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Dirt Roads A Failure

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Tha gd roads cause is making splendid jirogress in the west, as evideuced by the amount of space devoted to it by the press. The Rivtr Falls, (Wis. ) Times strikes the keynote when it says the best roads cgst the least money. The Times says: Since the beginning of civilization in this conntry the road question has been one of great thought and delibera tion. The yielding soil and the rainfall are the two great enemies of good roads, and not until the influences of these two annoying impediments can be overeóme can we expeot to be relieved of the ever present bad condition of the roads. We were asked the other day how good roads can be maintained so long as the rain contimies to wash and despoil them. In reply we said: "There is but one course to pursne. There is bnt one way that promises fair or just returns for the money espended. We must do in the west as they do in the east - we must build permanent stone roads." Plan as we will, study the problem as we may, expend money and labor, and still we eau never have good roads under the present system. Dirt roads have proved a failure wherever tried. At best they are nnsatisfactory. Their yielding surface is unfavorable to heavy hauling, and the mud, mts and washouts accompanying the wet season make them ever the source of annoyance and expense. But with permanent roads the question of cost springs to the front. Taxpayers wonld hold their breath in awe at the very idea of being taxed f rom $3,000 to $4,000 per rnile for laying macadam road. However, in the east they think nothiüg of laying just such expensive roads and are wil] ing to be taxed for their building. There are two great reasons for this: First, with the building of stone roads, they have permanent, hard, smooth, surfaces and comparatively level roads all the year round on which they can drive at will, by day or by uight, and nnder all conditions of weather. The roads there are the same ycsterday, today and tomorrow. They have been tested by long use and have been found a great Messing to the country and render the farmers independent carriers and bring them nearer to the markets and social centers. But there is another reason, of less impcrtance, yet of greater weight, with the eastern people in bonding thernselves for the building of these roads. By careful comparison and long experience they have found that the macadam or stone roads are cheaper than the old dirt roads. Human nature is the same the world over, and selfishuess abounds where man is found. The eastern people are no exception to the rule. They are selfish, money rnaking and penurious, so to speak - ruuch more so than they are in the west - and here is where the secret lies. They bond themselves for macadamizing all the main roads at a cost of from $3,000 to $4,000 per mile, because they have Jearned by experience that this system of road building is the cheaüest in the end.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat