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Dexter Dots

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Chas. Devine of Arm Arbor was in town Monday on busieess. llonry Branch of Ann Arbor was calling on his friends Tuesday. Al Hodgeman had a dancing party at his ïesidenee Frklay evening last. J. C. Backus went to Buffalo lust Saturday with a carload of fine sheep. Thomas Boggs Sr. died very suddenly VVednesday morning at his residence. The last dance of the season was held at the opera house Monday evening. Thomas Boggs. Jr. has returned to Grand tfapids he is an architect of that city. The Ladies of the M. E. church met with Airs. Al JJavis Wednesday afternoon. The Ladies Aid society of the Baptist church met with 13. Waite and family last week. "Wirt Cushing has accepted a position as news boy, his run is from Detroit to Toledo and return. The M. E. Sundav school were antly entertained at the home of Albert Litchtield Weduesday evening. Died, at Scio, Tuesday, March 2, Missen Crawley. l-'uneral was held Thursday at vt. Josephs church. The Ladies of St. James Parish gave a social at the residence of Mrs. Peter Seper Friday evening last week. The Ladies Missionary society of the CoDgregational church met at the Parsonage Wednesday afternoon. Miss Ann'i Savery of Lima who is teaching in the ThompsoD district had a school entertainment at the schoo! house Friday evening. Fdward (. Clark and wife of Minneapolis were called to Dexter Wednesday evenins; ori account of the illness ot Mrs. Clarks mother, Mrs. J. S. Pacey. The following are the tickets in the field for Charter election next Monday: Kepublican:-President. Peter Kiecler; clerk. ; treasurer, T. S. Alley; trustees, John L. Smith. James Page, A. S. Yos't; assesor, Thomas French. Citizens:- President, R. P. Copeland; clerk, John ]iarley; treasurer, É. Carpenter; trustees, Daniel Sackett, Jay t'eatt, A. Davis; assesor, Byron Whitaker. Have we not had about enough surveys of the Nicaragua canal route at the expense of the United States government? Irish Home Rulera cannot mie their islaud till they learu to rule theinselvcs A Barcelona newspaper, El Diluvio, expresses the Spanish idea of a colony very fraukly as follows:1 ' We do not have colomes to profeet them with our ruoney. We have them aa markets in which to sell our producís, whether they like it or not, and if we civilized thern, giving them our langnago and religión, we havo the right in exchange to send our sous there to make their fortunes, and, furthermore, it is our privilege to enjoy bere all the benefits of possessiug those distant lands. " Let us have no Anglo-American arbitration treaty that takes from the UnitedStatcs her rightful and solé control of tho Nicaragua canal. : - - . , - : A good, heavy fall of snow costs New ■ York city $100,000. It requires that rem to pay for shoveling the snow off the streets.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat