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COUNCIL CHAMBER. I Ann Arbor, January 18th 1897. f Regular Session. Callad to order by Pres. Hiscock. Roll Called. Quorum Present. Absent, Aid. Moore, Burke. PJ5TITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Richard Maulbetsch and 17 others asking for an electric lig-ht at the corner of Kingsloy andlstSt., was read and referred to the Lighting Committee. KEPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. OHDINANCi;. To the Cominon Couneil. Gentlemen: - Your Commiltee to whom was referred the petition of David A. Hammond and thirty-two others in reference to street car service on the Packard street line in this city. respectfully report : that the Anu Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway Company will, as soon as the car can be constructed, put an additiooal car upon the line running betwecn the two cities and will then maintain two cars on said line throughout the entire year, one car leaving the eity of Ann Arbor and one car leaving the city of Ypsilanti at the same time and make the trip in forty minutes, henee there will be a car each way over Packard street in this city every forty minutes: and after a, careful examination of the amount of travel on the Packard Street Line, your Committee are of the opinión that said cars will then accommodate all of the public along said line. Said Street Car Company have also agreed to forthwith print, publish and circuíate a time card showing when the cars on Packard street will leave the corners of Main and Packard, División street and Packard, State street and Packard, East University Avenue and Packard, thus giving the public notice of when the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti car will leave these points, therefore allowing- those vho live along the line ef Packard street to take the car either from or to the city without being obliged to wait for the same and the Company agrec that the car shall be at the above mentioned points on the time set forth in their time card. Your Committee have also investigated to some extent the earnings of the car that was formerly run over Packard street before the consolidation of the two Companies and while an electric car was being inaintalned on soid line for the purpose of carrying persons to and from the motor line and your committee find, that when said car did not carry passengers either to or from the motor that the car did not average two passengers per trip, and only averaged during one of the best rnonths last year one and 07-100 passengera per trip and carried duriDg the entire month 2395 passengers. Your eommittee also lind that said Company is selling six tioketp for twenty-üve cents which would mako the earnings of said car but ninety-nine dollars and seventy-nine cents for a month consisting of thirty-one days, whereas it costs the company the sum of ten dollara per day or thereabouts to maintain and opérate a single car, which would mean a net loss to said company of something like $200 per month. Your eommittee also find that said company are now running a car every ten minutes, each way, on the main line of their road in this city and that ■ many of the persons who signed said petition for additional service on Packard street, can and do take the car at the corner of Hill and East University Avsnue and that others who signed said petition were never known to ride on the car when one was maintained on Packard street. The Ann Arbor Street Railway has undoubtedly done more to build up and improve the city, than almost any other public improvement that has ever been made here, and it is a fact that is or ought to be well known that the investment of the stock holders has never been a paying one and that many times since the construction of the road the stock holders have been obliged to pay assessments upon their stock for the purpose of maintaining and operating the line ; your eommittee are therefore of the opinión that these facts should and ought to be taken into consideration and duly appreciated by all, and in consequence thereof considerable leniency should at all times be shown to said company. Your committee are further of the opinión, that to force the Street Railway Company to opérate another car on the Packard line at this time vvould be a burden of expense to the Company that the public have no right andought not to domand, and we would therefore recommend that the prayer of said petitioners be denied until suoh a time as the workings of the new electric line. after the additional car has been placed thereon, can be fully and fairly tested. O. A. Maynard, H. P. Danforth, Arthur Brown, Thos ü. Kearney, Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Grossman bengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon. Soulo, CVJy, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - lil. Nays- Aid. Kooh- 1. The Ordinance" to amend an Ordi nance Relative to Licenses was given its third reading by sections and placed upon its passage. Whereupon the question was "Shall this Ordinance Pass?" Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Shadford, Cady, Pres. Hiscock- 8. Nays -Aid. Brown, Rhodes, Coon1 Soule, Danforth - 5. SEWERS. To the Common Council. Your Committee on Sewers to whom was referred the petition relative to the coDstruction of a sewer in District No. 6, would recommend that the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for two or three divisions of said district, coveriog such territory as will accoinmodate the residents of that locality, and report the same at the next regular session of this Council. Respectfully submitted, John Koch, Kmmett Coon, J. A. Dell, W. M. Shadford, O. H. Cady. Oommittee on Sewers. Adopted as foliows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Grossman, Lau ben ïf ayer. Dell, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes. Coon, Soule. Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock.- 13. Nays - None. LICHTING. President, Common Coiincü City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:- Your Committee on Lighting to whom was referred the petition of sundry eitizens for an electrio lig-ht on Wall-st. would report in favor of said light and recommend that the same be placed on wires over the center of the street about ten rods west of the bridge Huron river. Harrison Soule, H. P. Danforth, C. H. Cadv. Committee on Lighting. Adopted as follows. Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Kooh, Grossman; Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford, Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady, Danforth, Pres. Hiscock - 13. Nays - None. BONDS. To the Common Council: Your Committeo on Bonds would recommend the approval of the bond of Charles H. Ludlow, druggist, with Charles H. Worden and Levi D. Wines as sureties. Authur Brown, Miehael Grosbman. Committee on Bonds Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayer, Dell, Brown, Shadford. Rhodes, Coon, Soule, Cady Danforth, Pres. Hiscock.- 13. Nays - None. KEPORT OF CITY OFFICERS. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 31, 1890. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich. CITY TREASUIiEK'S REPORT. Balance on hand, lust rePort $10307 77 MONEY UECEIVED. Contingent Fund AA Bavings Bank Interest 40154 Street Fund .A. & ï i: B 183 00 MrsWrighi sldewalk S3 20 Hay and Todd removing scales 15 oo Pólice Fund M O Pett'i-son fees 14 10 K K Pond Justice 5 00 Poor fund Fred Bipley 352 Tax collected 36.354 04 370sn 40 Total $ 36T17 MONEY DISBUItSED. Contingent tund warranta 1311 85 MalnSewer Bond Fund 3100 00 Streel fund warrants '3.H!i 09 l'oor fund 130 12 Hridu'i'. Culvert and Crosswalk fund 336 87 Pólice fund 277 50 Flreman's fund 556 40 School Dist. No. 1 5000 00 14301 83 Total $33065 34 BALANCE ON HAND üontlngeot fund t 4941 go Main Seu er bond fund 200 00 Street fund 6119 38 Poor fund 1935 25 Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalkfnnd 2505 60 Pólice fund 1445 12 Firemen's fund 4707 82 City Cemetery fund 50 10 Water fund 4782 40 I i il.' Tax fund 197 00 Dnlverslty Hospital Aid Bond Fund 3240 00 Delinquent Tax Funfl 79R 44 üncoilectedOity Tux 10 " School Dist .o 1 31334 04 152858 53 19788 19 19788 U) Total S 33065 34 SKWEIt REPORT. Nov. 30. Amount on hana.. s 3199 03 MONEY RECEIVF.D. December 31. Ti account Bewer Dist. No. 1 ta collectted 154 47 Taz account Dist No2 tax collected 328 79 Taï account Hi-i No 3 tax collected 3315 70 'I u. account Dist No 4 tax collected 307 lij Ta account Di-i N06 tax collected 1470 Gl B68S Tl Total amount on hand 878174 MONEY DISBURSED. December 31. Mata Sewer wairants paW 32939 J,;iti[-;ii 9ewer District No. 3 labor account warrants , paW ros 57 Lateral sewer District No. 6 labor account warrant 9 00 1046 Wï Amount of Sewer Tax on hand 7;s4 78 BALANCE ON HAX1). December 33 . Main Bewer fund $ 9703 04 Labor ;h-'i lateral sewer Dist. No. 1 311 00 Labor act lateral sewer IHsi. No. 2 27 28 Labor ac't lateral sewer 1 ist . No8 4940 97 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 4 232 73 Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. .', 8313 SI) Labor ac't lateral sewer Dist. No. 6 S 9,5 Tax ac't lateraj bi ■ Dist. No. 1 875-15 Tax acconnt lateral sewr Dist. No. 2 1502 75 Tax account lateral ■ Dist. No. 3 4298 36 Tax account lateral ■■ Dist No. 1 1337 18 Tí a uní lateral sewer Dis! No 5 3ñ70 70 Uncollected sewer tax 04 20 21376 47 13641 69 13641 69 Balance in sewer funds $ 7731 78 Respectfully submitted, C. II. MANLY, Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Altor. Gentlemen: - Belowfind statement pi Ordinance cases bfousrlit or terrninuted before me during quarter ending December 31, 181)6, and disposition made of same. +. j_ - +. - tt. . a. 4 - L i: :; -: X ö a og. : : : , -,?_ -. , :o : s =n M ' - -r - - - - M - - - - '- Kjg PSte aS'Ss gj? f SS 2 L : :SS S r&3 gig .:-. -:2 g LS 5" L5" S II 1 l 3 3 ? Cr ï .O?, ? - O ' - - C 3 - h S il s a a5 a s s =1 l 1 of K O " S g S w o Q tioccco:to - totoreco SggSSS g 8338 g -e Lg.S.Lö?L.a L.L.L L '=& ftgg i SS s út 5 f g ■si Ls si BB 5 -e" íg. o il S r go I further certify that all fines collected have been paid to the City Treasurer, and all costs to the proper officers, and that there are no moneys in tny bands belonging to the City or any official. Elihu B. Pond, Justice of the Peace. Subsoribed and sworn to betore me this Tth day of January A. D. 1897. M. J. Cavanaügh, Notary Public. To the Gommon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: J hereby certify the following to be a true report of the cases broueht before me as Justice of the Peace in and for the City of Ann Arbor wherein the City was a party. The same being in tabulated form. % = r : r -. ? o& i ::;:;. -Ch p a O P r (D 3SS3 b o S8S8Sgg888 g And I further certify that I now have do tnoney ia my hands belonginfrto the City of Ann Arbo Andrew E. Gibson, Jan. 4, 97. Justice of the Peace. Aid. Brown moved that the City Attorney be direoted to file a bilí of inter-pleder in the Collins Sewer Case to determine to whom the money due Henry Collins in Sewer District No. 3 and 4 be paid. Adopted as follovvs: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Koch, Grossman, Laubengayor, Del!, Brown, Shadford, Rhodea, Coon, Soule, Cadv, Pres. Hisoock- 12. Nays- None. Aid. Koch moved that the subject of the connection cf the Court House with the sewers be referred to the Finance Committee. 3Ald. Uoon moved as an amendment Ihat the eubject be referred to the Sewer Committee. Adopted. Whereupon the orginal motion as amended wasadopted. M p. Koch moved that the subject of a sidewalk on lst st. along property of the Arm Arbor R. R. be referred to the Sidewalk Committee. Adopted. On motion the Council adiourned. Citv Clerk.


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