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Siicrifl's Sale. NOTICE Is hereby glven, tbat havlngseized and taken tlie Lands a;ul tenements hereInafter mentioned, by virtue of one cPrtain executlon Issued oui of and under the seal ot the Circuit Court for the Con nty of Washtenaw. 1 11 Chancery, in a certatn eau--'' therein depending whereln John Harrlson. Joel HarrlBon, Mary Brown, Eli.abeih Hrnwn and Esther Broijn are curuplainants and Margaret Harrison is defendant, and to me directed and delivered 1 sliallon tli third diyof August. A. j).. 1897 at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of said (iay. ai the Boutli front doorof tlie Oourt House In the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan. n''11 at public auctloo or vendue to ihe liuhest bidder, all of the rlght, tltle and Interest, of the above named complainants in and to all that certain piece or parcel ol land, sitúate in the townsbip of Superior, County of Wasbtenaw, State oí Michigan, known, boundod'ïitHl described as follows, lowit: The north-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section aumber nlneten (19) Tovn two(2) south, Kanïe Beven (7) east, State of Michigan and coulaining fort y (40; acres of land more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 14. 18D7. WM.JDDSON, 47-53 Sheriff. E. B. NORKtS, of Counsel for Defendant. Estáte or Jolin W. Eisele. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty of Washtena-, O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of fice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the llth day of June, in the year one "thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John W. Eisele. deceased. Onreadingand flling the petition, duly veri fied, of Mary L. Eisele praying that a certain inïtrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be adniitted to probate and that administratioh of said estáte may be rranted to M. J. Cavanaugh or to some other suitable per.-on. Tnereuponttisordered. that Saturday, thel.'th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devicees, leñatees, and heirs at law of said deceased and al! other persons interested in aaid estate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then tob holden at the probate oftlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause,if any there be, why the prayer'of tlie petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that said peicioner give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said pefition. and the hearing thereof, by causing a cupy of this order to be published in Tlie Ann A.rhnr Dmwcrat, a iiewspapcr printed ar.d cireulated in said county three successive weeks 'revious to said day of heaiins. 47 50 H. WIRT NEWKIKK. A truc copy Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehm n. Probate Register. Estáte of Hobert JÍ. C. Seadin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a flession of the probate cour, for thf county of Washtenaw, holden at the orobate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the lst day of July. in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Xewkirk-, Jurtge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Robert B. C. Scaddin, deceased. Edwin Hall, executor of said estáte, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to vender his flnal account as such admin istrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday. the S4th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and ihat the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at tbe probate ofh'ce, in the city of A nu Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be; why the said account should not be allowed SAndit is further ordereu that said administrator give notice to the persons interetted in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causine a ;opy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat. a newspaper printed and circulat-d insaidcountv three successive weeks previous to said dav o' hearing. H. WIRT NEWKIRK, [A true copy.] Jüdge of Probate P. J. Lehhan. Probate Register. 49 52 Etate of Helen E. Handy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session cf the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor. on Thursday the ist day of julj . in tlie year one tnousand eight hundred and ninetv-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte ot Helen E. E-Iandy, deceased. On reading and flling the petition duly verified, of James Handy, praying that the adminstr'tion of said estáte may be granted to himself or some other suitabie person. Thereupon it is ordered. that Saturday. the 24th day of July. next at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be assigned for th.: hearing of said pctition. and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, m the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause f any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner sboulcï not be granted. And it is further ordered. that said petiioner give notice to the persons interested n said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann rboii l)KMOCRAT,a newspaper printed and circuating in said County. three auccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing II. WIRI' NKWKIKK A true cony . 