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Commissioners' INotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. _ The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Oourt for sid county, eommission I ers to recelve, examine and adjiüt al! claimfand 1 dmands of aU persons against the estáte of Wïllard Koster, 'ate of said cuinty. deceaed, hereby trive notice tliat six montha f rom (lateare altowed, by order of said Probate Court forcredi!rs to present their claims against theeslate ƒ said deceased, and that they will meet at the late remdence of said decased in the rowobJp o! Peto, in said county, on the 2nd da y of itmili and on thè Sist day of June next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examina and ndinst said claims. Iated, December 2ist. 1H96 EDWRO MOORE, DANIEL SEYLEK, 23-26 f Commissioners. Nottce to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Gounty of "Washteïia'v ss. Not ee is hereb given, that by an rderof the Probate Curt for the County of Wasntenaw, mad on thcáOth day uf December V.D.189 '. six months trom that date were allowed for rreditors to present their claims a ■ ainst the estáte of Kob't li. C Scadin la'e of said County. deceaseé, and rhat aii creditors of aid deceased required to pres t their claims to said ['roba: e Court. at the Probate 'ffice in t"e city of vnn M-hnr, f-i Fxaniination aid allowance on or before the S9th of day June next, and thats ch claimq will be heard betore Raid Court. on bheSSth dayof March next and on the 2ith day of June nexi, at ten i.'cloek in the fore noon o each of said iavs. Dated, Anu Arbor. Deo. L"9, A. 1. IS96. J. WILL Mil) UAKJïITT. 23 26 Judite of Probate Morteagre Sale. DEFAULT havine been in "de in the condit'ons of a mortpacre executed by Francés ('. Sumner to Ellzabpth F Raldwin bearins: dte et. 4 tb A D tSft, and ret-ordwl In the office oí r 1 re esiüter of Deds for Wahtnnaw county, vü. hican on Oct 4th. A D. 188S. in ilberöS, of Men tingres on p agre 9 '. and said movigHewa-i hSsigued by said EUztbeth K. BaMwin to Clarence G Taylor by deed of assignment dated Feb. lUh, A. D. I8F9, and d in said Heeiicer'a offlc Joly lftth. A l). i8S9 In Liberioof s-sign ents of Mor gages on page -74, and said mortgage was afs. signen by said lar ence O. Taylor to Llam S. orden by deed of RSSignmeDt öated Oct. 17th A I) 1891. and recordé in said Rey is' ei 's office Oct 17th, A. D. i isyi in Liberl o. Aseigomnts oi Morrgage s on I p;ige .'9 by which defaulc the r'O-er of sale contaínod in said m rtgage became operative, iud no Buit o ■ proceedinji ín law or equity hav ing been inslituted to recover the debt secured hv said mortgage or any part thereof. and the -urn of eighteen liu dr d and t irt3'one and Dinty one-lmndrethfi (Si.031 9 ) heing now ol imed to b upon said mortgage , itotice is theref ore hereby given lïmtsaid mortfiTHjtewjll be fortclosed by a sale of the mort;igeii prerni;e3 the rein de: ciibed or some part ■ hereof, to wit; All that nertalo piece or parcel of land sitúate ind beiug in the city of Aun Arbor. County of v as lenaw and State of „Hichigau and described .i:s t(.)ll ws, to-w it; The west half v. X) of lot No. nine (9) and ten (1") m Block No si t,i) soutb of Hu ron street, in auge No. ten (l())east, accordin to tl e recorded plat of the vni rbor Land Co.f8 additton to the Tillage (now city) of Ann Arbor af,resaid. at pub ie vendue on .aturday tïie áótli day of Ureh, A li 1U9 , ar. teu o'ciock in t1 e forenoon a1 the east front dour uf ihe Court House in the ■it of nn rbor in Sfii'1 L'ouutyof W.t-hten iv, that being the p] -ce of holding the Circuí: ourt ni said C u ty. Dat"d. Ifec;. ut h . D. '8fG. E avis WOltUES, Assigneeof Mortgagee. N'OvHW CHE VICR Atturuey. ïi 35 Au Ordlnanoa lo ProWblt the Vii-ing of j Fire Arms Within the Umlts of the City of Ami Arbor. The Common 'louneü of the City of Ann Albor Ordain: Sec. 1. Tliat it shall be unlawful for any person to lire any revolver, pitol, aun, cannon or any other species of iire-arms within the limits of the city of Ann Arbor, exceptihg by the written permission of the Mayor, which permission shall limit the time of such tiring and shall be subject to be revoked at any time by the common c uncil. Sec 2. Any person who shall be fowid KUilty of violatuig this ordinance shall be punis ed by a fine of not more thanOVE II l.'