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Mack & Co.

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TWO DAYSONJ TH STORK BIG LINE SaM:;'jL21 Mens Boys and Childrens Trunks an" Ba8S y J ) J LITTLE í;:;::v:;;,'rs;-,r SU1TS f 1 ftTIIlllÉP SUITS IT!,,, 2„ H00 Stearns Wheels 85 AND g I inches long, three straps, doublé I PANT8 ILUlHIIUi iANTsHif $85mSo: closing at less thaim cost to make. ins:."d..ex!a.hT.Voo $ 55 Mascot Wheels $25 AU öelected Styles. The Best Make. The Newest Cloths. NO AFTER SEASON'S JOB. No Other Trunks and Bags at pleas96 Molel better to be iound m the land, are priced to sell at very little more than half their worth. ing prices. " " -w - " - ' r r "v Ladies' Undermuslins 1 Prices Cut on every Garment to Reduce Stock to the lowest possible point 1 ■"'lvv Empire or Princess gowns trimmèd with A 0?S$á $ëÊ ftlffif) handsome Embroidery and Tucks worth 1.00. 1 tËa ISp iÉL Remodeling Price 69c pflfe:: IP s5vÍÍ% Empire Gowns trimmed with Erab Edge and 1 f W% nmRvl ■! Insertini? with Cluster of Tucks, regular 81.25 1 jtwJ w ÍSr ■? Él! Remodeling Price 89c ■ V 1 filf S ifWh lili -raP're anc' Queen Ann Gowns trimmed with A II' f lifil M II Handsome Embroideries and Inserting, they % Xsgf'i llmUSmÈM are all beauties. Remodeling Price 98c 'WlT Tvvltt' Empire and Priucess Gowns, Extra Fine Mus " , ftLJjp'' 'n trimmed with Handsome Embroidery and 2 ' flHf Inserting, regular $1.50 gems. Remodeling m ff Priop f 1 1 O i Ladies' Muslins Skirts, full width, trimmed with clusgLL M ter of of tucks and with hems Remodeling Price 39c yy Urabrella Shirts, trimmed with Embroidery and Tucks WrMIÊÊBt % worth 1. 25. Remodeling Price 98c Y ËfoËé M Umbrella Shirts, trimmed with Lace Edge and aVpoB j ing, and with Lace Ruffle. Remodeling Price $1.49 fei%W Ê Cambric Umbrella Skirts, trimmed with wide Lace "üHjViL Edge and Inserting, worth $2.50. Remodeling Price C Ladies' Muslin Drawers, Extra Wide, Ê % trimmed with Wide Hem and Cluster of %_,.._ Tucks. Remodeliug Price 2lc A P=== .-- _=j Louis Fuller and Umbrella Drawer, JTTTVWVJ lIT T'TTYvS trimmed with Embroidery and Inserting Af ' i 1 ,1 worth 50c. Remodeling' Price... 29c jJU!!LLlr_.4 Umbrella Drawers, Extra Fine Cotton, C p55'-' '" ' ■ " i Handsomely Trimmed, worth 65 cents. C,., ■,. .__; Remodeling Price 39c Af Fine Cambric Umbrella Drawers, trimmed with Lace and Embroidery worth 81.50. Remodeling Price 98 f Ladies' 'Corset Covers trimmed with Lace and u J terof Tucks 19c Gjïh jllh?i, C Ladies' Square and V Shape Corset Covers, ,fC y M "■ ff J med Embroidery and Tucks, worth 35c. il $MmShJ Af inr Price 2ÍG K WmfíJ Extra Fiue Cambric Corset Cpvers, Handsomely , Mií0&J M Trimmed with Lace aud Embroidery, worth 75c. % Remodeling Price 48 C - ■ , Children's Gowns, Handsomely Trimmed, RemodelE iag Price 39c V% J 20 Doz. Dimity Aprons, worth 18 ets. Remodeling JíllLj % C Price qc 'iiBssJyíií J Ab Spring Underwear Pi 5c will buy a good size, good weight Ladies' Vest, y JV finished equal to the goods showñ at 10c or 15 ets, J Jl 3 cases of them to close at the price 5 cents. AT L01-:1l T H W' buy Ladies Vests, all sizes, regular shape, L worth nearly doublé that amount. M :';á lc W'H uy Ladies' Vest, as good as you will find for L Iflrwlta 'S ■'!