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Ann Arbor Is The Place And

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day, July 3d, is the date of Washtenaw county's big show. Don't forget that Ann Arbor is gaing to have the biggest kind of a big out on Saturday, July 3d. What's the dilïerence between a Cleveland panic and aMcKinleyboom? One hundred dollars in stage money for the first correct answer. Secketary Gage's iflea of sound finance is the finance that ministers to the interes!; of the bond sharks and stook gamblers whose representa i ve he is. The f urniture men of Grand Rapids want protection on furniture, but they don't want it on glass. ]5etween the glass trust and the furniture trust reciprocity does not thrive. The board of public works has turned over a new leaf and will hereafter let all work that can be handled that way by contract. That is business. It will insure caref ui estimates of cost before work is ordered and save many dollars to the taxpayers. It is now in order to charge John Wanamaker with being au Anarchist, a calamity howler or some other old thing. He's kicking about the hard times and he is even man enough to say that the Republïcan party don't mean to try to keep ïts anti-election promises. It is ratlïer tough on Judge Newklrk that, after serviug five months as probate judge of Washtmaw eounty, men like Geo. Pond and Junïus Beal who worked their fingernails off for him last fall, have not yet heard of his election; but such seems to be the case, for the Courier still asks its friends to see that Jodge Bab' keeps it supplied with probate pfinting. The board of public works have done a good job upon S. Unïversity ave. of that fact there is no question. Bat tfee use of city f unds for that purpose was clearly without warrant of law. Had an estímate of the eost of that work been submitted to the common eouncil is safe to gay that that body would never haveappropriatecl 81,000 for that purpose and that is what the board says it cost. The increasedproductioti of gold has a tenileney to cheapen that metal and to that extent raise the general level of prices. Were the increase rapid enough. it would aceomplish what is intended to be accompiished by the remonetization of silver. Jiut this involves the discovery of several more placer g-old fields like those of' California and Australia, which event may safely be classed among the improbabilities. The Register has diseovered a shrink age of something like one fourth in the stone that the city has been buying for Detroit street and South üniversity ave. If the Register has any proof of its charges it should subinit them to the proper authorities. We would suggest, however, that it is possible that the missing stone were lost in that report of the board of public works upon the construction of the Detroit street macadam. The so cailed good roads demonstration Tuesday night could not with propriety be cailed an enthusiastic outpooring of tax payers. While there were a few taxpayers in the lime they were not much more numerous than snow balls in June. College tutors. students, women and children were the distinguishing features in the parade. It was a pleasing and interesting exhibition. The Democrat supposed it was merely intended as such. But if it was intended, as the Times suggests. as a display of political strength in order to bulldoze the city council, it was a very hollow bluff. When the goldile press is not teaching economie fallacy it is hatching up impossible stories about dissention in the silver camp This s the same press that published obituary notices of the silver movement something over a year ago. Yet since the doctors pronounced the silver sentiment dead it has developed into a political movement that in spite of all that money conld do commanded the votes of 6,500,(J00 American citizens more than any party polled at any previous national election. AVere the election to take place toinorrow Bryan coud carry every state in the Union.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat