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,=-. a T0LEDO n #AnnaRboR , f%h (M.- -ÍÜ2Z1L J" l H yJ NORTH MICHIGArTb C L-y railway. L-' - ■- ' ■- ■ 'f01 lm 'W.t Ro=commo0 B)] HlU! 1 ■■'"■' - V" "baycityM MUSKEGON St I.;-SV-- ISAG'-;AW K .tic Cr L.n.U,rNLyu, 14 Ft. Wnyne -j -V5ZTfeg'crtr TIME CAED. In effect Oct. 25th, 1896. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTU. 7:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 11:30a.m. 4:30p. ni. 8:52 p. m. Euns between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Ail trains dfiily except Sunday. W. H. Bknnett, e. S. Gilmobe tí. P. A. Ág't. jWlCHIGAN (TENTRAL ':The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Qoing East. Going West Mail S:7p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:58 p. m. 7:35 a, m. North Stiore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, Chicago Kxpresst l-55p m. N'.. & Lnn. Ext 10:17 p. m. Chicago Night Ex 9.10 p. m. Detroit Expresst 5:45 a. nc Pacific Expresst 12:15 p. m. lirand Rapids Ex ... 11:05a. m, 5:55 p. m 6'ast Expresst 2:53 a. m. Atlantii; Expresst 7:35 a. m. Uaily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. Ha ÍES P. & T. A.Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. C. W. VOGEL. Dealei in FRESH, SALT and B-m olkzeci. UVCearbs Sausages of all kiuds. Poultry anti Game in Season. C. W. VOGEL, - No. 9 E. Ann-st É-ttraS REVIVO fk RESTORES VITAUTY. istDay.fMWell Man ""■IW o' Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. PRENCH H333TVi:EI3-5r iroriuceg the above results in 30 rtays. It artx jowprfnlly and qulckly. Cures when all others fail. touiiKmeuwillrogaiu their lost manbood, andoM ■neu wlll recover their youtkful by usinc ïKVIVO. It Quickly aud surely restores Nerronsess. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy, Nigbtly EraissioilH, , nst Power. Failins Memory, Wastim.' Diseases, and A effsetfi of self-abuso or eicesKand indiscretion. .vhicb unfits one for Btndy. business or marriage. It lot only cures by ptartinu at tbe pcat of disease, bnt .sagreat nervc tonic aud blood builder, bringii.'g back tho pink glov to pale oheoksandrestoring the fire of yonth. It wards off Tnsanity aud Consumption. Insist on bavinc KEVIVO. no otlier. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, Sl.OO per packase, or eix for 85.O0, with a port tive Tvritten fuaranteo to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE C0„ 271 Wabasb Aïe„ CHICAGO, ILL FOU SALE BYEberbach Drug and Chemical Co Ann Arbor, Michigan. GLUBBING LIST, Order your papers through The Democrat and get moke value for YOUR MONEY. TlIE ÜEMOCRAT 18 noW the leading county newspaper, and we otter you in combination the very best newspapers and agricultural papers of ,he country. THE DEMOCRAT AND The Detroit Weekly Tribune.. .$1 35 The Detroit Twice-a-Week Free Press 1 70 Gleanings in Bee Culture 1 7;V Hoard's Dairyman 1 65 American Poultry Journal 1 35 Farm l'oultry 1 75 Farm Journal 1 JO American Swineherd 1 25 Michigan Farmer 1 75 The Rural New Yorker 1 85 The Orange Judd Farmer 1 75 The Interior 2 75 The Independent 3 50 Century 4 50 St. N irholas 3 50 Harper's Magazine 4 00 Ilarper's Weekly 4 20 Ilarper's Bazaar 4 20 National Tribune 1 80 Youth's Companion 2 25 (ncvv subscribers only). Weekly Inter-Ocean 1 70 Cosmopolitan 1 84 Heview of Reviews 3 00 Munsey's 1 80 The Argosy 1 8C Watch this list; there will be additions to it f rom week to week. SEND ALL ORDERS THROUGH - "THE DEMOCRAT."


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