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OCR Text students will be graduated this semester. Improvements are being made on the interior of A. A. Graves' groce.y store. i he Ladies" id Society of tlio Baptist church met Tuesd..y with Mrs. Briggs. The Ladies' Literarv Sociefy met Wednesday afternoou with Mrs. sk.nner, Cross st. ïhe Chrisnan Al iance held a meet ing Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Rey nolds, Cross st. :he Normal Crescent Society will hold a banquet at Y. V. C. A Lome Friday evening. six students have secured positio s to teac the remainder of the year, two of them goiní to Chicago. The contract has been let to a Toledo íirm. iliroueh Capf. JJorison, a hamlsome í75 mantel for he uew a. I . A. building. J.ihn Tncker's blacksmith shop was broki-n into a few nights ago. and qua-ti y of horseshoe naili and tuols were stolen. In the future, the elecíric car willet p at Normal st. and not at Brower and Miminit sts , th-se crosings be;ng only half a block apart. A society of Normal alumni núnibering about sixiy lias bi'en formed In the U. of M., and will hold a meeting in this city in the near fuiu-e. AVoid has been received f rom Hon. J. W. simrnons of ()w s. o, mem er State Board of Educ tion. that i iwife and bon are boh danger.-usly ili. A parlor t-n'ertainr.ien" was give at 1he Y. V . C. A. home VV dnesday i-yen ing. program of musi , rcciiations and dialogues was furuisned by tiie Y. W. C. A. girls. The Congrega' ional Ladies' Aidso ■ciety will give Noiiseiise social ;t the home of Pnf. F. A. Barbuiir All perrons of a nonsensical turn of mind are eoruiaüy inviteri Mr. Fred Ingraham. of the Jiorrrul faculty, was eleete i president of the State .Society of Elocutionwts for the coming year. r. Ingraha n also is presi ieno of the. looal graduóte club. The democratie c;:U"hs is alled for Jan. 1. The date of -he lepublca aucus is nr defluitely set but will probabl be Jan ''. Electi n for j istic- of the peace will takep ace Jan. 5. At the eleciion of ofücttis of !lie Iliiihland CemKery Asso.iatiou Won day "gut, ( harles King was i-hosen pr sid-nt: W. F. t'arker, cerk: I). L. Quirk. treasurer. and C. is.YVortley se retary. The store recently vacated by llarrison Fairchilds is be ng torn down this week and a fine new t re will ie erec ed by W. B. Clark, r m red that tne new store wil! be occupied y F. C. Ijanghart's mtat marlcet. Duriug the montli of Jan1 a y v Mr. (Tardara is corxluctüig ihe uesda afternoon Hible class at t e Y . '. . A. AH Simi a schnol t acia ■ and any onn intere-ted in ISible s d, are invited to attem!. llour, 4 to 5 p. n . I'uring the year ending hec. 31 tha Ypsilaná D.'iry .x ssociatii n h;is take in 5,ll(i,üOO poimds ot' m ik, in rei r for whicli between J84,'i 0 ai.d &i has been dist ibuted among ihe f in ers. T'ruy this is a land tiow.114 wi.h milk and honey. Last Friday í'has. 'oinstock vas tried oefore .lutice ( hilds h r d e ur - ing a Salvatiun Army me t 11 11 1 n night of Dec. 0. Ile'wss :ou d 11 h and fined .'?5 and cosis auminting io 12.50, or sentenced to 3 days in jail lle paid the costs The prospect is that the dedication of the nevv ■. U. A building will take pla.i-e at the time of the Normal anniver ary exercises, March 28 t is hoped tha't the nevvtraining school build ng will be re idy for occupancy at ihe begintiiiig of the next semester, Feb ö The list of applicants for the pastor ate of the Congregationa churcb min bers 35, and still the; e are moie to ƒ 1low. None of thoe receiyed s fn have been favo.rubly c insidred '■ will take the best kind of a pa ' " io lili the place vaca, cd by K v Mr. timits. '' he high school junior exhi' ttion billed for the evening of J ,. 