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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIKE, Lavyekani) Notary Pub Lip. Front Offices over Farmers & Mcchanics Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. IJ MoKKRNAN, Attorney-at-Law. CollectioHS protiptlv attende'l to. Money to .oan Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in 3ourt House DEAN M. TYLER. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence over postoffice, flrst floor. MARÏ 0 WHITING, Counselor-at Law. Address poatoffice box 1796, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70HN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney-at-Law. Office. Corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, M chigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under taker. Oloth. Metalic and Cummon (Joffiris. Scoreroom No. 19 East Washington Street Pei-idence Corner Liberty and FifthTelephone 91. WW. KICHOLS, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbor SavinES Bank. opposite Court House square. VITAMZED AIR administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating etteots follow, while teeth are extracied without pain. WAUTED- FAITHFÜL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responsible entablished house Michigan. Salary ST80 and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclqse self-addressnd st inped envelope. The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Cnicago. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Suct'ensor to Anton Eisele. - DEALEK Iï - American and Imoorted Granite -AND - MARBLTfl of all KIISTÜS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largest work in all its Branches. Shop - Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. STATE OF MÍCHIGAN, } OOUNTY OF WaSHTENAW, j ' In the matter of SPICES The JURY of the Public has tried our spices and found them PURE We buy the whole spices, the best obtainable, and grind them OURSELYES. We therefore GUARANTEE all our spices puie. We invite you to try them, and satisfy yourselves. Eterbach Drug and Chemical Co. Mondase Salf. DEFAÜLT having leen made in tlie condi-' tions of a moi'tgak'e executed by John E. l'erry and Eliza E. Ferry, liis wife to Anna R. Worden, bearing date February 7th, A. D. 1885, and recorded In the oitlce of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw countv, Michigan, on February Hth, A. D. 1885, i Liber 67 of rnortgages, on paee 29. vvlrtch saW mortgage was assigned by said Anna R. Worden to Elnni S. Worden by deed of assignment, dated November 2l3t. A. D. 1885, and recorded in said Eegister's office November 21st. A. D. 1885, in Liber 8 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 579, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage beeame operative, and no suit or proceeding in law or enuity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof, and the sum of two thousand, three hundred and twelve and 66-100 dollars (J2.312.66) being now claimed to be due upon said mortgage, notice is therefore hereby given tliat said mortgage will be foreclosed bv a sale of the mortgaged premisos therein described, or some part thereof, to-wit: All of the follqwing described land, situated in the township of Salem, in Washtenaw coimty and State of Michigan, viz: lieing the noi'th-east part (n, e. pt.) of the west half (w. y2) of the north-west quarter (n. w. M) of section No. nine (9), in township No. one (1) south, in range No. seven (7) east, in said county, it being bounded on the north by :i highway, on the east by land of George S. Vanetta, on 1he soutli by a highway kuown as ihe Trail Eoad, and on the west by the highway running frorn the Trail Road to the base line. exceptlng one acre of land owned by Mrs. Hubbard. This deseription contains auout lorty-iureu acres ui lanu. jxiao me following described land : The westhalf w. X) of the east half (e. y) of. the south-west quarter (s. w. %) of sectiorr No. (our -(4) In said township and range, excepting five acres in the north-west corner thereof , and containlng thirty-five acres of land, at public vendue, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May, A. D. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenqon. at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in said county. Dated February 25th. A. D. lf97. ELOM S. WORDEN, Asslgnee of Mortgagee. NOAH W. CHEEVER, Attorney. 31-43 Chancery Sale. IN pursuance and by virture of a dcree of the Circuit Oourt for tlib County of Waslitenaw, state of Michigan, in chancery, made and sntered on the !9th day of June 189G, in a cercjiin cuuse therein pending wherein WiifreJ B. Hhillips, receiver of the Register Piiblishing Oompany is complainant and John W. Keating, Slary A. Keatine, The farmers & Mechamos Bank of the City of Ann Arbor. liobert W. Hemphill, Carlisle P. McKinstry and the City of Ypsilanti, di-fendants. Notiee is hereby given that I will sell at public auctiop at the east front door of the Uourt House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County (that being the building in which theCircuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, the 2áth day of April, 1897. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of sftiil day, all the following described real estáte situated in the City of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw, State of MMiiean kuown anil described as block two north of Huron street in range 13 ea-t excepting five seperite pareéis of land four by eight ruds each sold to Thomas Clancy, John O'Mara. william Bnbbs, Michael and Ellen O'Mara and Marv Keating O. E. BÜTTERF1ELD, Circuit Court Commissioner. Thowpson & IliUniMAN. Solicitors íor C mplainant. 33-39


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