■' ' 'C wi' ')UT :l('e:i' Egyptiau Yarn Combinatiou éT Hllf JBffi1 Suits, in the best style of make and excellent ,, Vi 50c will buy Ladies' Combination Suit, beautifully L lp Crocheted Nenk and Sleeves, which would not M Y' k" l look high at $1.00. C f !tv '■'ïlBIlitf 18c wil1 buy Ladies' Extra Large Size Vests, strictly J Mvtlllilf 25c in value E , R 25e will buy your choice of 25 styles Ladies' Vests % wl Wil and Pants of lietter value than yu have ever Ar .i ,:; 7 seen shown at that price. VÈÊÈÊÈf 'C W' 'JU-V as oOÜ(l Underwear here as is possible to i i ' lili purchase in a regular way at 50c. Hl 50c will buy Finest Grade Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan V, : í Vests and Pants, all Elaborately finished of the M Vliiii -; most serviceable and comfortable kind. , L WHI c w u ens French Balbriggan Shirts and mJ lTv Drawers with Satin waist band, extra well-made. "Ww X-- ötc w''l buy Men's Best Balbriggan Shirts and jb siP ers, as good as you'll want to wear. 0 WWSAWWVSAO Lies', iei's & Cïiltoi's les The Saving in anythirtg you buy is au important item to you. Full Line of the " Douglas " Shoes selling at less than cost to replace them. $3.00 Men's Douglas Shoes closing here at $2.25 75 Men's Douglas Shoes closing here at $2.59 i?4.25 Men's Douglas Shoes, ia Cordovan, Kangaroo, Calf, Patent, Grain - no better shoes made - closing at -.$2.99 $2.50 Men's Calf Shoes closing at $1.49 82.00 Boys' Calf Shoes- all sizes- closing at 81.59 $1.50 Misses' Shoes closing at $1.00 5Q and -4.00 Ladies' Finest Made Shoes closiug at 82.66 $3.25, $3.00 and 275 Ladies' Fine Shoes closing at $1.93 $2.00 Ladies' Oxfords - Black and Colored- closing at $1.29 ▼ ' " w r Men's Best Made Clothing 2 L AT LITTLE PRICES. 1 f $18.00 Black Worsted Suits, Sack and Frock $9.85 k 18.00 Best Imported Scotch Cheviot Suits, 9.85 E f 16.50 Fancy Scotch Cheviot Suits 9.85 J k 15.00 Fancy Cheviot and Woasted Suits 9.85 1 13.50 Fancy Cheviots, Cassimeres and Worsted Suits 9.85 é f 12.50 Fine Cheviot Cassimere Suits 8.95 k 12.01) Sawyer Cassimere and Cheviot Suits 6.95 11.50 Pin Checks and Neat Mixtures 6.95 f 10.00 All Wool Cheviot Suits, Extra well-made and k Lined, lOStyles 4.95 m 7.00, 6.50 and 6.00 Suits, all Good Material, well3 k made and well-lined at 4 3.45 1 jBoy's Short and Lonsr Pant Suits] . $1.75 Boys' Union Suits, many styles 1.19 C r 2.50 Boys' Newest All Wool Suits 1.69 J j 3.00 Boys' Newest All Wool Suits, doublé knee and seat . 1.95 J f 3.50 Boys' All Wool Suits, very choice 2.55 k 5.00 Boys' Finest All Wool Scotch Cheviot Suits, C Short and Long Pants 3.65 w 'MEN'S AND BOY'S FURNISHINGS " Men's Best Made Unlaundried Shirts, 7.3c will not buy 3 better, closing at 39c % 50c Men's Best Working Shirts 39c w ► 50c Men's Night Shirts, Good Cotton, Fancy Front, 39c } v 50c Men's Best Suspenderá 36c C 25c Mén's Best Suspenders 18c f 20c 4 ply All Linen Collars, all the new styles lic 25c Men's 4 ply All Linen Cuffs, all styles 17c L 50c Neckties, all shapes 35c f ► 25c Neckties, all shapes 17c V 75c Men's Best Made Overalls 33c # ► $1.00 Men's Working Pmts, warranted no to rip 79c J l 1.39 Men's Working Pants, warranted not to rip $1.00 C 1.50 Men's Working Pants, best made 1.20 M ► 1.60 Men's Wool Pants 1.25 2.25 Men's All Wool Pants, warranted not to rip 1.75 E 2.50 Men's All Wool Pants 1.90 ƒ 2,75 Men's All Wool Pants 2.15 3.50 Men's All Wool Pants 2.75 X ' 4.00 Men's Wool and AVorsted Pants 4.19 ( 5.00 Black and Fancy Worsted Pants 4.19 C 35c Boys' Short Pants closing at 22c M 1 50c Boys' Short Pants closing at 39c A--.: :1JTW L. DOÜGLAS? M m wn wt gentlemen. i x $ÊêL 5 and 4 Dress Shoe. ij pPP ■'ik 3.5O Pólice Shoe. L ' L S3, $2.50, and $2 % iTHIS ISTHE BS5ap % . IT IS A DütY you owe yourself to got the best value for your money Economlze In yoar footwear by purchasing MV. L. Dougla3 Sboe3, whioh represent tbe best value at tb prlces advertiaed as thousar-1'. can testisy. Do you wear them? Af ..Vxlk . . . v - p w r v r [ Ref rigerator Suggéstions. . Wlien buying a refrigerator, remember that the f preservation of perishable food is the most important ' Bl'fl J0! Iral wÉS n mos ref rigerators the air f Beautiful, golden antique oak. Guaranteed to please. Trices f rom $5.50 to $18.00 Screen Doors - Good strong ones, well finished, f 90 cents each. Beautiful, Fancy paneled Screen Doors, finished in the natural wood, 81.50 each. Adjustable f Window Screeñs, fit any window, 25 C, 30c, 35c each. ► Wire Cloth - Reduced in price for one week only, commencing Monday, June 21: ► inch wide, 9%c ayd. 30 inch wide, 12c a yd. 5&, inch wide, lOc a yd. 34 inch wide, 13c ayd. 28 inch wide, ll%c a yd. 36 inch wide, 14c a yd. ► f 12:50 - Warranted Setting Machines. y We've only a few le.ft of those Kew Model Sewing 3L;u-liines. They do the finest kind of sewing. They k vuu easy. They make very little noise when at work. The bearings are of the newest pattern. They have all ► the newest improvements. The finish is the best rubbed and polished. It i fülly guaranteed. The Question is no longer, can yon afford to have a machine? but, can you afford to be without one at the price, $12.50? The Run Easu Laten Motoer - - - Has three finely thempered steel w blades. Is adjustable for cutting grass, ffl long or short. Is very strong, and is Jf , truly deserving of its name, The Run Jjr High grade mowers of this grade are Jjr sold nearly eveiywhere at êr The Store price is lnE8Í!E0fe Garden Hose - Here is the result of a mistake. We bought a large quantity of a good grade of hose to sell at 12c. The season being so rainy has lessened the demand, and we find ourselves overstocked. But we are going to sell this hose. To do it we offer it while present stock lasts at 9c per foot, It is guaranteed to stand the highest city water pressure. OUR FINISHING ROOM. When we say Refinisbing, we don't mean a coat , of varnish over the old. We mean getting down to the wood-to the foundation - then putting on a finish the i equal if not the siqerior of that on your goods when they were new. Mr. J. P. Trojanowski, six years head finisher at the Michigan Furniture Co., and' five years foreman of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. 's finishers, lias charge of our finishing rooms. We feel confident we eau please all parties needing high grade Piano or Furniture finishing at a reasonable pnce. We ould gladly estimates on your work. Our Upholstering Pays. Pays you beeause it is done right, and will stand the wear. Pays us beeause pleasing the customer, it gets us the next job he wants done. DRYGOODS. PÍT FURNITURE. Ph506 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 South Main Street, and 2 and 4 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor.


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