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Hood's Cure all Iiver lila, BBt B ■ B ness, beadache, sour I m ■ B % ach, indigestión, J I I Vi tion. They act easily, ■ ■ ■ ■ M& out pain or gripe. Sold by all dnigRists. 25 cents. The only Pilis to take wlth HooU's Sarsaparilla. A TOLEDO r f%n yLT AND Q fr ( 1 iv) NORTH MICHIGAN) C LJt RAILWAY. L-1 L-J I in lUlllll LAHSIWVT CSí-' I ifj ƒ Ft. Wayi;e ( pQOLE, éR-CHKtime caï;i. In effect Jan. 31, 1897. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. M111TH. SOUTH. 7:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 4:30 p. m. S:3ó p. m. Runs between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Suuday. W. H. Bennkït, E. S. Gilmore, G. P. A. Ag't. Michigan Central ':lhe Niágara Falls Boute." Central Standard Time. TKAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Going East. Goiug West Mail 3:47 p. m. 8:43 a. m. Day Express 4:38 p. m. 7:30 a, m. Sorth Shore Limitedt 9:25 a. m, Chicago Expresst 1;55 p. m. S.f. & Urn. Ext.' 10:05 p. m. Chicago Night Ex 9.10 p. m. Detroit Expresst 5:50 a. re Paiflc Exprt-8st 12:15 p. m. Grand Rapids Ex ... 11:10 a. m. ö:55 p. m Atlantic - 7:5 a. m. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. t Daiiy. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. Ha S E8 " T. 4-('hioa?n Ae't. Ann Arhnr. fTe Home W Petroj.è; I Michigan People. i 'i . 4 ÍLOCATED I Dírectly Opposite M. C. R'y Depot. Two Blocks from Union Depot. ► Three Blocks frotn Steamer Docks. ► In the Center of the Wholesale District. J Three Minutes by Electric Cars to ► tail Center and all Places of Amusement. 4 ► 1 200 Rooms with Steam Heat. $20,000 in New Improvements. 1 ► Cuisine Unsurpassed. 4 American Plan. ï Rates, $2.00 to $3.50 per DayJ I Single Meals 5Oc. 4 iAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtAAAi (FlrrrrrrrVlrVrlrlrTf WWW WWW pirsrREVIVO f'Wï RESTORES V1TALÏTY. ''v'l M, ti!' 'ac'e a iBtioay.flfJWell Man tbay.-)y Of Me. THE GREAT 3oth hay. ■DR.I32XrO3E3: XTE33Vra3 J_ V produces the abovo results in 30 days. Itacta powerfully and Qtückly, Cores wben all othersfail. Voung meu will regain their lost manhooil, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVlVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous1068. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Kightly Kiuíksiods, t..OKt Power, Failing Memory, Wastinc Discases, and i effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion which nntits one fors'udy. business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat oL dieease, but iSLgreat norve tonic and hlood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale cheeks a:id restoring the iïre of youth. It warde off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on haying KEVIVO do other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mait, Sl.OOperparkage, or six tor 8S 5. OO, with a posi tive written puarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Watasll Ave., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BV- Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co Arbor, Michigan.


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Ann Arbor Democrat