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Have Caught It

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Somebody with a fine f aculty of rnaking tha most of tiiiugs thiuks iie has made tbo discnvery that the disease called grip is here again, aud ho bas proceeded to work up his flnd to the extent of his power aud imaginatiou by putting it into the uewspapers. Now, doubtlosB, thoso who aro iu like manner imaginative aud fond of nursing their ailmonts will make the discovery that they themselves havo got the grip. It is true that pbysiciaus admit this particular grip cannot bo distiuguished from an ordiuary cold iu the hcad - at least not very vfell - but it umstbo grip, the finder declares, líow lie kliows is not clear. It was to bo rxpected that the idea would strike BOtne bacteriologist that, j tliere being a baoillua at the bottom of everything clse bad, from smallpox to stealing, there must also be a bacillus of grip. Accordingly he looked for it, aud of courae found it. We are glad it has been found. No doubt there will bo ere long in -various parts of the country thriviug menageries of the creature. ileantime, however, the person who keeps his head on and goes on day by day atteudiug to hia daily tasks, preserving his body clean and his conseience clear and not worrying over things he cannot help, need not bother his mind about the grip bacillus or any other kind of bacillus. They will not hurt him. There are nearly 1,500 bilis ou tho calendar of the uational house of representativea andless thau threemonths in wfaich to pass them. Ouly a few wil] succeed in getting through the mili. We are proud that the British people appreoiate Einbassador Bayard so well that tbey aro going to present him with j a Christmas gift, the priee of it to be raised by popular subscription. But it is to bo fervently hoped they willnot snooeed in tuming this fine and braiay gentleman himself iiito an imitation i Englishmau. We havo had cuoueh of that deuationalizing procesa aheady in the case of sorae of our forruer ministers and secretarles of legatiou at the fascinatiugcourtof St. James. An American snob vho strains himself to tiiako himself over on the pattern of tho British snobisadetpstabiecreatnre, neitherflsh, i fiesh nor fowl. An insult that calis for gore has boen offered to cougressiuen by President: ! William T. Baker of tho Chicago board of trade. Mr. Baker is the delégate f rom his town (o the Indianapolis mouetary congress. Mr. Baker eaid he understood the object of that conference to be to give oxpression, for the guidance of congress, to tho opinión on financial questious of business men all over the country. "Congress does not contain many i expert financiers," coolly reruarks Pres ideut Baker. The idea! The kind of iiews the Spanish peoplu are fed on may be gathered from the fact that a telegram from Havana receutly informed them that Weyler had surrounded the rebel forces in Pinar del Rio and had them in "complete confusión." When Weyler surrounds Maceo, it will be after Maceo is dead.


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Ann Arbor Democrat