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Notice of Drain Lettlng. NOTICE is hereby given, That I, Daniel W. liurry Cimniy Drain Commissioner of the ('ounty of washtenaw, State of Michigan, Will, on the 5tb day of June A, D. 1897, at the lower end of drain in the Township of Northfleld at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for the construction of a certain drain known and desígnáted as "The Willow Marsh Drain," located nd eetabliehed In theeaidTownshipof Northfield, and described as follows, to wit: Commencing 16 rods ponth and 44 11-25 rods vest of the north east corner of the s e }i of y e 1 of séctionS Township of Northfield and runnng thence south 50 degrees e 40 rods thence s 2 degrees e 13 rods thence b 50 degreee e 9 rods henee b 28 degrees e 8 rode thence s 69 degrees e 4 r thence n 87 degrees e li r thence e 50 de e 14 2-5 r thence e 35 2-5 r thence n 59 degrees e 2 r thence n 82 degrees e 33 r thence 8 67 degrees ' 39 r thence n 88 degrees e 05 r thence e 79 16-25 ■ thence b 79 degrees e fH 9-25 r thence n 11 r henee 74 deerees e 21 2-5 r thence n 22 dejrées e 8 3-5 r thence n 12 dogrees e 35 r thence n 6 degrees e 19 r thence s 65 degrees e 8 r thence 8 ï degrees c 16 r thence e 3 degrees e 12 r thence s -Jï degrees e 18 r thence s 33 degrees e 30 r thence s 12 degrees e 30 rods to a point in the north Bide of the highway whicli point bcars n 79 degrees we-t 14 rodp fróm the n e corner of huids owned y AVilliam I). Bird on the e % of the n w V "f section 12 Northfield Township. Total lengtn of drain 6T0 rode the above is the center line of said Irain. Said job wïll be let by Bectlons. The ecction at the uut lot of the drain will be let and the remafning sections ín their order up efcream, in accordance with the diagram umv on üle with the other papers pertaining to pald. drain, Ln the oftice of the Drain Commiseioner, towhicü reference may be had by all parties intcrosted, and liidf wiil be made and received accordingly. ( o:itractb will be made with the IowbaC respondióle bidder giving adequate secnrity for the performance of the work, m a buui Lhcn and tliere to be üxi'ilhy me, reserving tODiywlftho right toroject ariy and all bids. Th e. date for the completion of such contract, and ihe tcrniKof payment therefor, shall be anuouncud at the time and place of letting. Notice is Fnrthcr Hereby Oien. That at the time and place of Bald ltinnp. or at huch other time and place thereafter to which J. the Urain CommiBsTouer afoi'eeiaid, may adjouru the tntfte, the assessments for bcnefitxHnd the landscomprised within thf "Willow Marsh Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The following isa detcrlption of the severa! tracts or pareéis of land conuti tuting the Special Aeseeenient District of eald Drain, viz: the e){ of s e % section 1 and iliat (tart of the s w 3Í BCtion 1 which lï&i h and e of highway fraction on n X sec 12 f r n w H ( e M Pee ïi 6 w % of' n e % sec 12 p e 3-e of n w % nee 12 f r n e )4 of i w hí eec 12 w % of n w X ooc li b w % sec l which lie.- n and w of highway except t acre in n e corner. E X of s e .i sec 2 ii w ?.i t e h cc 2, 7 acres bonnded ti and e by Ren-tone by hisrhway w by 'i sec line sec 2 s w H of b e X nee 2 which liep f of road except C, I. Trents landt, n H of u e % crctl. S X of n}4 and se,'i of n eJi m-c 1Í. 8 w K of u e 4' ec il. e H w H nee 3 n o % of n w H cc 11. il"! acrep uf y 4 f w % m-c ' e of highway and of McCiuiv's laiuls. N w M of n w X !-ec 11, n b }i of ii e K sec Hï, 2 acres bonnded n and w by ïltanfv e by road ec 1. A ])iccu of land ín w }{ of h e i m!c 2, lvounded n and w by road h and o by Walis tand, e % of s e X ec 1. e H n i H f"1-" '- " i ii the townt-liip of Northíii i I. A..o tli; Towiir-liip of Ntirthtltild :il larc, Datcd, thi IJth uav of Muy, A. 1 1S9T. íami-:l v. üakky. ('oiinty Drain Corainibsioncr of tnc County of Washtenaw. 4H2 ;a:ítkd- FAïTHKüii mem ou women to travel for rponsible tali-bel housf Micbipsn. Salar y 3.81 and expennes. l'oii ion renuanent. Reference. fctose elf-addr-qpettst.mped #Dv-'ope. The National, Star Inburauue Hdg , eticado. "How Did She Burn Her Face" That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful Itching, Burning Eruptione Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass: " Gentlemen : Our little daughter is now four years old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her lace which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, especially afc night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I wa3 obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it was necessary to watch her during; the day. She would scratch hersell whenever she had the chance, until her clothe Would Be Covered with Blood. Wo had a great many doctors to see her, but they did not help her in the least. It was a terrible task to care for her. When. we took her away from home, people would ask, ' How did that child burn her face?' She va3 completely covered with. Beaba for a long time. She suffered everything. At last we conciuded to try Hood'a Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in it, and af ter awhile we could see that she was getting better. People said she would. certainly be left with scars on her face, bat she was not. It is now a year since Bhe was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and. her face is a3 Smooth and White and Soft as that of any child. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best family, medicine that can be obtained. I take it my seli fr headaehe and thnt tircd feeling, and I have found nothing to equal it. One peculiarüy about Hcod'a Qarsaparüla iB that it is pleasanfc to take nrid it is no trouble to induce children to tnke it. The doctors pronounced my littJegirl'sdisease to bo eczemn, or alt rheum." Mes. Wilel'r Wells, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy anyBubstitute. Be sure to gct Hood's Sarsapariila The Best -in fact tho Ona.True Elootl Purifier. HoM tjy all lnigs;ists. $1 ; six for fü. ui 4! ir'H cur0 Liver Hls; easy to nOOU S FlllStalte, easy to opérate. 25c


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