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The Great Lincoln

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President Hooseyelt oí the Aew York pólice commission, got t red ot the talk that there was uo use oí examining candidatos, so he got up an illustration of the intelligent of some of the applicants. lt took the foriu of answers to the question " ho was Lincoln." Some of ihem, according to the New York i'ost, were as follows:- Abrehom Lincolm was 1 resenent ot the United states he was a very smart and endrust man he was very kind 10 all the people who he had control over he was grately thought of by all ihe oflicera that were in ottice while he was a very In ave man ah turue ihe w. .r of 18b2 he did ne.arly all he took in his ead to do he trust in god a grate dea. e was at the head oí many ba.t;es and ought bravely in ail uatties he was in hen he died hu was regarde by meuny Miuces whom thought grateiy of hi„ s picture is now in meuny building ml gratalj tl ought of heuon ïsuuty i all he uudertooK to." "Hé was shot while at a threater by Decota IDe SotaV] He had beeii( a 'resident for a ye .r and six munihs. "Abreham Liucon was electea for he second turn but only ervtd a part f it béng shot and killed by a man ïamed (uitar whu was aaterwords aught anü impri-íuned." "He was a good i'resented but he vas kill and we did not have one s goud sence ït was to bad to have mm uil if he had to live lie would be a good Presented he was trying to mak a good Country for us when he sh, jui for the war we would be slaves so he l'eople liegards hun for ihai. so i dont thuik i no very much about Linoln for i went to vvork at nine years of age." ' Started life on a ferrv boat on i he Mississippi Kiver a d f rom there he vent toL ncoln, run u ila boat and after that he started in the dry goods business, and in this he went bankrupt, and after that the people liought so m ich abuut him that they ïoniiuated him for United States genitor." " He did not die immediately after he vas assassinated. lie lived uutil April 4, 1865. and died at his home in Lon Jraneh. lt was he who issued the prociamatiun that freed the negro, s ind that entitled them to citizenship. Ie was in power during some of the jrincipal battles of the Civil War. He was shot entering a Theater and his assassin it w;ts said was insane " " He was the President that treed the South and 1 t the Dorkey go fred and ie was shot by Garfleld this is all that [ renber of of piesteuded Lincom so I will close hoping that 1 will pass." '■ Was assassinated by Bootü, at Chicago, 1864." He veceived his education reading a Bible and a speller." "He was a poor boy assisting hs father at work in the lf3 wlien the war broke out. XI r. Linculn was one of the first t#o the front, he made such rapid p ogress that he receive the honor of generáis of the Initrd States Army. Mr. Lincoln had many i-ngagements in war and was bound t be viuiorious, espeeially in tue battle of Gettysburg, when he swept all before Ui ui," ' He was killed and taking to thir house iiearby wair lie was picKed ui I due not know musli about hin becauu I d;d not have verry mush schhoohig - My l'ipal is verry pour and Kood not send me to a hie school." " I will state in regards to the Hon orable Mr Lincoln the dioceasedhe was ■d brave man and coregoes. lie was Pres dt;nt elected in the year of l;l Imt unfortunately shot byüeteay in the year of 18(51 he was a In elegent man 1 think this country vvould be as bad as Cuba or Ireland Scotland and Wales if he didnt take action." "I have read of nis being a great rastier and being a hard man to hanrll" if he had no: been killed he mingnt be living today to a ripe oíd age Mr. Lincoln was a yery kind man in peaee but very stern in war." "He f reed the slavery and was looked opond at that time as the Honorable General Grant wen he was put in otlice." 'Negros were bought and sold by the moneyed Sou hern people selling them to one another tor from five to ten dollars." "J3ut of corse he was not the great man that the People taught he was and in mv opinión i think he not due the People whom elected him as much Justus as he might of done." il e was a man that f red all the negroes in the world. I think he will never never be forgnt as all the growing up children is telling one another about Abraham Lincoln." "The South refused to obey his com mand and elected a Confedérate President Thomas Jelferson wiiom declared war against the Union by ordering his soldiere to seize Kort bümter and all the forts of the South." "After he was shot Mr. Arthur took his place as President." "Abraham Lincoln was considered on of the be,3t Presidents that the Country had at that time and will ! ways be respected by the south in setting Slayes free." "Ex-President Lincoln was a brave man duriog the war and done things in the w;ir and done things in the war that othiT ( Mlicers did not daré to do or attempted to do he faught one of the worst battles during the war that of ! H uiker Hill." "He was shot by Ballinger (Liallington) Booth " "To thir Pólice Hoard. "Gentermen "I will teil yous aull that I know about Abraham Lincoln that he has a Presented of tlie ew York City "Afier the war was over and all the ' people became peaceful once more the Republican party got togeather atid nominated General Lincoln ior ! dent. He was elecUd by a very large and overwhlaning majority afterwards making onO of the best honestest and faithfiillest Presidents this country ever had." '"He was ai last assinated out of the effects of whieh he died." "'J'he person who shot !Mr. Lincoln was supposed to be a Southern Confedérate name G-iat eau fortibis offense he was tried and corivicted and sentenced to be be headed." "The time of Abraham Lincolns deatb the whole, the whole country was draped in deep mourning in honor of their héroes death. "Abraham Lincoln was President of the United ijtates and was assisated in 1877 at fords Theatera Boston."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat