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Washtenaw County

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C. A. Bailare! and son of "Wolf Lake ■were in town Saturday. Revival meetings have been held this week at the M. E. church. Miss Julia Oonklin of Ypsilanti was ia town from Saturday until Mouday. Paul Schoettle of Adrián spent Sunday with his father, Kev. Geo. Schoettle; Miss Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, has been visiting this week at Mrs. Ella estell's. Daris' üacleTom's CabinCo.showed "VVednesday evening, under canvas, at this place. Hom Simriav. M;iv liotli, to Mr. and Mrs. ílarry Kimball, of Sharon, a daughter. 0. Mack is elosing out his stock here. and will discontinue the store at this place. Miss Edith Kapp of Ypsilanti spent Sunday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Kapp. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Welling, of Tecumseh, visited Ilarmon Clark and family Sunday. A 3 Nisle has been slightly under the weather the past few days, uut expects to be out again soon. The old Bessac store has been treated to a new coat of paint and has been christened the "yellow kid." Whileatplay with som e boys Monday evraing. tíie young fon of Harvey Blaisdell feil and broke bis leg. Jacob Braun and Fritz Tiehfuss ■vvheeled over irom Ann Arbor Sunday, returning home the following day. Jacob Blum has been laid up wi'h rheamatism a few days, but is abla to le about again with aid oí a cone. The Country's Teacher's Association meets at this" place Saturday, when an interesting program will be carried out. Chas. "Wuerthuer, who has been at Ann Arbor the past two months has returned home, rauch improved in health. Fr. ü'Keilley of Adrián, delivered an able and patriotic address Sunday jnorning at the Catholic Church to the G. A. II. and a large congregation of citizens. Mrs. Andrew Service of Sliaron accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Dillie 8. Hall and son Clarence lefl AVednesda for a month's visit with relatives near Syracuse, X. Y. Fr. Heidenrich and the Choir of St. Mary's church went to Chelsea, Tuesday êvening, to assist in the exercises, at the dedication of a new pipe organ at the Catholic church there. Mrs. J. M. ïiobinson went to ï psilanti Friday last to visit friends, and Mack, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Case drove down Sunday. Mrs. Ïiobinson returned with them. James Kaymond of Grass Lake passtui through here Saturday en route to Blissiïeld. to attend the funeral of his brotlier-in-law Jacob Fislier, who was buried at the latter place Monday. W. Warne Wilson of Detroit, Su■preme Comraander of the Columbian League was in town Monday and organized a lodge of that order at this place. Fifteen charter members joined at the meeting held in K. of H. hall. A change of the time table of the Lake Shore taking effect last Sunday brings the morning train at 7:14 a. m. and the afternoon train at 2:39 p. in. The lirst 35 minutes later and the latter six minutes earlier than the old schedule. Memorial exercises were held at the central high school building Monday afternoon. The G. A. R., the Woman's Kelief Corps, and the school children participating. Afterwards theypaarched to Oak Grove Cemetery where the graves of departed comrades were decorated. George Stantz, a farmer, about 35 . i of age, living five miles Southwest ■of town, committed suicide in a somewhat sensational nianner, Sundaymorning. Leaving the house, he went to the grainery, taking with hiin a shot gun, the stock of which he buried in the wheat in the bin. and placing the muzzle of the gun to his temple, lie pushed the trigger with his foot. The charge made a large hole in his head- , scatterIng his braina over the building in a shocking marmer. Mr. Stantz was a married man with a family, anl no motive for the deed is known. His father suieided a few years ago by cutting his tliroat. One week ago last Paturday Michael "Flumm, a carpet weaver, living near the Manchester Marble Works disappeared from home, and his whereabouts Jiad been a mystery from that time until the discovery of his body in the rn er near ihe Fellows bridge, Sunday raïternoon. AVhen lust seen, the day of his disappearance, he was said to be Tery mueh intoxicated. and in crossing the bridge probably feil off and was drowned. A searching pa'ty Sunday, iound h"n cap in the woods near the liver at the plce above stated, and a search revealed his body caught on a brush p le a few yards dow i the stream. Owing to the cieromposed state of the body, it was buried the following morning.


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