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Mack & Co.

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lita $10,000.00 p í n T iii NRK1 Vo "f W IBÓN BEDS Worth OÍ UIIU 1 II1_11M Ctlldbren' s Bicyole xike cuï,e. A Complete Stock - Representing the Well-made Dependable Kind - Tailored by this LafltemS $3.75 Country's Best Manufacturera- NO JOBS- all Clean Selected Styles. Q5 ïïrtSl MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE .SíStSs t:eZZ%!l, SALE COMMENCES THIS WEEK SATURDAY, MAY 5 tfíi. % Dressing Tables, lst Floor 52 S. Main, next to Dry Goods. tlY}eele SeU for Koekers, Chaira, Etc. $29.00 cash. The Exigencies of Trade have placed upon our hands a very complete line of desirable Suite and Pants J for Men and Boys. As it is not our purpose to engage in the sale of clothing we are desirous of selling it out C with the least possible delay, and shall place prices upon it to make it move f ast. What We Have AND C How WeSellThemS Men's Dress Suits S18.OO Men's Finèst Clay Worsted Suits- -Strictly Men-Tailored, nothing better to be ƒ had at any price, will go at D w - O O k $15.00 (lown t0 $10-00 en's öuits' Fancy Cheviots, Serges, Sawyer Cassemeres, Cloth # the Best, Style and Malie the Best, will bc closed at $6.95 f S10 GO down to $6v50 Meu's Suits, Cheviots, Worsted and Cassemeres, Newest Effects, Extra Well-Made and Trimmed, will be closed at $4, 9O $6.00 aml $5-00 Sllits' Gootl Weió'nt a11 Wo1 and Union Cassimeres, Stylish and _ # Durable, will be closed at D 0 .40 # Boys' RSobby Suits $1.75 and $1.50 Boys' Suits, 10 Styles to Select from, will be closed at 1 . 1 0 2.50 and $2.00 Boys' Suits, Newest Plaids and Checks, Cheviot and Cassemeres, Doublé f Stitched, closing at D liü" J 3.OO and Í2.S5 Bov's all Wool Suits' "B. O. E." and Mrs. Hopkins' Brand, Best in the % S Qk lrL M 3.50 and $3.25 Boys' all AVool Suits, all u j.uble Seats and Knees, 25 Styles to select from, # to close at M? - O W M 5 OO and $4.50 Boys' Finest Suits, Short and Long Pants with Vest, all ages up to 18 V 6-5O and $6.00 Boys' Finest Suits, Long and Short Pants, made from Imported Cloths, f plenty of Styles to choose from, closing at r, öO J M J DfSM+e worth $1.00, worth $1.50, worth $2.00, worth $2.50 and $3.00, J Iflen 5 ranïS at65 cents. at 95 cents. at $1.45. at $1.95 # worth $3.50, worth $4.00 and $5.00, J at $2.25. ' at $2.85. C Men's Overalls Worth 75 cents, Glosing at 33 cents. Men's Suspenderá, Silk Embroidered 8 ets 20c Best 4 ply Linen Collars, all the New Best 25c Suspenders Made, Fine Web and est Styles 1 1 ets f Extra Heavy 18 ets 25c Best 4 ply Linen Cuffs, all Styles 17 ets Best 50c Suspenders, Elaborately 50c Men's Night Shirts 39 ets C ered and Plain, Best Web and Ends ... 36 ets Ï5c Men's Night Shirts 59 ets y 5 Pair Men's 10c Working Socks for 25 ets $1.00 Men's Night Shirts 79 ets 25c Men's Working Shirts, good weight, ... 18 ets 50c Misses' Unlaundried Shirts, Wamsutta # 50c Men's Extra Heavy Working Shirts... 39 ets Cloth, all Linen Set-in-Bosom, Linen J 25c Boys' Percale Waists 18 ets Bands and Cuffs 39 ets % GiíiOÍSSE % $4.50, $4.00, $2.00 AAnA 1 fr I Ladies' Finest Shoes, hhS 1 W Black and Colored, closing at IjlLiUU fSuV $3.25, $3.00, $2.75 Ladies' 6i QQ C L.....!:- ti Vici Kid Shoesj closmg1 at UhUU $3.00, $2.50, $2.00,31.75, llfS! 5 $2.00 Ladies' $1.50 Boys' I S Oxfords, Black ct1 __ and Misses' V ) and Colored, i qr Snoes, i qq I l closing at 2 25 closing at 1.49 JU -7iLS? J THERE'S A ROOM Thatneeda IN YOUR HOUSE Pumumw. IF IT'S THE HALL, We would be pleased to show you our line of Hall-Trees. We sell solid