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Real Estate Transfers

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John and Emnia Ferdon to Mellie L. Salyer, Ann Arbör..S 42.50 Anna C. Nau tó John A. Huegli, et al. Will. Jos R. Lowrey, et al. to James Lowrey, Manchester 2,500.00 Fred J. Croman & w. to Thos. Fleming, Lyndon 275.00 Ansel Morgan & w. to Wm. P. Griffin, York 16,000.00 Wm. P. Griffln, sr.,to Wm. P. Griffin, jr, et al. York 1.00 Mary J. Denges to Thos. Bell, Dexter 50.00 Uetta Oversmith to Lafayette Oversmith. Bridgewater 131.00 Ilenry Allmendinger & w. to Fred C. Klingier & W., Ann Arbor 10 Arthur Brown & w. to Emil üolz, Ann Arbor 6,000.00 Emil Golz & w. to Arthur Brown Ann Arbor 1,500.00 David Schneider & w. to 'Lewis Yager, Lima 2,903.90 Stephen B. Winans & w. to Henry B. Feldkamp, Ann Arbor 40.00 Elijah J. Carr, et al. by sheriff to Henry Breitenwischer, Manchester 1,627.10 John V. Blakeslee & w. to Wm Sadler, York 3,600.00 Edw. Schneider, et al. to John W. Schneider, Freedom 90.00 James Kearns & w. to John S. Foley. Ann Arbor 150.00 Wm & Jane Henzie to James Scully, Manchester 700.00 Mary Harrigan to Martha E. Carmody, Dexter 1.00 Edwin 11. Curtís to Celestia Ourtis, et al will Lawrence Habbitt to James Welsh, Dexter 5,500.00 jusan M. Gay to Aiuerc u. Lewis, York 125.00 Fred Prochnow, et al to Albert Prochnow, Norhfield 1,200.00 Elizabeth & Charlotte Moore to Beulah B. Davis. Ann Albor 1.00 Beulah H Davis to FJizibeth & Charlotte Moore, Ann Arbor 1-00 Emanuel H. Cook & w. to Arttiur (}. Wheel ck, liridgewater 375.00 Olivia B. Hall to Paul C. Freer, Ann Arbor 1,200.00 Titus F. Hutzel & w. to I). F. Schairer, et al.. Ann Arbor.... 1.00 Aiis.iu A Hall & w. to Frederi k Foss, Augusta 400.00 Leonh rd Grim r, et al., to Titus F. Hutzel, Ann Arbor 1.00 Deli i S. Harris to ,)ohn M. Kiog&w.. Ypsilanti 1,90000 Harlow (Jlcutt to .loseph T. Shaw, Ann Arbor 2,500.00 Titus F. Hutzel & w. to Leonhard Gruner, Ann Arbor 1.00