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One of the happiest women in Ann Vrbor this week is without doubt, J)r. Atosher. And quite rightly, for to her beldngs the credit of having given the argest and most successful party ever held in the city. It is not often that one entertains over 1,300 people under one roof, and vet that is the number of those who were present at the gymnasium Saturday night, and what is more, everyone carne away declaring it a deightful evening. Everyone stemed to be there, townspeople, school children and studfiits. AVith such a number. the party was of course a linancial success and the final eount brings the amount taken in up to $321.00. This money is to be used to buy all the f urnishings necessary to serve refreshment to the guests of future parties. Airead y they have purchiised all the apparatus necessary to provide lemonade for a thousand people. The Kegents ure heartily in sympathy with Dr. Mosher in her good work, and with thi-ir sanction another party will be given next month. The proceeds of this will be used toward paying the salary of a competent nurse whose business it 'will be to help care for, f ree of charge, any student who may be sick during the year. At one o'clock on Monday Mrs. AValdron of 8. State st., gave a dulightfnl luncheon for her friend Mrs. Thomas, who isto leaveat the end of the week for Grand Uapids. Mrs. Thomas was the guest of honor, also, at a luncheon given by Mrs. Davis of Church st., one day last week. The Bethlehem church choir gave a very pleasant surprise party last Friday evening at the home of Miss Helen Allmendinger, in honor of that young lady's birthday. Light reireshments were served by the intruders, and games and other announcements helped to make a successful evening. The fiir!s Friendly Society of St. Andrew's church gave a most pleasing entertainment at Harris hall. Monday evening, the proceeds from which are to be sent to the Jane Bohlen school of Wuchang, China. Those taking part in the programe were: Miss Emma Fischer and Miss Himes pianiste, who rendered several classical duets in in excellent marmer. Miss Back, who de lighted all by the unusual skill she showed in whistling several diffieult selections and Dr. F. A. Miner, who read Tennyson's "Dreams of Fair Women," illustrated by girls from the Friendly society in tableanx. A pretty liitle playcalled the'"Fair's gift" was given by Master Gerald Brown, Miss Xellie Schulylerarid Miss Meda Morton, wliich with several solos by Master Fred Daley, the boy soprano, com pleted a most enjoyable program. A crowd of fourteen young peophgave an informal picnic up the river, Tuesday afternoon, in honor of Miss Marión Allen, of Chicago, and Miss Chris. Macklomore, of Gal veston, Texas. who are visiting in the city. Mrs. I. C. Davi-:, corresponding secrctary of the International Order of the King's Uaughlers and Sons, gave a í ery interestiog talk concerning the work to about thirty members, Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Fleming Carrow. Miss Margaret Knowlton, assisted by her friends, Miss Pattengill and Miss Pattee, gave a delightful af ternoon re ception lastFriday,at her home.Woodside, on Ilill Street, in honor of he: guest, Miss Marian Alten, of Chicago. The piipils of Miss Mac Monagle gave a most successf ui entertainment under lier direction, last Friday evening, at High Sc'.iool hall, for the benefit of the Y. W. C. A. liecitations, interspersed with music, formed the major part of the program, and the young folks who took part may well be proud of their ef'forts, for some, even of the youngest, showed, besides caref ui training, an aptitude for impersonating quite beyond their years. On TImrsday of next week, before she leaves on her trip abroad, Mrs. Angelí gives a luncheon for the ladies of the Shakespeare Club, with whom she has been reading all winter. For her mother and sister, Mrs. Worcester and Mrs. Clark, who are visiting her, Mrs. Martin L. D'Ooge gave a dinner.Friday night, at her home on Washtenaw ave. Also in honor of the same, Mrs. VV. H. Wait, of Olivia Place, entertained her friends at a sin;ill dinner party on Thursday, and Mrs. liussel gave a luncheon at her home on Friday noon. Mis.-i Jean Price, of S. State st., gave a small tea party last Wednesday for her friend, Mrs. L. W. Kimball, who is visiting Mrs. Haywood, on the corner of Monroe and State streets. At the next Guild party which occurs Saturday, the 22d, at Ilarris hall, preparations are being made to present that bright little farce comedy of Brander Matthews, called ''The De cision of the Court.' Those who have read the play declare it to be a wonder fully clever little piece, and a glance over the names of the four persons who are to take the parts, is enough to insure a successf ui rendering: Mrs. Stoneyhurst Jli. Aimie Bach Mr. Stuneyhurst Mr. Kar] 11 ;ir riman Jlaitl Miss Carrle Wheeler Meesenger Boy Master Fred Daley Saturday afternoon Miss May Cooley and Miss Maud llicks treated the little girls who have been in their class at the Sewing School all winter, to a picnic in one of the pleasant groves just outside the city. Mrs. Alfred Llovd entertained the Alpha Phi girls with a thimble party at her home on Twelfth street last Friday. Dr. Mosher entertained Dr. Angelí and the regenta at dinner on Tuesday. Granger's Academy was the scène of a very pretty Germán, Friday night, given by the members of the Forty Club. Lester Maher, in spite of the fact that he is still going on crutches. owingtohis accident in the gymnasium, had the honor of leading. The figures, under his direction, were artistic to a degree that called forth much favorable comment as did also the dainty rlowerfavors in which the skill of the young ladies was displayed. About 25 couples took part in the dancing, which began at 11 o'clock, and for which the Chequamegons furnished the music. Mrs. Wait, Mrs. Vaughan and Mrs. McLaughün were the chaperons of the evening. For several years past, the girls of the Woman's League have earned a goodly sum for the Woman's gymnasi uní by furoishing ice creain and cake to those who care for it, af ter each of the May Festival eoncerts. This year, in spite of the endless labor which it involves, the girls have decided to do the same, and it is to be hoped that many strangers and friends will feel the need of ref reshments, and so find their wayto the"Old Cliapel," room, which has been tastily fitted up for the accommodation of all Viiio come.


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