1 Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehuan, Probate Register. v.i .52 Cliancery Notice. State of Mk higan, ) COUNTT OF WaSHI EttA1 . j ■ Suit pending in the circuit cotirt for W; naw County, in Chancery, wherein, Emma ïardiner is complainani and Krank Richard rardiner is defendant. saUsfactory proof appearng to t 1 j ï - - ponrt by a11itla i! on li W thal t lu1 resilence and whereabonts of the eaid defendant ■aniiot be ascertained, ir is ordered that defendint appear and answer the bill of complaint aied n this cause within flve montlia [ram the date ifthie order. ' Dated June 1897. E. D. KINNE, Circntt Judge. VRTIirii BBOWN. Solicitor for Coniplainant viti-i j. f. scnni. j;, _ Keduced RaiLroad Bates. The Ann Arbor Bailroad wilí sell tickets at reduced rates for the íollowing occasions: Baptist Young People's Union of America, Chatanooga, Tenn., July 15 to 18. Epworth League International Convention, Toronto, ünt., July 15 to 18. Epworth League Training Assembly, Ludington, Mich., July 20 to Aug. 16. Island Lake Camp Association. camp meeting at Island Lake, near Brighton, Mich., July 29 to Aug. 31. Inquire at ticket office for further infonnation. E. S. Gilmore, Agent. Aun Arbor Railroad Connection. Since adopting its new train schedule, the Ann Arbor Hailroad makes immediate connections with other lines on its morning trains for Monroe, Pontiac, Lansing, (írand Rapids.Ionia, Manistee and Traverse City; on its afternoon trains for Pontiac, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Ionia, Saginaw, Bay City and Flint. The morniiiü; trains make good connections for Adrían, Ilillsdal, Manchester, Muskegon, Petoskey, Bay Yk-w and Mackinaw City. South-bound trains make connections with all lines out of Toledo. The buats crossing Lake Michigan connect with northbound train through Ann Arbor at 8:43 a. m. for all western and northwestern points. 500-mile books on sale for $10; 1,000-mile f atnily books, good nr two years, for 820. E. S. GriLSiOB Agent. You can get trading stamps with your dry goods at either Schairer & Millen's, or IJ. St. James, BUSINESS DIRECTORY CL. McGUIEE, Lauyerand Notary Pub _ i.ic. Front Offices over & Me chaniCE Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I McKKRNAN, Attorney-at-Law. Colleotioas pro nptlv attende'l to. Monev to .oan Houses and Lots for Sale. Office in Court House MAE5L? WHITING, Oounselor-at Law. Address postofllce box 1Ï96, Ann Arbor Michigan. ' JOHÍ F' LAWBENCE, Attorneyat-Law. T Office. Oorner Fourth and Ann streets, Ann Arbor, M chigan. ( M. MARTIN. Funeral Director and Under nm o er" Clo% Metalic and Common k? DSt?reroom No. 19 East VashinKtOD Teieenor 9 SnCe Corner Uberty and Flfth W W NICHOI.S, Dentist. Rooms over „" ._ Ann Arbir Savings Bank. opnosite Cqurt House square. VITALIZED AIR admimstered It is agreeable and easy to take andno prostratiner effects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. JOHN BAUMCARTNER Snccessor to Anton Eisele. - DEALER II, - American and Imoorted Granite - AKD - MARBLE of all KINDS, Stone, Stone Walks, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed; Handle irom the smallest to the largest wort in all its Branches. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catherine sts. - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Blue Streak What is it ? Why it's the most effective Insect Destróyer produced to-day, the result of prolouged scieotific and practical observatiou by prominent agricultmïsts. Hellebor Kerosene Emulsión Paris Green London Purple Blue Vitriol ïrue Dalmatian Insect Powder for spraying mixtures, at LOW PRICES. Blue Streak gives satisfaction whereever used. Lenox Hand Atomizers and Sprayers. Blue Streak the most economical and effective Insect killer on the market. Eberbach & Son AMERICAN SILVER I k s reUSSa 'v--''rr-.'''' LICHT.) Xi? COCL, T.zsy ie VYear. ! Retains .lío prBssui :i Sevej'est Y i . . li ■ ( wkh Comlort. t Kovcr taovci. i . AT 290 Hain =t.. BUFPALO, N. Y. FOK SALE AT ll&n&'s Bfü Store 39 S. MAIN ST. THE RUG TüuSSk-T THE ANN ARBOR Fluff Rug Co. is goiüg give out to its custoraers eau be seen at the Factory 47-40 W. HUBOK St. CASTINGS Have tbem made at the ANN ARBOR FOUNDRY 49 W. Huron St, PIotc castings, and castings of All Kinds made to order. M. J. CAVANAUGH, Attorney-at-Law lïooms 1 and ;i avings Bank It Ik., ANN ARBOR, NICH.


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Ann Arbor Democrat