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Saline Secrets

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Two cases of sickness at Will Mea '.'s. Fred Binder has moved into his new quarters. J.'I'. 15uck expects to move to Tecumseh soon. John Mitehell has the agency for the Manchester laundry. Miss Abbie Cliandler returned last Saturday to Clinton. The Baptists made 815 at their social supper lase Wednesday. Miss Mary Davenport has been visiing in Detroit for a week. Mrs. J. V. Huil, who has tbeen siok all the week, is no better. J. W. Allen of Vpsilanti visited his cousins here last "Wednesday. Mrs. M. O'ITara is among the large ïumber of sick people in Saline. A little boy is a recent arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (!. L. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Humphrey visited the latter's miele n Ypsilanti Saturday. The Bay View Reading Circle meets at the home of Miss Cobb Saturday evening. The shippers here are keepinsr ui their record of baled hay and live stock shipments. Eugene Ilelber, editor of the Xeue Washtenaw Post, wiÜ move to Ann Arbor soon. The hard rains of the first of the week caused several bad washouts south of town. Mrs. Fosdick with her family is planning to move from town onto "her farm two miles east. Seldon Orr has purchased the farm of the late Lester Silsbury and expects to occupy it soon. liev. Barry has derinitely accepted nis cali lrom the baline Baptists to be thtir loc:il pastor. Mrs. W. ï. AYallace is entertaining her sister, now from Carleton but soon to move to Morenci. Campbell Leith and F. W. Saunders iave been the sick ones at Rev. Leith's The latter is out again. ïome people in town mistook the hunder ol' Tuesday for an earthqnake shock and insist that it was the latter. Regular quarterly meeting occurred at the M. E. Ohureh last Sunday, Hev. L. P. Davis, the presiding eJder, beiug present. Mrs. G. C. ï'ownsend gave a live o'clock tea Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister Mts. H. H. Huinphrey of Detroit. Mrs. AVilliam Brainard died Tuesday night, af ter a week's illness, Mr death was the result of a severe attack of the grip. She was 70 years of age. ,1. C. Day oí Detroit has purchased J. F. Avery's farm south of town at an stimated consideration of $11, ('00. Mr. Day expects to use ;it only for a ummer rgsidence. Mrs. Tucker, who has been sick all vinter, is failing fast. It is not thonght ;hat she can íive. Her oldest son is ïome from Columbus, O., where he is tudying medicine. The high school Junior Exhibition vill occur the second Friday in April Preparations are alrendy linder way vith the hope of making it an unusuilly successful affair. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Helber had planned to give them a farewell reception Friday night, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Jlelber and her little daughter Emma it will be postponed. The organization of a permanent literary society is being agitated by some. The pi in is to make it a comprehensive affair to include both young and old of the town and surrouhding country. Nelvin Cobb carries his hand in a eling now-adays. He emptied the charge of asparrowshot gun mto the fleshy part of the side last VVedneaday. lic will probably look for smaller game hereafter. Mrs. (. O. Townsepd gave a seven o'clock dinner to a limited company last Friday eveningi Covers were laid tor t wel ve Jnvited guests were the following: Mr. and Mrs. VV. II. Havenport. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sturm, Mrs Kmiline and Mr. and Mrs. A M. Ilumphrey, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarke. Creamery stock is not going as fast as is desired. One thousand four hundred dollars was quickly subscribed but Within the last two weeks it lias only been raised to SI, 500. Jt is though't that $,201) is the ltast that should be started with. The old foundry has been clecided upoa as the location. The ice has been placed in the back of this building. One of the pleasantest and most largely attended church soeials held in -Saline' was that of the Presbyterians at G. J. isissly's last Friday. A program was given the leading feature of which and the principal attraction to the 'ocialwas Mr. Nissly's phonograph with gramaphone attachment. It was highly Mijdved and kept in service all the even'ing. The society made $30. The village election Monday brought out a larger number oí' votes tban usual owing to a much greater interest in the results. There we re two tickets in the field, the Corporation ticket and the cilizens ticket. The former was the ïret one ïiominated and was the regular ticket but it represented only the usual controlling forcea at the village election. The eorporation ticket was elected with the exception of clerk by au average majority oí 54. The winners were: President, G. J. Nissly; clerk, Ueorge R. Lultz; treasurer, G. C. TowDSend; assessor, Ashley Van Duzer; trustees, llenry Fish, Edward Hauzer and George Schroen. Ex-President Hw?risjn at Univorsity Hall, MarcU 88.


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