and ordered placed on file. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 2, 1890To the. Common Council of tlic City of Ann Arbor, Mich. This will certify that Chas. H. Manly had on deposit to his credit as City Treas., under date of Sept. 30, the amt. of thirty thousand seventy and 19-100 dollars ($30,070.19) Raspeutfully, M. J. Frita, Asst. Cashier. CITY TRKASUREU"S REPORT. Balance on hand. last report $20256 44 MONEY BECEIVED. Contingent tund Glen V Mills lieensc 13 50 Pólice fund M 0 Peterson f ces 9 00 Street fund Pavinz private drlveway on Detroit strooi 1.5 00 Dim; fund G V Jlüls license 4 00 4150 Total 4 89297 94 MONEV DISBtTRSED. Oontingoni fund warrahte...! 1186 52 Street fund 2162 1!) l'oor fund 101 99 Bridge, C ulvert and Crosswalk fund 1775 88 Pólice finid 280 25 Fironien's fund 503 :3 City Uemetery fund 4 50 6016 öti Total J33281 28 BALANCE ON HAND Oonl ingent fund t 8521 61 Main Bewer bond fund 33uo 00 Street fund ■ 2574 98 Poor fund 2439 81 Bridge, Oulvert, and Crosswalk fund 550 63 Pólice fund 2240 02 Firemeu's fund 6481 1!) OityOemetery fund i4 s.ï Wat er fund 4782 40 Dog Tax fund 18!) 00 Unlversity Hospital Aid Hond Fund 3240 00 Delinquent Tax Fund 7% 44 Dncollected City Tax 1030B 77 $;4:S4 4!) 11103 21 11103 21 Total _ S 23381 28 SEWEK REPORT. Sopt. 1 Amcuit on lianu S7,980 68 MONET KECEIVED. Sopt. :). Main sewer, Taplicense Glen V Mills 5 30 00 Sopt 30 Tax'acc't District No 1 tax col 37 71) Seat 30 Tax acc'1 'i'a collec Dist. No. :: 84 IS Sept 30 tax ace't Tax collec Dist No 3 209 !)3 Sopt 30 tax ac'l Dist No 4 tax collection 41 36 Sopt 30 tax ac't Dist Xo 5 tax collection 1774 84 2178 10 Total am't rec'd for month $ lOlös 78 MONET DI8BUBSED. September 31. Main sewer warrants paid..? 593 96 Labor acet Dist No 5 2751 71 3347 67 Balance on hand 16811 tl BALANCE ON HAND. September 30. Main sewer ? 1C0S4 ö:i Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 3!) 90 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 2 27 28 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 3 4115 00 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 4 252 73 Labor ac't latera! sewer Dist. No. 5 4325 22 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. 3 05 Tax ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 715 22 Tax account lateral sewer Dist. No. 2 1217 30 Tax account Lateral sewer Dist. No. 3 790 88 Tax account lateral sewer Dist No. 4 1024 10 Tax account lateral sewer Dist No 5 1774 84 Uncollected sewer tax 94 20 15638 22 8827 11 8337 11 Sept 30 Total am'nt of Sewer tax 3 6811 11 All of vvhich is respectf uil y subinitted, C. II. MANLY, T.reasurer. Aid. Moore moverl that the subject of the grado of Oxford street be taken f rom the table. Aid. Dell rao red as an amendment that the subject be laid over until the next session of the Council. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadford, lihodes, Cady, Danforth- 8. Nays - Aid. Moore, Coon- 2. RESOLUTIONS. I By Aid. Cady. Resolved, That the Board of Health take immediate steps to see that Mr. H. Morton compiles vvith the ordor of this Council in regard to filling ip the pond on his property adjoining S. Ave. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossman, Lau ben gaye r, Dell, Shaeford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Oanforth - 10. Kays - None, lïy Aid Grossman. Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be and are hereby instructed without delay to give proper grade and gradiug1 on west 7th St., on the east side from Liberty to Washington, so property owners can lay their sidewalks as has been ordered by the Council a month ago or over. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Moore, Grossmap, Laubongayer, Dell, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Cady, Danforth - 10. Nays - None. On motion the Council adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk.


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