.VDIÏKD DOLLARS or by imprisonmuit in the Detroit House of Coirection, the city locknp, or the Washtenaw i 'ounty jail. for a period of time, nut excee'ling ninety days, or both such fme and miprisonment in the discretion of the L'ourt. This ordinance s lall take effect and be in force on and after ten days from legal publication. I'assed in common council this 21st day of December. A. D., 1896. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Approved this 22d day of December, A. D., 1896. Warren E. Walker, Mayor. 22-23. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CL. McGUIEE, Latj'Ter and Notaky Tüb. lic. Front Offices over Farmers & Meehanics Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1) McKifiKNAN, Attornej -at-Law. CollectiOBs pronptly attendeil to. Money to .oan Houses and Lota for Sale. Office in Oourt House DEAN M TYLER. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence over postoffice, flrst Hoor. MARÏ C. WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postoffice box 1796, Ann Arbor Michigan. JOHN F. LAWRENCE. Attorney at-Law. Office. Corner Fourthand Ann streets Ann Arbor, M ehigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under taker. Cloth. Metallc and Common ('nffins. Scoreroom No. 19 Kast Washington Street Peidence Corner Liberty and FifthTelephone 91. WW. NICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Aun Arbor Saviuas Bank. opposite Couit House square. VITALIZED AIR administered. It i agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating efïec-ts f olio w, while teeth are extracted without pain. YT7ANTED- FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for respousible established house ,i Michisan. Salary ï;S0 and expenses. Poeilion permanent Referance. Endose self-addressed st inped enveiope. The National, Star Insurance Uldir., Cblcago. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Suc-essor to Autou Eisele. - DEALER Q, - American and Imported Granite - AND - MABBLE ofall KIIVIÍS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom thelsmallest to the largest work in all its Branches. Shop - Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich, fT' ■ Steam and Casoline PorÏSd Engines If you think of buying an engine of any size or kind send for our Catalogue No. 30, containing illustrations and prices of every kind of engine from one up to 25 horse power, at bottom prices, or List No. 29 for yacht engines, boilers and boat machinery. Either sent free. Chas. P. Wiliard k Co. 197 Canal Street. Chicago Awarded Highest Honors - World's Fair. DU CffiAM MOST PERFECT MADE. 4 pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fr; 'rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 Years the Standard. JHortgatre Sale. DEFAUI.T havine been marie in tlie conditions of a morigae executed by William L. Lord to Byron W. Cheever, uow deceased. which mortgage foears ti;e date í eb. "Mth, A. D 18S and reordcd Oin the office of the Résister of [ieeds for Washtenaw County, "iichiiian t eb. 87th, A. D. 1883 in Liber (1 of Mortgage on paee Hl by which defmilt the power of sale contained in a d mortKage became ope ative, andnosuitor proceedin; in law or equity having been nstituted to recover tho debt Becured bv said mortgage or any iart ther"of, and the sum of four hiuidred a d fifty fota and fourteen luindredths dollars ($151 4) 'beinj; now claimed to be due on said mortsag;e, not'ce is therefore herehy given that súd mortgaee ill be foreclospd by a sln of the moitp;aee premises therein o acribed or some part thereof t.o-wit: All of t e fiillowingdescrihed land situated In the Towiwhlp of Sylvan, in Washtenaw Uounty ílicliiían. viz: The north east quarter (N. E. H) of the southestquartiT (S. W. y) of Section No. twentyIwo (i-2i. in Township No. two (4) south. in Hange No. three (Í) east, at public ve due on Saturday, .lan. ï, I89r, at ten o'ci ck in the forenoon. át theeast frontdoor oí tne Court House in the city of Aun Albor, in said ( ounty of Washteniw. that being the place or holding the Circuit Courl for said County. latd, O. t. rth, A. D. I8fl6 JENN1EE. CHREVER, Fx-eutrix of the will of Byron W. Cheever deneased. NOA.H W CHEEVER, Attorney for Executrix. rïANTTSn- FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEK to travel for respnnsible estabhshed house in Michican. Salary $780 and expenses. Posimn ennanent Reference. Knclose Bbif-ad. dresed stamnsd envelope. The National Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago.


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Ann Arbor Democrat