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Hood's Are mud) in little; alwaya ■ ■ ■ rc;i([y. efficiënt, sa t isf I J - 1 - tory ; prevent a eold or fever, I I 2 CUre all liver Hls, sick "II %& acho, Jaundlce, conatipatlon, etc. l'rice 25 cents. The only Pilis to take wlth Hood's Sarsaparilla. i xx a TOLEDO n f Ann ar boy FSfA C4 AND 'I J J =NORTH MICHIGAN) cT - RAILWAY. l-r-i-J 11 Y%- y a , Hoard Cv.. " B AY C1TY 1 i'ti,VIUSKEGON St XrsP'G''"'AW W I') il 1 L;:iTOrs(fl iw Ft.Wayiiej ..ípole {fe-jaii;. TIME CAKD. In effect Jan. 81, 1897. Traína leave Arm Arbor by Central Standard Time. NOHTH. SOUTH. 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a. m. ll:i"a.m. 11:25 a. m. 4:30)). m. 8:35 p. m. 'Runs between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily cxcept Sunday. W. II. Ben.nett, E. S. Gilmobe. O. P. A. Ag't. MlGHIGAN íTENTRAL " The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TKAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Qoing East. Qoing West Mail 3:4" p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:58 p. m. 7:30 a, m. North Shore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, ChicaRO Expiesst 1:55 p. m. N. Y.&Lim. Ext 10:05 p. m. Chicago Night Ex 9;10 p. in. Detroit Expresst 5:50 a. m Pacific Expresst 12:15 p. m. Grand Rápida Ex ... 11:10 a.m. 5:55 p. m Atlantic Expresst ... 7:55 a. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. t Daily. O. W. RUGULE8, TT. W. Ha f ES P. & T. A.Ohicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. L Michigan People. i" LOCATED 4 I Directly Opposite M. C. R'y Depot. J Two Blocks from Union Depot. ► Three Blocfcs from Steamer Docks. 5 ► In the Center of the Wholesale District. l Three Minutes by Electric Cars to tail Center and a!I Places of Amusement, i l 200 Rooms with Sleam Heat. 4 ' $20,000 in New Improvements. 1 ■ Cuisine Unsurpassed. i ► American Plan. f Rates, $2.00 ío S3.50 per DayJ ! Single Meals 5Oc. 1 SeKk fi-oui Lire. jj KJ ■# fj, RESTORES ViTALiTY. istDa;. fcj.well Man IBthDay. hf7tf of Me. THE GREAT 30fh faay. protloors I lip abovo resolta in 30 days. It acts lowerftilly and quiqkly. Cures wlirn all otheiv fail. VmuiB men wiU reyaiu their lost manhood.audold acii wUI recover tbiür yonthlul vigor by using .1KVIVO. It (niickly aud eurely restores Nervous:ess. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nigbtly Emissions, ost Power, Eailiog Memory, Wastine Diseases. and ..1 cffectfi of self-abuse or oxce-s and iudiscretion, .hi-h tmflta ono for sudy. business or marriage. 16 ift only cures by starting at the soat of disease, buc [BagTcAt nerve ronic and lloxl biiilder, bringIng bark Ue pink frlow to palo checks and rostoring the lire of youth. It wards off Jnsaiüty aad ConsuraptiiiQ. Insist on hariog other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, Sl.OOperrackace, or six for 85.00, withaposi tive ivritten uaruntee to rure or refund ttie nioney. Circular freo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 WaöashAïn., CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE BY- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Arbor. Miehisran.


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