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'I he tenth annual convention oí li Washtenaw CountySunday School Con vention, will be liekl in thé First M. K. chureh of this city. Wednesday and rhursday, March 17 and 18. The following ia the program to be presentedWEDNE8PAT AI'TKKXOON". 2:00- Devotíonal Service. ..Led by V. J. Canfleia 2:15- Appointment nf Commil . ram lor Snnday School Hour „„ „ , Mrs. A. B. Stevens, AnnAriwr 2:30- School Reports. I ::00- Iícrmc: Table. . c Condneted by E. C. Goddard, Ann Arbor I 4:00- Sniulay School Normal Work, E. K. Mohr, State Field (Superintendent, Grand Rapidg. -illCHS. WEDSESDAÏ EYENING. 7:30 - ïfusic. Reading of Srnpture and Prayer, „ . ftev. G. P. Coler, Ann Arbor 8:30- Address- ProfltableMethodsofBibleStndj ... E. K.. Mq&i .Mil-ir. Address- "Whaf ia al] thie Wortfc .. ,, Hon. E. 1. Allen, Ypwlanti pllection. Masic. Benedlction. THtTBSDAT JIOKSINO. 8:09- Workers' Conference.... Lod by E K Moir . I 9:C0- Prayer and Conference Service, Condncted by Br. tí. L. McElroy Ann Arbor. i 9:30- Beports, President, W. .1. CanfleJd Treasurer, E. E. Calkina 9:46- How Can We Obtain Spiritual BesnlM 'm bunday Schob] Work? Mrs. Heles C. Thompson, Worden DiBCiission. 10:00- Topic- County and Township Wods (a) Organization E K Hoir (b) Needs of the Work in the County, ■ Tomnship Prötüdent (c) I inancial Needs, Financial Plans, Financial Pledges, 10:46- House to House Vlsltation, _. M. C. Wood-AUen, Ann Arljor I tiscuswon. 11:10- Home Clase Department E. KL Mobr Two minute epeechee from the Hoor 11:80- School Report. of nominating committee and eleciion al onlcers. THUR8DAT AFIERNOOX. 2:00- Devotional service. Pastor Congregational church, Dexter 2:15- School reporte. 2:45- ïemperance Teaching In the Sundav Schoot. „ M. J. tt'aruer 8:00- Topic- Primary work. (O Co-operation of Home and Sehoo!, Mrs. M. II. Reynolds, State Primary Supt., OVi (b) Experienees in Teaching, Miss Jenrrie Moore, Ypsilaroti (c) Kindergarten Methode, Miss Rose M. Wood-AIIcn, Ann Arbor (d) Valne of Early Impresi-iions, -Mi Jilla Bennett, Ann Arbor (e) The Leeson for March 2Ist and 1 Teach It .Mrs. M. H. licviioldí é:30- Qnestion Box ü. K'. I Miscellaneous i'üsines.. THUll.DAY EVEXIXÜ. 7:30- Son? fervico. Scriptnre reading aml pruyor. Kl- . Thomas Holmes, Chelseft Mnsic. i In sses bv- Kev. J. M. Gelston, Pastor Firat Pro-liyiorian church, Ann Arbor. Kev. Win. Gardam, Héctor St. Luke's KpïsC-'O})al churcli, Ypsilanti. Mnii . Eev. Wm. L. Tedxow, Pastor ïrinity Enlipb Ludieran church, Ann Arbor. Hev. E. V. Kyun, Pastor l"irst 31. C. cliurch Vpsilanti. IMusii-. liiv. T. W.Yoxatg, Pastor First Baptist cliurrh Ann Arbor. Rev. li. '. Van Kirk. Pastor First Bai ihurch, Ypsiianti . (.'ollection. Music. Benediction,


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