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Prof. and Mrs. C. T. McFarlane ar novv occupying the new James hous on Pearl st. "The Private Secretary" will be giren in this city by the U. of M. Comed club March '2(j. All the measles and scarlet fever patients have recovered, and all the quirantines have been raised. The Daughters of the American Revolution will hold their next meeting with Miss Putnam, March 17. 'J he University Xormal Gradúate club will entertain the Xormal faculty and the Gradúate club Saturday evening. Tliere was no Conservatory recital 1his week. ïhe recital next Wednesdav will be in charge of Mrs. F. H. Pease. The '-"Weekly Wide-Awake," the Y. W. C. A. publioation, will be issued again this week after a slumber of two nionths. A break was discovered in the waterworks dam Vednesday morning, and a forcé of men set to work to repair it, thus avoiding a serious accident. Samson's skating park will be changèd back into a bicycle training park as soon as the weather is favorable, which will probably be iu about a month. Miss Jeannette Daniels will open a millinery store in Ludington about April 1. airs. Daniels will still continue her milliiiery business on Iluron street. A quartette consisting of Misses Innes, llarlowe. Pomeroy and Godfrey iaveamost beaütiful rendition of ' One Sweetly Solemn Thought" at the Presbyterian churcli last tunday evening. A railroad social will be given at the Y. W. C. A. home next Wednesday vening. This will be an entertainment well worth the price of admission - 15 cents - which includes refreshments. The junior "c-lass iu the Conservaory has organized and elected the folowing otflcers: President, Miss Jessie Vleyers; vice president, Miss Rose Pereins; secretary, Arthur Bostwict; reasurer, Miss Grace Paxon. The lass colors will Le royal blue and yelov. Principal Boone attended a meeting of the ways and means legislative cominittee in Lansing Wednesday afternoon and states that while no detinite report has been made by thecominittee, still the members talk favorably of the appropriation bil), and hopes are entertained that the entire amount asked fór by the Xormal will be granted. It has been found necessary to again postpone the production of" the opera "Olivetti," and the dates now decded upon are April 22, 23 and 24. The charaeter ''lïathilde" will be taken by Miss Eastman of Detroit, whole ability as a singer is well knovvn; and to prevent any further postponement an understudy has been secured for eách of the principal parts. A fine entertainment in the line of a celebration of .vt. Patrick's Day will be given at the Ypsilanti opera house next Wednesday evening, March 17. Harold Jarvis," the favorito Detroit tenor, will sing on this occasion, whicli alone onght to insure a good attendance. üther attractions will not be wanting, however, and a first-class entertainment is promised. The overturniog of a lighted lamp at the home of Jas. P Beubel Wednesday causecl nearly as rnuch serambling as there is for chances to try the telephone instrument outside Carpenter's store. The kerosene was spilled over the carpet, some going on the clotbing ot Mr. Deubel's little daughter and a playmate, but fortunately the childrên escaped without a burn. Albion College has accepted the invitation of the Normal for m inter-collegiate debate to be held at the Normal some time in May. The University system of debating will be followed. The preliminary debates were held by the socleties last Friday, and the intersociety intermedíate debate will be held next week Friday. Out of the winners of this debate the participante in the íinal debates will be chosen. Only four more rehearsals before the Normal choir concert, the date of which is April 6. Prof. Felix Lamond, who will play the organ at this concert, practiced with the choir for the iirst ;ime Monday evening. An orchestra from Detroit, in which Wm. Yunck and Frank Smith will play first violin, will be an important feature of the concert. The ■'reation" is the oratono to be prodnced on this occasion. Died, at her homo in Ihis city, last luesday morning, Miss Lila Mc'-fregor, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .i. 1!. VlcÏJegor. Kor many months Miss Lila ïas been the victim of that dread disease consuraption, and since Christmas has been confined to her bed. She was 24 years1 of age, was a gradúate of Alma college, Ont, and had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in his city. The remains were taken to Strathróy, Ont, for interment. In spite of the storm 35 persons atended the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Young People's Mission it Mis. II. O. Swift's Tuesday evening. )r. Mary Brown, a missionary from China who is attending the U. of M., vas present and gave an interesting paper. The following officers were ?lected for the coming year: l'resident, liss Eunice Lamine; vice-president, Miss Hattie Swift; secretary, Miss nna Brown; treasurer, Milton II. rVebb; chairman of home committee. yjiss Fannie Hall; chairman of finance committee, Miss Laura Jenness. At the regular meeting oí the urder of the Eastern Star last Alonday evening the following resolution was passed: "Resolved, that the thanks of Fpsilanti Chapter No. 119, O. E. S., be and are hereby extended to the Ypsilanti Light (uards, who so geuerously donated the use of their hall lor the banquet given by th:s chapter to the aembers of Phoenix í.odge