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Christmas JlDE But a few days to Christmas and presente for the family vet to be bought. No other firm in Anu Arbor bas made the the elabórate preparations for Christmas shoppers whicb you will find in our store. AVe expect to do the largest holiday busines ; we have ever doue. We bave reason for our faith, too. Our assortment of Articles for Gifts is the largest we have ever shows, aud comprises an unusual variety of INEXPENSIVE GIFTS f rom 25 cents to L1.00. Our prices, owing to the depression at the time at which these purchases were made, are very much lower than in former seasons. In addition to all this we shall assume the role of Santa Claus ourselves for a few days, and make every customer thrice happy for trading with us. Handkerchiefs of every style and kind, from lc to $5 j each. Dress Goods specially suitable for presents. Silks for Dresses and Waists. Napkins and Table Linen for useful presents. Oer Second Floor Bazaar is a fairy land thisyear, and contains thousands of pretty articles for presents, including Japanese Goods, Celluloid Novelties, Antimony Ware, etc. Ladies always fiud it difficult to select presents for gentlemen. We are aiding them this year with a section of geutlemen's presents to select from. The place to buy this year will be at E.FJills&Co. FIVE DOLLARS Is not a great amount for a ton of Coke. Coke that is all Coke, is last ing and will not clinker. A ton of our Coke is twice the bulk of a ton of Hard Coal and costs only 8500 a Ton delivered. Better try some. M. STAEBLER Office one door east of American House. 'Phone No. 8. GRflÑD OPERfl HÖÜSE, DECEMBER 19, Matinee and Evening Performances. HARRY MARTELL'S Realisttc Southern Production, THE S0ÖTH BBFORE THE WAR. THE ONLY SHOW OF ITS KIND ON EARTH. ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE, WITHOUT A RIVAL. r-, , Sable Boulful Singers. 'M Sunburnt Southern Silhouettes. f Camp Muciiug Khouters and Snooters. I IGunny-Sacked Cotton Pioking Cboristers v' .M;ile and Female Afrlc-liued Artists. THREE SCORE SWEETEST VOICES In one Grand Bwelllng Chorus. "Den hit's come along, you chillen, an' doan be late, For to hyar does darkies slnging at de Golden (ate." SKNSATIOXAL 8ITUATIONS. HEARTFEM' HAKMOXÏ. REALISTIC SCKNKKY. Plantatlon Scènes. Sports and Pastlmes. Tlie Genuine and Original P1CKJNINNY BAND. BolUcklnK.BaylBhlne, Rlp-Roarlng Round of Bare and Rousing Revelry. MATINEE: Chlldren undcr twelve, 15 ets ■ Adults. 25 cis. EVENING: 35, 50 and 75 ets. How's This! "We offer One Hundred Dollars Rèward fo any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props , Toledo, O. We the undeisigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him periectly honorable in all business transacfions and flnancially able to carry out any obligationsmadeby their firm. Wbst&Tul-ax; Wholesale Drufreists. Toledo O Waluing, Kinnan&Maevin, WholesaloDrue-gists, Toledo, O. e Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally.actmg airectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces oï the system. Price, 75c. per boUle. bold by all Drugijists. Testimoniáis íi-ee. W'AXTED-FAlTHFUr, MES OR WOMEH TT to travel for reanonsible establislied hnuse in Michigan. Slary Srso and expenses Position permanent. Keference. Enclose self addressed stainpe,! envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. The only line line of music boxes ever shown in Ann Arbor is now on exhibition at the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s store.


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