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To Prevent Choking

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When a farmer has the couvemences t hand, apples, pota toes, etc., to be fed ío cows aro gronnd throiigh the root entter, whioh is niidonbtcdly au exc. lleut plan. Then the ground apples, the out hav or straw und the gruin ration eau all be mixed and eaten together. A vvriter in The Farm and Fireside says au tliis subject: If I had do root cutter, I thiuk I would chop the apples coarsely in a large plank bos, usiug a sharp spade to chop them vvith, or arrange the maugpr somewhat od Mr Woodward's plan here illustrated. He saya : "If a pair of posts or stakes be flrmly set iu the ground or made fast to the floor like a pair of 6tanchions, jnst far enough apart to admit a cow'g neck, and a hole be bored jnst high euongh so that a pin pnt throngh will prevent the animal raisiug her head quite level, it will be impossible for the apples to roll clown into (he throat and ohoke her. The same apparatus will prevent animáis choking when eating potatoes or any otherfood. Wbatmakes the animal choke is raising the head so high that the pieees slip by their own weight iuto the gullet. " I think that the instructions and information as here given should induce those among our apple prodncing friends who have yet been in doubt as to the advisability of feeding apples to relieve the country of theotherwisoundesirahio surplus by tnrning it into milk, butter and meat. Now, in its great wealth, it is really a source of annoyanoe and loss. It eau be made a sourne of income. Varlctirs of Asparagus. The editor of The Rural New Yorker, who has been testing varieties of asparagus since 1880, says: Our conclusioDS are just these: In quality there is no difference. In the size of the stalks there is no difference, always assuming that all the conditions are just the same. In earliness or lateness there is no difference. In the color of the stalks there is a difference. Some are reddish - Red Dutch, forexamplo; some of a medium green - Conover's Colossal, for instance; some are whitish or a light green - Oolumbian White, for example. Novel Method of Graft ing. Tbe accompanying out from an Australian exchange depiets a mode of graf ting which, it is claimed, results in better joint and quicker coveriug of the stub. The method of preparing the sciou is shown at the right side of the illustration. Each graft ought to be abont four inches long and have four buds. A thin piece of wood as ■vell as tlio bark is cut upward Buffioieiitly long to cross over the crowh of the branch to the grafted, half au inch of it beiug bent to be slipped under the bark ou the opposite side of the brauch. This metbod of grafting, accordiiig to its advocates, can be applied to trees liaviug branches about au iuch in diameter, rather less thau more. Iu preparing the stock branch the oue to be operated ou ought to be severed rather close to the maiu branch, only leaviDg about two inches. ïhe cuts must, of course, be ruade tocorrespond as nearly as possible with those ou the sciou, or this method can be applied to youug trees as stocks where they are too large for splico graftiug. This method of grafting gives stability to the work and the grafts are not so liable to be blown out as iu sonie ethers. News and Note. It is reportad on good anthority tliat buyers abroad have lost coufideuce in Aruericau shippers because of the disbouest methods resorted to in putting the fruit into the market. The fifth convention of the national irrigation congress will bo held at the city of Pheuix, A. T., Dec. 15, 16 and 17. Gradually increase the rations of the growing Rtock. A recent estímate places tho number of horses in the world in 1893 at 66,895,000; in 1896 at 67,254,000. Be ready to mulch the straw berries as soou as the grouud freezes. If the corncrib be wide, stand a few rails up here aud tbere through the center. This will give veutilatiou and preveut the spoiliug of the graiu, says an eschauge. Wheat comes cearer to being a balanr.ecj ratiou for a hen than any otuer ; singla graiu.


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Ann Arbor Democrat