oak M rA ones, 6 feèt 7 inches high, Avitli good mirror, at (PrCJv Beauties made from quartered oak, with pattern French plate mirror, good seat box and umbrella rack, brass trimmings and nice carvings, a true Tj JZf $10.00 value, at only ,ÖU Other Hall-Trees from $2.50 to $3500. Hanging Hall Racks, $3.50 to $600 Each. Seats to match above racks, wiih and without boxes for rubbers, etc, prices, $8-00 to $12.75 Beautiful Reception Suits, tb ree pieces, finished mahogany, saddle seats, high backs: one Settee, one Arm-Chair, one Arm-Rocker. Price complete $-..00 YOUR PARLOR SUIT- Does it begin to look shabby? Buy a new one, a beauty, at $21.00 The frames are birch finished mahogany, the coverings are different colorings of figured corduroy; spring edge on each piece, high backs; in fact six good big pieces. It1s a desirable suit at dh {?% 4 a very desirable price Q5 ÍL I tfr Ql A f f Buys a beautiful six-piece suit, with jjly ) f I II I either oak frames finished antique, or vi J j with birch frames finished mahogany. These suits are upholstored in crush plush, with silk plush bands, or in silk tapestry. There are no two pieces of the same color in any of these suits. A critical examination of the quality of the goods used, and of the worknianship will convince you that the equal was never shown in OQ 1 Art the city at less than $33. 0. ( )ur price tJTi UU OTHER SUITS. = Our stock includes all the newest things in style, design and coverings. Beautiful three-piecr mahogany suits, covered in green velour with (7C embroidered backs, at )Oü Suits from $16.50 to $165.00. WcA 1 1 f c ARE VERY B1G LJKJl ÏCtl & . . IN OUR COUCH ROOM Tapestry Covered Couches, with tufted tops and fringe to the floor, $7.00 values, now tj)4.7ö ' $5.75 Bnys a Corduroy Covered Couch, with spring ' edge and spring head, tufted top and fringe to __ 1 the floor; different oolors; while they last tfpü.iö Couches in Tapestry, Carpet, Plush, Moquette, ' Corduroy, Velour, Leather, in fact we make and cover Couches in an} goods you may ask for. 'CH AMBER FURNITURE. We offer solid oak Chamber Suits, with large ► mirror, good carvings, first-class finish, equal to many so-called $20.00 suits at $16 00 ► Extra Large Suits, solid oak, beautifully carved,heavy beveled plate mirror, with moulded top and ► bottom on side rails, at only $19.00 The Suit we sell at $11.90 still leads as a good suit at a low price. It's a big suit, the mirror is a good Germán plate, the carvings are artistic, the finish is antique. When you want a good suit, cheaj), see our suit which sells at $ 1 1 .90 ► Our line includes quartered oak, Hungarian ash, quartered sycamore, birds-eye maple, curly birch, ► walnut and mahogany. The designs, the finish, and the prices are right. ► Iron Beds from $3.75 to $13.OO. Of Our Upholstering, WE WISH TO SAY. ► We employ none but thoroughly experienced men. We buy only the best grades of springs, moss fiber, hair, etc. We guarantee ► every piece of work leaving our store. We are human, and sometimes make mistakes. Such mistakes we ever stand ready to correct, only ► give us the chance. The store is noted tor its low prices. In our upholstering and repair department we name the lowest price ► possible consistent with good work. We are particularly anxious to have our work and prices compared with those of others.' An esti► mate costs you nothing. DRYGOODS. pí49 FURNITURE. Ph5ae 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 South Main Street, and 2 and 4 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor.


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