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Mrs. W. W. Phillips is visiting in Sturgis. Mrs. Max Pease was a Detroit visitor Tuesday. Archie Fraier has returned from a visit in Detroit. Capt. Allen spent the firstof the week in Mt. Pleasant. Miss Lou M.Shemuiii spoiit Thursdav 11 Xorthville. Frank Stowell entertained a pedro pari y Friday night. Clarence Coryell is home from the South for Uie holidays. Miss Jlattie Kief was the guest of A nn Arbor friends last week. Alonzo Eaton of Detroit, is the. guest of his sister, Mrs. W. Shier. Ilon. Eugene A. Wilson of Benton Harbor, was in town Wednesday. Miss Marjory Gibson of St. Clair, visited Ypsilanti friends Wednesday. Mrs. David Eugene Smilh and Mrs. Julia A. Sherman were Detroit visitors Tuesdav. Miss Minnie Adams leaves today for Adrián, where she will spend the holidays. A large leap year party was given at the home of Miss Cora. Cornwell Tuesday night. Miss Florence Greenman of Owosso is visiting her cousin, .Mrs. IC. liedner, of S. Huren st. Mrs. W. H. Gieger of St. Joseph.Mo , is spending the holidays with her aunt, M,rs. Geo. A. Cook. Mrs. ,1. A. Watling entertained her parents, Kev. and Mrs. Thomas Wright of Fenton. last week. Miss Ada Van Stone Harris spent several days of last week at Calumet, doing institute work. Dr. Frank E. Lodeman left Monday night for Cornell University, where he will resume his work. Mrs. Stirling and daughter of Mt. Pleasant, visited at the home of Prof. W. P. Bovven Sunday. S. II. Dodge is at his place of business this week.after aa illness of nearly two weeks with the grip. Miss Carlotta Xewell oi' Coldwater, arrived in the city Tuesday, and will remain here for several weeks. Miss Lilly Strong is expected home from L-insing next Wednesday, to re main during the holiday week. Miss Genevieve Cross, a jN'ormalite will teach school next term in the stone school house on the motor line. F red Johnson's name is the latest to ornament the sick list. He is suffering with au attack of bilious fever. Miss Edna M. Swayze of Otisville, is visiting in this city, and will attend the Cleary Commencement next week. Fred Johnson has traded 320 acres of Dakota land with Dr. Fattison, for the D. 15. Greene property on Forest ave. Mrs. Mildred McClelland of Kansas City, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. .1. Murray. left for home last Friday. Miss Marie Odióme was the victim of a surprise party Monday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Bovven of Che'.sea, have come to this city to spend the winter with their son, Prof. Wilbur P. Bowen. Miss Mary M. Sterling left this week for an extended visit in Mexico, where she has gone in the hops of regaining lier health. Miss Millie Camp of Lansing is expected to arrive in this city, tomorrow to spend the holidays with her aunt, Miss Lydia Spencer. Miss Josephine Hemphill is able to be out after her illness with diphtheria. Dr. F. K. Owen, who also has been ill with diphtheria, is recovering and will ue able to be out soon. Miss Emilie Mack, a member of the Normal class of '91, who has been teaching in Benton Harbor, has reeeived the appointment of apportionment clerk in the State superintendente office at Lansing. A. S. Mallory, fonnerly station ager,t in this city. died at Wayne on Tuesday. The remains were brought to this city this morning, and after a short service at l he cbapel, were deposited in the vault. Miss Helen Post, who luis spent the last four months at the home of the Misses Stewart, helping to care for their aunt Miss Pardee, returned to her home, corner Adams and Ellis sts., Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Edwards scored a great success in recital which she gave at the hall of the Aun Arbor Music Co. last Satüfday evening. Her accomptmiments were played by hor teacher, Prof. Oscar Gareissen. Rev. Hastian Smits will exchange pulpits next Sunday with Rev. Mr. Oakley of Romeo. The followint; Sunday will be Mr. Smits' last with the Ypsilanti congregation, as he expects to move to Charlotte during holiday week. Miss Jenny Osborne. who ereated such a favorable impression when here with the Sherwood Operatic and Concert Co. a few weeks ago, has been engaged to sing the soprano solos in the "Creation," which will be given by the !N orinal choir in a few weeks. Mr. Gardner S. Lamson will sing the bass solos.


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