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50 Years Old

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On January 13, 1847, E. Smith Lee ot Detroit, as Grand Master, and A. ('. Smith as Grand Secretary, issned to Madison Cook of Ypsilanti. as Worshipful Master, together with the brethren associated witfa bim,a charter orwár' rant, constituting them a lodge of free and accepted masons andthus Phoenix Lodge 'o. 13 F. & A. M. of Ypsilanti was created. all these years she has held her post. and has been a strong power for good in the Normal city. The present oflicers of the lodge are W. S. Carpenter. W. M.; Ben Keefe, S. W.; Chas. Lambert. J. W.; Geo. A. ('ook Sec'y: John Van Fossen, S. I).: and EdwarJ Xhorn. .). D. It seemed good to these brethren to have some special notice taken of the passing of tnehalf centurymiïe post, and Wa-hington's Birthday was selected as a date on which the members f the craft would have more leisure, it being a ho'.iday. Accordingly the members of the craft f rom all over the county gathered in large numbers to assist in the celebra - tion. Almost every lodge in the county was represented, and the spacious lodge rooms were crowded to their fullest capacity. The third degree was conferred upon two candidates in theafternoon, the lirst by Phoenix Lodge, and the second by Ypsilanti lodge. The work was beautifully done by both lodges, and thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd of master masons present. Worshipful Masters Carpenter and Stevens evidently have enthüsiastic workers to support them, as those who do not love the vork. are unalile to render it in ths impressive manner doneby them. The lodge was called from labor to refreshment, and the brothers were then marched to the armory across the street. where a banquet awaited them. And such a banquet! The ladies of the Ypsilanti chapier O. E. S. had that in charge. After invoking Divine blessing, 250 men sat down to the bountifully laden tables, probably the largest gathering of blue lodge masons ever held in the county. The good things diaappeared like frost before the rising sun. They told us the ladies had not taken hold of the matter tilltheprecedmg Thursday, and that they liad not been able to get the room that day til.l 3:30 in the aftérnoon when the military compauy ñnished their observi of the day. That being the all present wished thetnstlves the i ness of some day being the guestsof j Ypsilanti ladies when they had an i portunity to do themselves justice. After the banquet L. (! (ioodrich of Arm Arbor was presented as toastmaster. Toasts were responded to by J5rothers Wm. i [. Gearing. O. L. Stevens, W. L. Pack, M.M. Reed, .John IIowland, and Kev. Wm. Gardam of Ypsilanti: Past Master Ward, of Chelsta; H. Wirt jS'ewkirk. of Dexter: and L. 1). Wines and F. G. Novy, of Ann Arbor. Bro. John llowland, attended a similar banquet given by Phoenix Lodge '41 years agö, but there were no others ' pre"sent who were there at that time. After returning to the lodge room the third degree was conferred upon one more candidate by Fraternity Lodge of Ann Arbor, before an audience that packed the room to its standing capacity. Andso they parted, voting Phoenix Lodge magnificent entertainers, and wishing them continued and increasing prosperity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat