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lüjtósvaie, Ky., Nov. 10.-The headqpraróera of both Republican and Democxaïïe campaign committees are ckreed. it toeáns: conceded now that on Ibe Lace of the official returns f rom 115 i Mf O 119 counties thc.t McKinley has sarrévJ the state. The official returns frons the missing counties wlll not alter Ota neneral result. Chairman Roberts rigores McKïnley's plurality at 444, Ba&istg that the official returns from tbe tour counties will increase this figtlTTL On tb same number of counties The Courjer-Jmumal figures the plurality at 452, and The Times places it at 576. Reifcun who wagered money that Bryta uwraM carry the state now concede j that McKinley has carried Kentucky by a small but safe plurality, and are paytng their bets. NX.BRASKA SAFE FOK BKY.VN. ïhe State Goes Democratie for BryaB by .Trom 5,4)00 ti 6,000 l'lurality. Omaha, Nov. 6. - Although the returns from Nebraska are fragmentary and may remain incomplete for two or three days, enough is known to warrant the conclusión that Nebraska has been carried by Bryan and the fusión etate ticket with majorities ranging from 5,000 to 6,000. This is conceded by , Republicans. The vote for presidential electors on both the Republican and fusión tickets is considerably heavier than that given to candidates for state offices and eongressmen. The defection in the Republican congressïonal distrlcts will defeat f om out of föx Republican candidates for congress. Mercer oí the Second being the only man on the ticket elected. From the returns thus far received it is manifest that the fusionists will control both hnuses of the state legislature. The Republicana will have eleven senators and forty-one members of the housfi, while the fusionists will muster twenty-one senators and fifty-nine representatives, or nearly a tuo-thirds majorily in each branch of the legislature. VTOMINO IS RKrUBLICAS. Stat VFB2 Klect All Thrce of the McKinley Klectors. Cheyerme. Wyo., Nov. 7.- Returns trom all tout sixty-six precincts in Wyoroíns give a plurality of 350 for one of the MeKiniey electors and 132 for each of tïse other two. Of the sixty-six preciocfcs yet to hear from thirteen are usJialJy Democratie and flfty-three Repabücan. The Republican state commttiee estimates the plurality for its electoral, congressional and state ticket, vtaen Culi returns are in, will be 500. Tbe returns received up to the present time show that the Republicans ha-ve carried seven counties in the state and the Democrats flve. No returns have been received from the newly orL?unized county of Big Horn, but it has profaaWy been carried by the Republicans. The Republicans will control both branches of the legislature, with Mieteen Denjocrats and thirty-eight RepnbJicans on joint ballot. COVEKJIOKS ELECTED. On I Toenty-fonr Chosen Thirteen Are Kepublican Chicago, Nov. 10. - Governors were ehosen in t-R-enty-four states last Tuesday. Of this number thirteen were etected by the Republicans, ten on fuEion tickets of the Democrats and Populists, and one on a straight Democratie platform. The Democrat who was successful without a fusión ticket was E. W. Tunnell of Delaware. The following states elected Republican governors: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Iakota, Wisconsin, and West Virginia. ïUEion between the Democrats and Populists resulted in the election of govemors in these states: Colorado, Idabo, líansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, Tennesse, and Washington. MeKinleyV Plurality ij Iowa. Des Moines, Ia., Nov. 6. - Iowa will give McKinley and Hobart a plurality of at least 65,000, and very probably that oonservative figure will be raised to 75,000. Complete returns are in from eeventy-four out of the ninety-nine muties. They show a net gain of Góö to the county. If thls gain is eontinoed. and it ís more than likely that it ■wijl increase, McKinley's plurality will fce fiSSS. The state ticket is elected by orerwhelming majorities. The total ddegaiion of congressmen, numbering eleven, are all Republicans, electeil by maáorities ranging from Lacey's 1,191 fa fl Sixth district to Dolliver's 11,480 fn tl Tenth district. Of the seventyfevor counties heard from the silver torces carried but fourteen of them. Tennessee Returns. ífasbvHle, Tenn., Nov. 7. - Official and onofiiclal returns from eighty of the ninety-five counties in the state show that Taylor, the Democratie candidate lor governor, is 2,933 votes ahead of Tïllroan, the Republican candidate. The saxteen counties to be heard from gave 1,548 Democratie majority two ycars ago, The Republican state execnöw committee still claim the state and charge that large f rauds were commltied by the Democrats. The Demócrata claim Taylors election by 3,000 Indieatïons are that Bryan has carriec Temncasee by less than 20,000 majority Rcsnlt In Michigan. Detroit, Nov. 6.- The Evening News estmates the next legislature as fol lows House, 75 Republicans, 22 fusión fsts, 3 doubtful. Senate, 28 Republicans 4 fnslonlsts. The Free Press' state computatior.s indícate that McKinley ha ,557 plurality; Pingree, 69,482 plurality. Mayor Pingree says that he wil still continue in office as mayor and as governor until his term expires fourteen months henee, providing the people do not object. In the latter case he says be would resign as mayor. Kansas Goes for Bryan by 7,000. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 6.- The best in formatïon indicates that Bryan anc leay (fusión) have carried Kansas by at least 7,000. The fusionists seem to bave nve congressmen, the Republican :zz ■ - ■ 1 one (Broderlck), in the First district, with Curtis, Fourth, and Harria, Second, in doubt. The legislature on joint ballot appears to be two-thirds fusión. The Republican central commiltee claims that Governor Morrill and the leglslature will pull through, but by Email margins. PeflbT Will Be -ReElected. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 10.- Complete returns have been received on the legislature of Kansas. The Populists can elect a United States senator without the aid of silver Democrats and free silver Republicans. The Populists have a majority on joint ballot of nine over all opposition. Silver Democrats will not be considered in the election of a senator or state printer. The later office pays $8,000 a year. Senator Peffer will almost certainly be re-elected. South Dakota KlecHon. Tankton, S. D., Nov. 9.- With the state complete with the exception of Hamlin and McPherson counties and three unorganized counties on the Sioux reservation, Bryan has a plurality in South D&kota of 45. Hamlin and McPherson will give McKinley pluralities, while the reservation counties are expected to go for Bryan. It will take the official canvass to settle South Dakota's electoral vote. McKinley Ha 35,000 in Indiana. Tndianapolis, Ind., Nov. 7.- Complete returns, of which those from thitty-six eounties are official, give McKinley 25,plurality in Indiana. The official count of the Ninth congressional district slects Landis, Rep., over Cheadle, Populist. The state sends nine Republicans and four Democrats to congress.


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