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$ We nave Gall For S '% ; : And Must l-ave Ifive I SQUARES i PIANOS I T And will allow excepp r tionally high prioes for L ] same in exchange for new or second-hand uprights. jr r Cali or write us at once. L THE S Ai Arïor Imic Go. 21-23 E. Wasbingtor). THe Bazaar In order to make room for our new stock of CROCKERY We are closing out sorne of the lines we have carried over, below cost Come in and take your choice at your own price. You can get bargains in sets or single pieces. lf you need anything in this line, you can't afford to miss this opportunity. We have our usual complete line of novelties at Popular Prices. Adams & Ball. Don't forget that we sell a complete Window Shade from 10c up. This Space Belongs to the ANN ARBOR Fluff Rug Factory STEAM CARPET CLEANtNG WORKS It will pay you to watoh it. Works, 47-49 West tturon St, TO USERS OF Gasoline "When you want a free burning Gasoline that does not sraoke or foul your stove, try Dean & Co. 's RED STAR THE FjNEST MfD&. DEAN & CO. South Main Street, Hood's Are gaining favor rapidly. HaBtB ■ i Business men and f a Ia Iers carry them in vest I I fc pockets, ladies carry them " ■ ■ ■ m in purses, housekeepers keep thém in medicine closets, trieuds recommend them to friends. 25o. BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGTTIEE, Lawyerand Notary Pttb . j.ic. Front' Offices over Farmers & Me chanics Bank, Ann Arüor, Michigan. T) McKKRNAN, Attorney-at-Law. CollectioHs promptly attende'l to. Money to .01111 Houses and Lots for Saie. Office in Oourt House MAR" C W1IITING, Counselor-at Law. Address postofflce box 1796, Ann Arbor, M ichigan, JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Attorney at-Law. Office. Corner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, M chigan. OM. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under taker. Cloth. Metalic and Cnmmon CofSns. Scoreroom No. 19 East Washington Street, eddence Corner .Liberty and Fifth Telephone 91. WW. NICHOI.S, Dentist. Rooms over Ann Arbi.r Suvincs Bank. opposite Court House square. VITALIZED AIR administered. It i agreeable and easy to take and no prostratins: effeets follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Successor to Anton Eisele. - DEALER I - American and imoorted Granite - AND - MARBLE of all KINDS, Building Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largesWwort in all its Branches. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mieh. Blue Streak What is it ? Why it's the most effective Insect Destróyer produced to-day, the result of prolonged scientific and practical observatiou by prominent agriculturists. Hellebor Kerosene Emulsión Paris Green London Purple Blue Vitriol True Dalmatian Insect Powder for spraying mi at LOW PRICES. Blue Streak gives satisfaction whereever used. Lenox Hand Atomizers and Sprayers. Blue Streak the most economical and efïective Insect killer on the market. Eberbach 3c Son AMERICAN I SILVER 1 L TRUSS. , l ' f?2 LICHT, Easy to Wear. Retams Aio pressure on Severcst V Ilips or Back. Hernia I No understraps. with Comfort. Never uiovcs. MANUFACTURED AT 290 nain St.P BUFFALO, N. Y. FOR SALE AT Maria's Drug Stors 39 S. MAIN ST.


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