ÍSio. 13, F. V A. M. and visiting brethren on the occasion of their celebration of the semi centennial of that lodge on the evening of V'ashington's Birthday; and we pledge ourselves to remember the courtesy, and hope time may give ua an opportunity to testify our appreciation in a more substantial manner." PI3RSOXALS. Miss Cora Hay was a Detroit visitor Moüday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Pease have moved to Detroit. Fred Kent of Detroit spent Sunday in Ypsilanti. D. C. Griffen spent Sunday and Mon day in Chicago. Mrs. Lizzie Spicer returned last night from Cleveland. Miss Ilattie Swift was a Detroit visitor Wednesday. JJorn, to Mrs. Sidney Case of Parsons st., a girl, March 4. Elmer Trini of St. Clair, is visiting relatives in this city. Howard Collins of Detroit visited in this city over Sunday. Miss Bessie Ellis is seriously ill at her home on Xormal st. Miss Root of iorthville is visiting at the home of Dr. Ilueston. Hobert Yost and Howard Urown spent ïuesday in Detroit. Miss Keba Page visited Miss Blanche Root in Hillsdale last week. Korn, to Prof. and Mrs. II. Miller of Detroit, Feb. 23, an 8 ft g-irl. Mrs. Louis Grey of Clinton has been visiting relatives in tíiis city. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Covert have returned from New York state. Mrs. ísellie ï. Bacon has returned from a week's visit in Detroit. W. II. Sweet is spending the week in New York city and Cleveland. Miss Mattie Dashner of Chicago is visiting her mother in this city. Mr. and Mrs. VV. B. Jansen óf Topeka, Kas., are visiting here this week. Hon. Samuel Post returned Sunday night from his Washington visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cooper are enteraining Mrs. Stevenson of Adrián. Miss Tillie Holmes is entertaining her cousin, Miss Catlin of Detroit. Miss Grace Carrozzi has recovered rom a severe illness with tonsilitis. Ilerbert Boone is confined to his ïome with a severe attack of rheurnaism. Kev. H. L. Iloyt of Flint wil] preach i the Congregational church next undav. Miss Florence Malcolm of Pontiac i pending the week with Miss Beula Vaxman. Judge Grant of the Michigan su reme court, was an Ypsilanti visito Saturday. Marie, the two years oíd daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaefer, is ill with tonsilitis. Mrs. Chas. Ferrier and Mrs. Jennk Pack have gone to Chicago for a two week's visit Mrs. J. E. Pomeroy was called to üneida, N. Y., last week by the death of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson of Char lotte are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Bray. Miss Inglis, who has been visiting Miss Alice Barnes, has returned to her home in Lapeer. John Chickan had the misfortune to fall and dislócate nis shoulder last week Thursday. Mrs. Ilenderson of Detroit, is in town this week trying to organize a Star of üetulehem ioclge. Miss Ruth Pease, who has spent most of the Winter in Detroit, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs. Geo. A. Cook and two chOdren left 'luesday morning for California, where they will visit relatives. C. W. Bowman, who has been conducting W. 8. ('arpenter's auction sale, left for Xebraska Wednesday. Mrs. Farman of is visiting her danghter, Miss Myrtle Farman, who is attending Cleary college. Franklin I. Carpenter and George A Iban were in Arm Arbor Thursday, acting as witnesses in the Shemerhorn case. MissesFarnham, Coombs and Ayers will furnish the music for the weekly services at St. Luke's church during Lent. Mrs. Lillian Holmes of Syracuse, N. P.. who bas been the guest of Miss Mollie Wise, left for Grand Kapids HVdnesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. (J. A. Sessions and Mrs. Dallare! of Ann Arbor have been spending a few days at the Holmes farm south of this city. Mrs. Xancy Vousrht has returned trom New York City, where she has been spending the list nine months with her son, "VY'ill G. Vought. Rev. R. K. Wharton will exchange pulpits with Rev. R. W. Van Kirk next Sunday eyening. Rev. Mr. Wharton's subject will be "John Wesley, tl e Oxford student." Miss Mildred Smith and Mr. Henry i'ratt were elected delegates by the resbyterian C. E. society to atteiid the state convention at Jackson, March '30 and 31, April 1. Miss Maude Allen slipped and feil ;he whole length of the Normal steps ast Thursday, receiving injuries which endered her unconscious for some ime. She is improving. Prof. and Mrs. Frederic II. Pease celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary with a large reception Wednesday afternoon and evening. Many ïandsome tioral oflerings were received. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Crippen of Standbough, Mioh., spent Sunday with he former's father, Mr. Ira Crippen of Superior. Mr. George Crippen is entative trom Jron county in the state egislature. Francia Walker, the well known barirOne of Chicago, who lias been studyng in Europe for several years. visited it the home of Mr. Jerome Walton over Sunday, and gave a magnifieent renderng of the hymii fiom " Creation " at St. Luke's church Sunday morning. At the regular meeting of Excelsior Chapter No. 25,. K. A. M. held on l-'riday evening, Marcb 5, P. W. Carpentei was appointed secretary pro tempore in the place of Geo. A. Cook, whose election to the office of Register of Deeds rendered it impossible for him to attend to the duties of secretary.


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