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Hood's Cure all liver ills, m ■ ■ ■ ness, headache, sour I J _ I g ach, indigestión, I I C öon. They act easily, ■ ■ 1 ■ out pain or (tripe. Sold by all arugglsts. 25 cents. The only Pilis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. T . TOLEDO n gFS Annarboy %ñ (M and j J J O,iNORTH MICHIGAN) q x-y RAILWAY. Lj- '-J na f,fK K.NAC' -"" '"" ' Hoard Cyc___JfXlí!t é B AY CITY ] JVIUSKEQON S' BC7f9AOliiAW H MlwM Batik Cr" Lmlur=Ly ET')S"thRWd.yn Zf itt TIME CAïiB. In effect Jan. 31, 1897. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Starfdard Time. SOBTU. SOUTH. 7:30 a. m. ■ 7:30 a. m. ll:25a.m. ll:iö a. m. 4:30 p.m. 8:3.') p. ra. Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All traius daily except Sunday. V H. Bennett, E. S. Gilmore. G. P. A. Ag't. jICHIGAN (TENTRAL " The Niágara Falls Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going East. Going Weet Mail' 3:47 p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:58 p. m. 7:30 a, m. North Shore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, Chicago Exprcsst 1:55 p. m, N.ï. & Urn. Ext 10:05 p.m. Chicago Night Ex. . .". . 9.10 p. m. Detroit Expresst 5:50 a. m Pacifle Expresst 12:15 p. m. Grand Rapids Ex ... 11:10 a, m 5:55 p. m Atlantic Expresst. 7:55 a. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. + Daily. O. W. RUGÓLES, n. W. H f ES P. T. A. Chicago Ag't. Ann Arbor. E T Jeè,oiè; I Michigan People. Mar yJ.PtttAYEs.Hton. : ► mum' ÊW ' 4 ;LOCATEeT 4 I Directly Opposite M. C. R'y Depot. 't Two Blocks from Union Depot. J Three Blocks from Steamer Docks. 4 ', In the Center of the Wholesale District. ; Three Minutes by Electric Cars to tail Center and all Places of Amusement, i ; i ', 20o Rooms with Steam Heat. [ $20,000 in New Imprcvements. 1 Cuisine Unsurpassed. 4 American Plan. 4 Rates, $2.00 to $3.50 per Day. 3 Single Meals 5Oc. 4 fe ts-ar REVIVO W fÊk RESTORES VITALÍTY. istDay. p'jfJiiWell Man ISthDay. ''IjMj f% OÍ Me. THE GREAT 3oth Day. 3PH.iï3xrc3E3: nLÈ3vra:i3-5r produces the above resolta Ín 30dnys. Itacts powerfnlly a:id qnickly. Cures wben all 'others fail. toungmeu wiH regaiu their lost mauhood.and oíd meu will recover tln-ir youthful vigor by using AËTIVO. It quiolsly and Barely restores Nervoustess, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Kmissions, uost Power, Failing Memory, Wastimz Dlseases.and a efli ota oí e ili abi and indlscretion, ■vhich unfitsoneforsudy. business ormarriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but sagreat noro tonic and blood builder, bringIng back the pink sr'ovt' f o palé rheeks and restoring the íire of youth. It warda off Insanity and Consumptiou. Insist on havins REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, S1.00 per packace, or sil for S5.00, with a posi tive written narantee to cure or refond themoney. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEBICINE CO., 271 Waöasü Ave., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BV- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Arbor. Miehiean.


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Ann Arbor Democrat