2! tl close of the tirst semester. .ver.' ,.iber of the junior class, nnmbe iiijr .■'. will take jtart in th se ex rcÍM s v. ,' -,u will consist of songs, recitat.o s dialogues, etc. The will not be tiresorue, but will be short and sliart. The Ypsilanti Light (iuards held their election Wednesday eve. , whcn the follovving ofücers were elected: Pres., F. D. McKeand; vicepres., and ball agent, D. K Morford; secretary. Frank K. Kirk; tteasurer Fred Gallup. Xhe Light üuards will aitend the midwinter Circus at Ann Arbor Friday evening. Announcements hae been received of the marriage of Miss Katherine Sumner of Toledo to liev. Walter Adams Cutler. on Jan. 7. llev. and Mrs. Cutler will be at home af er Feb. 1, at Chenora, 111. Mrts. Cutler was preceptress at, the high school in this city two years ago. and her manv Ypsilanti frierids, will unite in good wishes for her future happiness. Among the commilte.e appointments at Lan-ing that will interest Ypsüanti citizens are the foliowing: House - Committee on Xormal achool. F. C. Ohamberlain of Gogebic ''o., John V . Shisler of Kent ('o., 's. I.. Van Camp -f Berrien Co , John ('aldvveil of Wexford Co-, M. F. Phillips of Cass Co, The senate eommittee on Normal school consista of E. M. Bamard of Kent Co . Wm. savidge of Ottawa Cd., E, K. Bostwick of Branch Có. On Tuesdiy evening occurred the joint Lnstallation of Uie K O. T. m. and L. O. T. M., Queen City Hive Xo. 64. at K. O. T. M. hall. Mts. ilollister of Detroit, Suprenie ComnvincLT was the installing oiHcer of the Lidies, and Mr. Frank Showennan va the installing ofticer of the Kniglits. Refreshments were served. Louie Davis acted as toastmastér, toasts beintr responde l tn by Airs. Hollistt-r, and the ■ ommind■ers of the Milan and iicllevillc. L. o. ï. M.'s. The hall wa-i crowded wilh an audience comp sed entirely of the Sir Knight and their families and the Lady Alacca'uees and theu families. The Presbyferian Young Peoples' Mi pion will this evening with Airs. Nel 1 ie D. Y erkes. T leexarnin tionof BasilIIutchinson for breakJug into Miller's store was held befo'e Jus'ice Chiles last Friday. He wa boir d over to the March term of circuit court On Monday eveninsr the Ypsilanti G s ■ o. eiected the follovving otiicers: Piesident. I). U Quirk: "-eer tury i S. VVor ley. The other direc'or eiected we. e C. E. King and S. H. Dodge. In spi e of the cry of hard times, all but fuur of the members of i leary nl] ge flaR "f '9fi have been placed in i o.iti"i'.s Those who have laken positions d'ir ng hc. last week are Dexter annei', who is with the artier En me' ng ('o, at Lndington, 'ich.; Miss Katiierine liutler ha- gone to (ïrand H pids. and Miss Beryl Br oks h s accepted Miss Butlers, position with O. 15. Thompson & Sons; Miss Jessie H, lentley has prone to _Xev Yovk Oity; Miss Rena Ilubbell is in !a istee and Miss Louie l'utuam has gone i to her father's office at Lewiston Mich. EarJy last Sund;iy morning fire broke out in i 'iarn nwned by Henry Brown, ulio is emuloyed by 'apt. Wallace. The barn coiTt i ing 175 bushels of corn thr:je to1 of ha", all his farming impl meiiis -ome I ousehold goods and a sj n of fine lirses was completely d' stroved nor evtn the lorses being saved This s a ('eplorable case, as ■r. 15rown s house was burned a short time a l1 o. and as th re wis no insurince this lire dehtroyed al! his remain in;r p issessions. subscription list fo his benefit has been started and is meet ing with rea ly responses from our merchants.


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